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08.04.2021 | PHASE I STUDIES

First-in-human evaluation of the novel mitochondrial complex I inhibitor ASP4132 for treatment of cancer

verfasst von: Filip Janku, Patricia LoRusso, Aaron S. Mansfield, Rita Nanda, Alexander Spira, Tianli Wang, Amal Melhem-Bertrandt, Jennifer Sugg, Howard A. Ball

Erschienen in: Investigational New Drugs | Ausgabe 5/2021

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Background We assessed the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of mitochondrial complex 1 inhibitor ASP4132. Methods This phase I dose-escalation/dose-expansion study enrolled patients with treatment refractory advanced solid tumors to assess safety, dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs), efficacy and pharmacokinetic or oral ASP4132. Results Overall, 39 patients received ASP4132. Acceptable tolerability of ASP4132 5 mg in the first patient led to enrollment in the 10-mg dose cohort. After two DLTs at the 10-mg dose, additional patients were enrolled in the 5-mg cohort; a 7.5-mg cohort and two intermittent-dosing cohorts (ASP4132 10 mg for 3 days, then 4 days off; ASP4132 15 mg for 1 day, then 6 days off). ASP4132 5 mg was well tolerated; however, multiple DLTs such as fatigue, mental status changes, dizziness, lactic acidosis, enteritis, and posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome were observed in higher dose cohorts (7.5-mg and intermittent 10-mg and 15-mg dose cohorts). Stable disease (+ 4 % to + 15 %) was observed in 8/39 (20.5 %) patients. ASP4132 plasma pharmacokinetics were characterized by high variability, with rapid absorption and accumulation from slow elimination. Conclusions ASP4132 showed limited clinical activity, and DLTs prohibited dose escalation. Further research is required to determine if DLTs will limit clinical activity of other mitochondrial complex I inhibitors. Clinical Trial ID ( NCT02383368, March 9, 2015.
Nur mit Berechtigung zugänglich
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Zurück zum Zitat Yap TA, Ahnert JR, Piha-Paul SA, Fu S, Janku F, Karp DD, Naing A, Dumbrava EEI, Pant S, Subbiah V, Tsimberidou AM, Hong DS, Rose KM, Xu Q, Vellano CP, Mahendra M, Jones P, Di Francesco ME, Marszalek JR, Meric-Bernstam F (2019) Phase I trial of IACS-010759 (IACS), a potent, selective inhibitor of complex I of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors. J Clin Oncol 37(15_suppl):3014CrossRef Yap TA, Ahnert JR, Piha-Paul SA, Fu S, Janku F, Karp DD, Naing A, Dumbrava EEI, Pant S, Subbiah V, Tsimberidou AM, Hong DS, Rose KM, Xu Q, Vellano CP, Mahendra M, Jones P, Di Francesco ME, Marszalek JR, Meric-Bernstam F (2019) Phase I trial of IACS-010759 (IACS), a potent, selective inhibitor of complex I of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors. J Clin Oncol 37(15_suppl):3014CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Rha SY, Beom SHB, Kim GM, Shin YG, Yim D-S, Kim HS, Chang JH, Cheong J-H, Lee YW, Chong YS, O’Neill V, Yoo SH, Janku, F (2019) Phase I study of an oxidative phosphorylation inhibitor IM156 in patients with advaned solid tumors. In: American Associaiton for Cancer Research, Atlanta, p CT021/016 Rha SY, Beom SHB, Kim GM, Shin YG, Yim D-S, Kim HS, Chang JH, Cheong J-H, Lee YW, Chong YS, O’Neill V, Yoo SH, Janku, F (2019) Phase I study of an oxidative phosphorylation inhibitor IM156 in patients with advaned solid tumors. In: American Associaiton for Cancer Research, Atlanta, p CT021/016
First-in-human evaluation of the novel mitochondrial complex I inhibitor ASP4132 for treatment of cancer
verfasst von
Filip Janku
Patricia LoRusso
Aaron S. Mansfield
Rita Nanda
Alexander Spira
Tianli Wang
Amal Melhem-Bertrandt
Jennifer Sugg
Howard A. Ball
Springer US
Erschienen in
Investigational New Drugs / Ausgabe 5/2021
Print ISSN: 0167-6997
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-0646

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