Emergency surgery for colorectal cancer does not affect nodal harvest comparing elective procedures: a propensity score-matched analysis
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Gianluca Costa, Laura Lorenzon, Giulia Massa, Barbara Frezza, Mario Ferri, Pietro Fransvea, Paolo Mercantini, Maria Cristina Giustiniani, Genoveffa Balducci
About 30% of colorectal cancers (CRCs) present with acute symptoms. The adequacy of oncologic resections is a matter of concern since few authors reported that emergency surgery in these patients results in a lower lymph node harvest (LNH). In addition, emergency resections have been reported with a longer hospital stay and higher morbidity rate. We thus conducted a propensity score-matched analysis with the aim of investigating LNH in emergency specimens comparing with elective ones. Secondary aim was the comparison of morbidity and hospital stay.
Eighty-seven consecutive R0 emergency surgical procedures were matched with elective CRCs using the propensity score method and the following covariates: age, sex, stage, and localization. Groups were compared using univariate and multivariate analyses. Outcome measures were LNH, nodal ratio, Clavien’s morbidity grades, and hospital stay.
Emergency patients presented more metastatic nodes compared with elective ones (p 0.017); however, both presented a comparable mean LNH. Multivariate analysis documented that a T stage ≥3 was the only variable correlated with a nodal positivity (OR 6.3). On univariate analysis, emergency CRCs had a longer mean hospital stay compared with elective resections (p 0.006) and a higher rate of Clavien ≥4 events (p 0.0173). Finally, emergency resection and an age >66 years were variables independently correlated with a mean hospital stay >10 days (OR, respectively, 3.7 and 3.5).
Emergency CRC resections were equivalent to the elective procedures with respect to LNH. However, emergency surgery correlated with a longer mean hospital stay.
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