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11.09.2024 | Research Paper

Effects of a multicomponent training and detraining on frailty status, physical activity level, sedentary behavior patterns and physical performance of pre-frail older adults: a randomized controlled trial

verfasst von: Bianca Ferdin Carnavale, Vinícius Ramon da Silva Santos, Ana Claudia Silva Farche, Paulo Giusti Rossi, Elie Fiogbé, Marcele Stephanie de Souza Buto, Verena de Vassimon-Barroso, Anielle Cristhine de Medeiros Takahashi

Erschienen in: European Geriatric Medicine | Ausgabe 6/2024

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Key summary points


This study aims to evaluate the effects of a multicomponent training protocol and detraining on frailty status, physical activity level, sedentary behavior patterns, and physical performance in pre-frail older adults.


Pre-frail older adults who participated in a 16-week multicomponent exercise program significantly reversed their frailty status and improved their gait speed, with these improvements being maintained after 6 weeks of follow-up. No significant changes were found in physical activity level, sedentary behavior patterns, and other physical performance variables.


Multicomponent exercise is a significant strategy for reversing frailty status and improving gait speed in pre-frail older adults.
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Zurück zum Zitat Buto MSS, Fiogbé E, Vassimon-Barroso V, Rossi PG, Farche AC, Carnavale BF et al (2019) Pre-frail multicomponent training intervention project for complexity of biological signals, functional capacity and cognition improvement in pre-frail older adults: a blinded randomized controlled study protocol. Geriatr Gerontol Int 19:684–689. Buto MSS, Fiogbé E, Vassimon-Barroso V, Rossi PG, Farche AC, Carnavale BF et al (2019) Pre-frail multicomponent training intervention project for complexity of biological signals, functional capacity and cognition improvement in pre-frail older adults: a blinded randomized controlled study protocol. Geriatr Gerontol Int 19:684–689. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1111/​ggi.​13672CrossRefPubMed
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Effects of a multicomponent training and detraining on frailty status, physical activity level, sedentary behavior patterns and physical performance of pre-frail older adults: a randomized controlled trial
verfasst von
Bianca Ferdin Carnavale
Vinícius Ramon da Silva Santos
Ana Claudia Silva Farche
Paulo Giusti Rossi
Elie Fiogbé
Marcele Stephanie de Souza Buto
Verena de Vassimon-Barroso
Anielle Cristhine de Medeiros Takahashi
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
European Geriatric Medicine / Ausgabe 6/2024
Elektronische ISSN: 1878-7657

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