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European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology

Ausgabe 8/2024

Inhalt (40 Artikel)

Optimal inputs for machine learning models in predicting total joint arthroplasty outcomes: a systematic review

  • General Review

Parshva A. Sanghvi, Aakash K. Shah, Christian J. Hecht, Amir H. Karimi, Atul F. Kamath

Patellar tendon restoration techniques: a systematic review of outcomes for repair and reconstruction methods

  • General Review

Luc M. Fortier, Jeremy M. Adelstein, Margaret A. Sinkler, Andrew J. Moyal, Robert J. Burkhart, Ajit M. Vakharia, Suhas P. Dasari, Jorge Chahla

Management of hip osteoarthritis: harnessing the potential of mesenchymal stem cells—a systematic review

  • Open Access
  • General Review

Riccardo Giorgino, Mario Alessandri Bonetti, Filippo Migliorini, Alessandra Nannini, Luca Vaienti, Giuseppe Michele Peretti, Laura Mangiavini

Is delayed time to surgery associated with increased postoperative complications in patients with pathologic humerus fractures?

  • Original Article

Emma Smolev, Richard M. Marchese, Varun Sriram, Ryan Lebens, David E. Komatsu, Edward D. Wang

Operative treatment of clavicle fractures results in more opioids prescribed as compared to non-operative management

  • Original Article

Lucas S. Marchand, Makoa Mau, Andrew Stephens, Justin M. Haller, Thomas F. Higgins, David L. Rothberg

Comparative analysis of the quality of the cement mantle in hip hemiarthroplasty after femoral neck fracture between three different surgical approaches: a single-center retrospective observational study

  • Original Article

Enrique A. Vargas-Meouchi, Diego Gonzalez-Morgado, Kushal Lakhani, Andrés Aliaga-Martínez, Iñaki Mimendia, Diego Soza

Are positional screws superior to lag screws in fixation of medial malleolar fractures? A randomized controlled trial

  • Original Article

Ahmed Afifi, Ahmed O. Sabry, Sherif A. Khaled, Emad A. Abdel-Ati

Preoperative SSRI use increases perioperative transfusion need in patients undergoing surgical procedures on the hip joint

  • Original Article

Amir Human Hoveidaei, Amirhossein Ghaseminejad-Raeini, Mohammad Sadegh Fallahi, Adrina Habibzadeh, Mohammad Saeid Khonji, Basilia Onyinyechukwu Nwankwo, Sarensa Palikhey, Janet D. Conway

Bleeding disorder increases the risks of complications following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair

  • Original Article

Sophie L. Bernstein, Theodore Quan, Alyssa Schreiber, Philip M. Parel, Rachel Ranson, Sean Tabaie, Zachary R. Zimmer, Teresa Doerre

Dynamic change of acetabular component position in total hip arthroplasty based on the spinopelvic classification: a prospective radiographic study

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Shigeo Hagiwara, Yuya Kawarai, Junichi Nakamura, Yuki Shiko, Rui Hirasawa, Seiji Ohtori

Functional and radiological outcomes of total knee arthroplasty using posterior-stabilized U2 knee system: A retrospective study in 560 cases at five years of follow-up

  • Original Article

Germán Garabano, Joaquín Aníbal Rodriguez, Leonel Perez Alamino, Hernán Del Sel, Cesar Angel Pesciallo

Free bone fragments are associated with the development of heterotopic ossification after hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fracture: a retrospective observational study

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Hiroyuki Yokoi, Yasuhiko Takegami, Satoshi Ochiai, Takumi Miyachi, Tetsuya Urasaki, Shiro Imagama

Long head of biceps tendon autograft is effective in the management of large to massive rotator cuff tear: a systematic review

  • Original Article

Natalie Green, Robert W. Jordan, Tanujan Thangarajah, Hubert Laprus, Jarret Woodmass, Peter D’Alessandro, Shahbaz S. Malik

Short-term primary and revision modular dual-mobility cup total hip arthroplasty outcomes in high-risk dislocation patients: a retrospective study

