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07.06.2022 | Original Article

Evaluation of preoperative cutaneous fistula as a risk factor for recurrence of thyroglossal duct cyst in children

verfasst von: Céline Bory, Marie-Eva Rossi, Olivier Bory, Richard Nicollas, Eric Moreddu

Erschienen in: European Journal of Pediatrics | Ausgabe 8/2022

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The aim of this study is to investigate the risk factors for recurrence after thyroglossal duct cyst (TGDC) surgery, differentiating between infections with and without a cutaneous fistula. This is a retrospective analysis of all paediatric TGDC in a tertiary care centre with at least 2 years of postoperative follow-up. One hundred and thirty-one patients met the inclusion criteria of the study. A multivariate analysis was performed to analyse the main risk factors for recurrence (presence of a fistula, infection, age). 116/131 patients were managed primarily in our institution; 15 patients had previously been operated on in another centre. The recurrence rate was 4.3% (5/116) when the patient was operated on in our institution at the first operation, and overall, recurrence of TGDC occurred in 20/131 (15.3%) patients. Age was not a risk factor for recurrence (p = 0.596). Two or more episodes of preoperative TGDC infection were a statistically significant risk factor in univariate analysis (p = 0.021) but not in multivariate analysis adjusted for age and the presence of a cutaneous fistula (p = 0.385). In multivariate analysis, cutaneous fistula formation was an independent risk factor for recurrence when adjusted for age and preoperative TGDC infection (Hazard ratio = 5.35; p = 0.011).
Conclusions: A preoperative cutaneous fistula was a critical and independent risk factor for recurrence of operated TGDC, whereas age and TGDC infection were not identified as risk factors for recurrence after surgery. This information should be given to patients and parents before surgery.
What is Known:
• The risk factors for recurrence after thyroglossal duct cyst surgery described in the literature are preoperative infection and young age, but this is not supported by strong evidence.
• The role of cutaneous fistula formation is unclear.
What is New:
• The main risk factor for recurrence of TGDC is the presence of a preoperative cutaneous fistula, with an estimated hazard ratio of 4.95 (p = 0.016) in multivariate analysis.
The presence of two preoperative infections was also associated with a greater risk of recurrence in univariate analysis; age and gender were not associated with an increased risk of recurrence.
Evaluation of preoperative cutaneous fistula as a risk factor for recurrence of thyroglossal duct cyst in children
verfasst von
Céline Bory
Marie-Eva Rossi
Olivier Bory
Richard Nicollas
Eric Moreddu
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erschienen in
European Journal of Pediatrics / Ausgabe 8/2022
Print ISSN: 0340-6199
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-1076

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