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11.08.2023 | IM - CASE RECORD

Fever and dyspnea after anti-Covid-19 vaccination: a challenging diagnosis

verfasst von: Mariangela Palladino, Martina Del Vecchio, Simone Farroni, Ottavio Martellucci, Antonietta Gigante, Cristiano Alessandri, Maurizio Muscaritoli

Erschienen in: Internal and Emergency Medicine | Ausgabe 3/2024

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There is still little information regarding the long-term safety of the vaccines. We report a case of new-onset adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) that occurred following Covid-19 vaccination. This patient went to the emergency room with dyspnea from the last two weeks and bilateral swellings that occurred several weeks after the first vaccination. Based on the symptoms and laboratory results, we suspected AOSD. Considering the time relationship between Covid-19 vaccination and AOSD onset in our patient, and possible mechanisms linking vaccination with the onset of autoimmune disorders, physicians should consider adverse events from Covid-19 vaccination and assess the benefits and risks of vaccination for each patient.
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Fever and dyspnea after anti-Covid-19 vaccination: a challenging diagnosis
verfasst von
Mariangela Palladino
Martina Del Vecchio
Simone Farroni
Ottavio Martellucci
Antonietta Gigante
Cristiano Alessandri
Maurizio Muscaritoli
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
Internal and Emergency Medicine / Ausgabe 3/2024
Print ISSN: 1828-0447
Elektronische ISSN: 1970-9366

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