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Martta Ruusiala, Hannu Miettinen, Jukka Kettunen, Heikki Kröger, Simo Miettinen

Diamond-like carbon (DLC) surface treatment decreases biofilm burden by S. aureus on titanium alloy in vitro— a pilot study

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Anabelle Visperas, Kaixi Cui, Md. Masud Alam, Shonali Subramanian, Evan Butsch, Alison K. Klika, Anna Cristina Samia, Nicolas S. Piuzzi

The duration of antibiotic therapy for fracture related infection does not affect recurrence but leads to increased adverse effects: a comparison among 6, 12 and 24 weeks of treatment

  • Original Article

Túlio Vinícius de Oliveira Campos, Marco Antônio Percope de Andrade, Marcelo de Oliveira e Britto Perucci, Felipe Maciel Santos, Rafael Luiz de Pinho Teixeira Mourão, Robinson Esteves Pires, Simony da Silva Gonçalves, Edna Marileia Meireles Leite

Volar locking and angular stability plate for treatment of comminuted scaphoid fractures: a case series of 44 cases

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

L. Marzella, S. Filistad, A. Lazzerini, A. Cannella, G. Sassara, L. Caruso, R. De Vitis

Comparative analysis of patient-reported outcomes in total knee arthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty: adjusting for demographic influences

  • Original Article

Kentaro Iwakiri, Shingo Maeda, Yoichi Ohta, Yukihide Minoda, Akio Kobayashi, Hiroaki Nakamura

The acetabularization index: a novel measure of acromial bone loss prior to reverse shoulder arthroplasty

  • Original Article

Abdelkader Shekhbihi, Philipp Moroder, Abdelhady Abdalla, Winfried Reichert, Markus Scheibel, Mohammad Masoud

Functional and subjective outcomes after surgical management of complex elbow dislocations: a retrospective study

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Riccardo Giai Via, Carlotta Faccenda, Stefano Artiaco, Elisa Dutto, Alessandro Dario Lavia, Alessandro Massè, Bruno Battiston

Posterior tibial slope angle in contact versus non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries

  • Original Article

Samuel R. Montgomery Jr, Sharif Garra, Michael Moore, Sarah Levitt, Robyn Lipschultz, Eric Strauss, Daniel Kaplan, Laith Jazrawi

Outcomes of sciatic neurolysis in chronic hamstring tears: a retrospective case series

  • Original Article

Wendell W. Cole, Larry Chen, Isabel Wolfe, Ryan Isber, Robyn A. Lipschultz, Michael R. Moore, Thomas Youm

Trends in inpatient versus outpatient upper extremity fracture surgery from 2008 to 2021 and their implications for equitable access: a retrospective cohort study

  • Original Article

Clay B. Beagles, Ian T. Watkins, Aron Lechtig, Philip Blazar, Neal C. Chen, Jonathan Lans

L5-S1 facet joint pathology in pelvic ring injuries

  • Original Article

Nicholas C. Danford, Celeste Tavolaro, Suzanna Ohlsen, Bilal Khilfeh, Julie Agel, Michael Githens, Conor Kleweno, Carlo Bellabarba, Reza Firoozabadi

Non-union of the greater tuberosity in patients undergoing reverse total shoulder arthroplasty for proximal humerus fracture: Is it associated with worse outcomes?

  • Original Article

Dimitrios V. Papadopoulos, Vasiliki Kakogeorgou, James R. Mullen, Vasileios Kontogeorgakos, Vasileios S. Nikolaou, George Babis

Functional outcome and histologic analysis of late onset total type brachial plexus injury treated with intercostal nerve transfer to median nerve with local umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells or secretome injection: a double-blinded, randomized control study

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Wahyu Widodo, Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo, Achmad Fauzi Kamal, Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto, Puspita Eka Wuyung, Nurjati Chairani Siregar, Fitri Octaviana, Aria Kekalih, Heri Suroto, Wildan Latief, Witantra Dhamar Hutami

