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11.08.2023 | Research letter

Efficacy and safety of digital single-operator cholangioscopy-guided laser lithotripsy for remnant cystic duct stone—A single tertiary care center experience

verfasst von: Radhika Chavan, Vatsal Bachkaniwala, Chaiti Gandhi, Vivek Joshi, Sanjay Rajput

Erschienen in: Indian Journal of Gastroenterology | Ausgabe 4/2024

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Cystic duct stone (CDS) is considered difficult bile duct stone to manage by conventional endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) [1]. CDS can present with biliary colic, obstructive jaundice and Mirizzi syndrome. The incidence of remnant cystic duct stone has increased (16%) after the widespread use of laparoscopic cholecystectomy [2]. CDS after cholecystectomy poses unique diagnostic and therapeutic challenge with limited treatment options, including surgery. Surgery can be dicey in this situation due to scarring and adhesions from the previous surgery and may require conversion of laparoscopic to open surgery in 17% [3]. Although ERCP is an alternative option to surgery, cannulation and stone retrieval from the cystic duct with conventional methods can be technically challenging [4]. Cholangioscopy-guided laser lithotripsy has been shown to be a safe and effective modality for difficult bile duct stones, cystic duct calculi and Mirizzi syndrome [57]. However, there is a dearth of data on the role of cholangioscopy in CDS after cholecystectomy. In this study, we aimed at seeing the feasibility and effectivity of cholangioscopy-guided laser lithotripsy in remnant CDS (Table 1).
Table 1
Peri-procedural characteristics of laser lithotripsy of remnant cystic duct stones
No. of patients
Age in years, median (range)
45.5 (26–71)
Gender, male: female
ERCP for CBD stone prior to cholecystectomy
Diagnosis of cystic duct stone post-cholecystectomy
 At the time of CBD stent removal
5 (Biliary colic-3, jaundice-1 and cholangitis-1)
Cystic duct stone size into mm, median (range)
14 (6–20)
No. of cystic duct stone
 Single stone
 Two/three stones
Balloon sphincteroplasty performed/extended before lithotripsy
12 (10 mm n = 4, 12 mm n = 6 and 15 mm n = 2)
Temporary biliary SEMS placement for distal CBD narrowing before cholangioscope insertion
Mechanical lithotripsy before laser lithotripsy
Technical success of cystic duct cannulation
Complete cystic duct clearance in first session of laser lithotripsy
Sessions of lithotripsy
 1 session
 2 sessions
Duration of laser applied in minutes, median (range)
20 (10–35)
Whole procedure duration in minutes, median (range)
57.5 (30–90)
Post-laser lithotripsy stenting
 CBD stenting
22 (1 stent n = 21 and 2 stents n = 1)
 Both cystic and CBD stenting
Adverse events
Cholangitis-1, mild acute pancreatitis-1
Average duration of stent removal on follow-up, weeks
  4 (1–8)
Follow-up, months in median (range)
17 (3–54)
CBD common bile duct, ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography, SEMS self-expandable metallic stent
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Efficacy and safety of digital single-operator cholangioscopy-guided laser lithotripsy for remnant cystic duct stone—A single tertiary care center experience
verfasst von
Radhika Chavan
Vatsal Bachkaniwala
Chaiti Gandhi
Vivek Joshi
Sanjay Rajput
Springer India
Erschienen in
Indian Journal of Gastroenterology / Ausgabe 4/2024
Print ISSN: 0254-8860
Elektronische ISSN: 0975-0711

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