Ausgabe 2/2019
Inhalt (30 Artikel)
Identification of a broad spectrum of mammalian and avian species using the short fragment of the mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b gene
- Original Article
Marko Andrejevic, Milica Keckarevic Markovic, Biljana Bursac, Milica Mihajlovic, Vanja Tanasic, Miljana Kecmanovic, Dusan Keckarevic
The genetic profile of bone marrow transplant patients in different samples of forensic interest
- Original Article
Elena Sanz-Piña, Ana Santurtún, Javier Freire, Javier Gómez-Román, Mercedes Colorado, María T. Zarrabeitia
Frequency of macroscopic intradural hemorrhage with and without subdural hemorrhage in early childhood autopsies
- Open Access
- Original Article
Emma C. Cheshire, Mike J. P. Biggs, Frances E. Hollingbury, Virginia L. Fitzpatrick-Swallow, Thomas R. A. Prickett, Roger D. G. Malcomson
Sex estimation using the mandibular canine index components
- Original Article
Álvaro Azevedo, Maria Lurdes Pereira, Sónia Gouveia, João Nuno Tavares, Inês Morais Caldas
VirtoScan-on-Rails – an automated 3D imaging system for fast post-mortem whole-body surface documentation at autopsy tables
- Original Article
Sören Kottner, Sarah Schaerli, Martin Fürst, Wolfgang Ptacek, Michael Thali, Dominic Gascho
Post-mortem MRI-based volumetry of the hippocampus in forensic cases of decedents with severe mental illness
- Original Article
J. R. Busch, S. B. Lundemose, N. Lynnerup, C. Jacobsen, M. B. Jørgensen, J. Banner
Isolated condylar fractures diagnosed by post mortem computed tomography
- Open Access
- Original Article
Aleksandra Borowska-Solonynko, Victoria Prokopowicz, Dorota Samojłowicz, Małgorzata Brzozowska, Jarosław Żyłkowski, Leszek Lombarski
Diving-related fatalities: multidisciplinary, experience-based investigation
- Original Article
Josep M. Casadesús, Fernando Aguirre, Ana Carrera, Pere Boadas-Vaello, Maria T. Serrando, Francisco Reina
Fatal bilateral pneumothorax and generalized emphysema following contraindicated speaking-valve application
- Case Report
Jakob Heimer, Sebastian Eggert, Barbara Fliss, Eva Meixner
Sudden death from an epileptic seizure due to capillary telangiectasias in the hippocampus
- Case Report
Yuluo Liu, Yue Liang, Fang Tong, Weisheng Huang, Lopsong Tinzing, Jehane Michael Le Grange, Feixiang Wang, Yiwu Zhou
Learning from the living to diagnose the dead – parallels between CT findings after survived drowning and fatal drowning
- Case Report
Cynthia Hourscht, Andreas Christe, Shane Diers, Michael J. Thali, Thomas D. Ruder
Sudden unexpected death due to coronary thrombosis associated with isolated necrotizing vasculitis in the coronary arteries of a young adult
- Case Report
Kentaro Sakai, Kumiko Asakura, Kazuyuki Saito, Tatsushige Fukunaga
Fatal overdose with a combination of SNRIs venlafaxine and duloxetine
- Case Report
Armin Alibegović, Stojan Kariž, Metka Volavšek
Unique thermal destruction of the body following suicidal burning
- Case Report
Petr Hejna, Michael Bohnert, Martin Janík
Miliary pattern MRSA sepsis following clandestine intravenous infusion
- Case Report
Kristan Abernathy, Steven Fiester, James W. Fulcher
Fatal delayed hemopericardium and hemothorax following blunt chest trauma
- Case Report
Marek Dokoupil, Klára Marecová, Matěj Uvíra, Marek Joukal, Eva Mrázková, Jana Chmelová, Petr Handlos
The risk of assault against mental health professionals: a fatal case report and literature review
- Case Report
Lucia Tattoli, Caterina Bosco, Ignazio Grattagliano, Giancarlo Di Vella
Fatal intussusception in infancy: forensic implications
- Images in Forensics
Milenko Bogdanović, Miloš Blagojević, Jelena Kuzmanović, Dragan Ječmenica, Đorđe Alempijević
Suicide with an unusual home-manufactured firearm
- Images in Forensics
Igor Veselinović, Sonja Žigić, Dušan Vapa
An unusual case of pulmonary fat embolism following blunt trauma
- Images in Forensics
Danica Cvetković, Vladimir Živković, Slobodan Nikolić
Simon’s hemorrhages in a case of a fatal construction site accident as the result of body hyperextension in the upside-down position – a possible reconstruction of the injury mechanism
- Images in Forensics
Danica Cvetković, Vladimir Živković, Slobodan Nikolić
Sudden unexpected infantile death due to undiagnosed ventricular septal defect-associated heart failure with single coronary artery
- Images in Forensics
Shogo Kasuda, Risa Kudo, Katsuya Yuui, Takeshi Kondo, Katsuhiko Hatake
Lethal silicone embolization syndrome complicating penile, scrotal and breast self-augmentation
- Images in Forensics
Steven Wills, Roger W. Byard
Evaluation of an early twentieth century Afghan herbalist’s preparations
- Lessons from the Museum
Rachael Farrington, Ian Musgrave, Christine Nash, Meghan L. Coghlan, Roger W. Byard
Unusual osteological findings in sacred relics from the LESJE monastery in central Serbia
- Lessons from the Museum
Danijela Djonic, Roger W. Byard
Violence in the Early Bronze Age. Diagnosis of skull lesions using anthropological, taphonomic and scanning electron microscopy techniques
- Lessons from the Museum
Alba Pasini, Emanuela Gualdi-Russo, Filippo Scianò, Ursula Thun Hohenstein