Ausgabe 6/2019
Inhalt (20 Artikel)
The use of motor imagery training to retain the performance improvement following physical practice in the elderly
- Research Article
Célia Ruffino, Julien Bourrelier, Charalambos Papaxanthis, France Mourey, Florent Lebon
The effects of speed of execution on upper-limb kinematics in activities of daily living with respect to age
- Research Article
Philipp Gulde, S. Schmidle, A. Aumüller, J. Hermsdörfer
c-Fos expression in the limbic thalamus following thermoregulatory and wake–sleep changes in the rat
- Research Article
Marco Luppi, Matteo Cerri, Alessia Di Cristoforo, Timna Hitrec, Daniela Dentico, Flavia Del Vecchio, Davide Martelli, Emanuele Perez, Domenico Tupone, Giovanni Zamboni, Roberto Amici
Modulation of gait inter-limb coordination in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy after intensive upper extremity intervention
- Research Article
Alexis N. Sidiropoulos, Siyun Chen, Terry R. M. Kaminski, Andrew M. Gordon
Going offline: differences in the contributions of movement control processes when reaching in a typical versus novel environment
- Research Article
Darrin O. Wijeyaratnam, Romeo Chua, Erin K. Cressman
Short-latency afferent-induced facilitation and inhibition as predictors of thermally induced variations in corticomotor excitability
- Research Article
Yekta Ansari, François Tremblay
Contribution of corticospinal drive to ankle plantar flexor muscle activation during gait in adults with cerebral palsy
- Research Article
Rasmus Feld Frisk, Jakob Lorentzen, Jens Bo Nielsen
Spinal reciprocal inhibition in the co-contraction of the lower leg depends on muscle activity ratio
- Research Article
Ryo Hirabayashi, Mutsuaki Edama, Sho Kojima, Wataru Ito, Emi Nakamura, Takanori Kikumoto, Hideaki Onishi
Modeling the effects of medial olivocochlear efferent stimulation at the level of the inferior colliculus
- Research Article
T. J. M. Kwan, M. S. A. Zilany, E. Davies-Venn, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab
Dose of remote limb ischemic conditioning for enhancing learning in healthy young adults
- Research Article
Anna E. Mattlage, Ellen N. Sutter, Marghuretta D. Bland, Swati M. Surkar, Jeffrey M. Gidday, Jin-Moo Lee, Tamara Hershey, Ling Chen, Catherine E. Lang
The effect of experimental pain on short-interval intracortical inhibition with multi-locus transcranial magnetic stimulation
- Open Access
- Research Article
Karita S.-T. Salo, Selja M. I. Vaalto, Lari M. Koponen, Jaakko O. Nieminen, Risto J. Ilmoniemi
Microstimulation-induced inhibition of thalamic reticular nucleus in non-human primates
- Research Article
Jennifer Lymer, Ian A. Prescott, Ron Levy
The effect of sevoflurane and isoflurane anesthesia on single unit and local field potentials
- Research Article
Daniil P. Aksenov, Michael J. Miller, Conor J. Dixon, Alice M. Wyrwicz
The nociceptive withdrawal response of the tail in the spinalized rat employs a hybrid categorical–continuous spatial mapping strategy
- Research Article
Christina M. Bence, Corey L. Cleland
Neurophysiological, neuropsychological, and cognitive effects of 30 days of isolation
- Research Article
Jan Weber, Florian Javelle, Timo Klein, Tina Foitschik, Brian Crucian, Stefan Schneider, Vera Abeln
Improved tactile frequency discrimination in musicians
- Research Article
Andréanne Sharp, M. S. Houde, M. Maheu, I. Ibrahim, F. Champoux
Force perception at the shoulder after a unilateral suprascapular nerve block
- Research Article
David Phillips, Peter Kosek, Andrew Karduna