Buried filet of limb flaps for the reconstruction of forequarter and hindquarter amputations

  • Original Article

Jason Lin, Rosemarie Rinfret-Paquet, Camilo Molina, Matthew Goodwin, David Brogan, Regis O’Keefe, Ian English, Mitchell A. Pet

Placing the tibial component of an ankle prosthesis: results of a CT-based simulation in healthy adults

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Patrick Gahr, Josephine Wittmüß, Heiner Martin, Thomas Beyer, Dagmar-C. Fischer, Thomas Mittlmeier

A match-pair analysis of single row vs transosseous equivalent double row in massive posterosuperior rotator cuff tears in patients > 70 years old

  • Original Article

Christos Koukos, Vasileios Giannatos, Andreas Panagopoulos, Zinon Kokkalis, David Latz, Kerem Bilsel, Arrigoni Paolo, Fredy Montoya

Clinical evaluation of a multiplex PCR-based test for joint infection: a prospective diagnostic accuracy study of forty-nine patients

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Jacob Lund-Andersen, Matilde L. H. Petersen, Krassimir Kostadinov, Lennart Friis-Hansen, Henrik Calum, Søren Overgaard

A comprehensive scoring system for the diagnosis and staging of adhesive capsulitis: development, application, and implications

  • Open Access
  • Technical Note

Fabio Vita, Danilo Donati, Roberto Tedeschi, Marco Miceli, Paolo Spinnato, Flavio Origlio, Enrico Guerra, Marco Cavallo, Salvatore Massimo Stella, Luigi Tarallo, Giuseppe Porcellini, Stefano Galletti, Cesare Faldini

Supraclavicular versus infraclavicular brachial plexus block in upper limb orthopaedic surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

  • Up-to date Review and Case Report

Duncan Muir, Joshua Cara, Richard Morris, Jack Whiting, Ali Narvani, Ahmed Elgebaly, Namita Sharma, Mohamed A. Imam

Bilateral thigh compartment syndrome following intraoperative pelvic binder reduction of open pelvic fracture: a case report and review of literature

  • Open Access
  • Up-to date Review and Case Report

Phillip Chung, Ian G. Hasegawa, Andrew M. Duong, Soroush Shabani, Joseph T. Patterson

Proximal avulsion of the hamstring in young athlete patients: a case series and review of literature

  • Open Access
  • Up-to date Review and Case Report

Alberto Castelli, Matteo Parenti, Gianluca Tirone, Marco Spera, Flavio Azzola, Giacomo Zanon, Federico Alberto Grassi, Eugenio Jannelli


Grundlagenwissen der Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie erweitert durch Fallbeispiele, Videos und Abbildungen. Zur Fortbildung und Wissenserweiterung, verfasst und geprüft von Expertinnen und Experten der Gesellschaft für Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie (AGA).

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Aerobes Training hilft bei Fibromyalgie

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MedTalk Leitlinie KOMPAKT: S3-Leitline zu peripheren Nervenverletzungen

  • Webinar | 10.02.2025 | 13:00

Über den Weg zur finalen Fassung der S3-Leitlinie "Versorgung peripherer Nervenverletzungen" sprechen Prof. Dr. Leila Harhaus-Wähner und Ressortleiter Dr. Gunter Freese im WebTalk Leitlinie KOMPAKT, einer neuen Webcast-Serie von SpringerMedizin passend zu Ihrem Fachmagazin Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie Mitteilungen und Nachrichten. In dem kurzen Video geht es darum, was sich im Vergleich zur vorigen Fassung der Leitlinie geändert hat, welche Aspekte für die tägliche Praxis besonders wichtig sind und was jeder gemäß Leitlinie nun anders oder besser machen sollte.

Zi veröffentlicht Ranking zur Fehleranfälligkeit gängiger Praxis-EDV

Welches Praxisverwaltungssystem macht am wenigsten Probleme? Das Zi dokumentiert jetzt detaillierte Produktbewertungen zu 17 konkreten Anwendungssituationen.

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