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24.10.2022 | Original Article

Evaluating Portal Vein and Right Colon Venous Vascular Anatomy and Its Variations via Multidetector CT in Healthy Individuals

verfasst von: Server Sezgin Uludag, Seda Aladag Kurt, Deniz Esin Tekcan Sanli, Ahmet Necati Sanli, Onur Tutar, Abdullah Kagan Zengin, Mehmet Faik Ozcelik

Erschienen in: Indian Journal of Surgery | Ausgabe 6/2022

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To evaluate the anatomical variations of the portal vein and right colonic and gastro-pancreatic-colic venous vascular structures by MDCT (multidetector computed tomography). In cases who applied for dynamic abdominal MDCT examination with various indications, the occurrence of Henle trunk (HT), venous vascular formations and variations of HT (type Ia-b-c; IIa-b-c), the relationship of ileocolic and right colic artery with superior mesenteric vein (anterior–posterior), portal vein types by the origin of the right branch (1–2-3–4-5-miscellaneous), and differences by gender were evaluated retrospectively. Of the cases (600) who participated in the study, HT was detected in 81.2% (n: 487) of the cases, and the most common type of HT was type Ia (39.7%). The incidence of type Ia in women (p: 0.007; p < 0.01) and type 1b in men (p: 0.043; p 0.05) was found to be statistically significantly high. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in terms of gender in other types of HT. While the most common portal vein type was type 1 (n: 350) at a rate of 58.3%, there was no significant difference between portal vein types by gender (p > 0.05). In the process of stomach, colon, and pancreatic surgery, especially during laparoscopic and robotic surgical operations, mastering important anatomical variations such as HT in terms of vascular ligation, lymph node dissection, mesocolic excision, and bleeding control is an important factor affecting the success of the operation and postoperative prognosis.
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Evaluating Portal Vein and Right Colon Venous Vascular Anatomy and Its Variations via Multidetector CT in Healthy Individuals
verfasst von
Server Sezgin Uludag
Seda Aladag Kurt
Deniz Esin Tekcan Sanli
Ahmet Necati Sanli
Onur Tutar
Abdullah Kagan Zengin
Mehmet Faik Ozcelik
Springer India
Erschienen in
Indian Journal of Surgery / Ausgabe 6/2022
Print ISSN: 0972-2068
Elektronische ISSN: 0973-9793

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