Ausgabe 3/2020
Inhalt (33 Artikel)
Weight-of-evidence for DNA identification of missing persons and human remains using CODIS
- Original Article
Sigal Starinsky-Elbaz, Tanya Ram, Lev Voskoboinik, Zohar Pasternak
Degradation of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA after γ-irradiation and its effect on forensic genotyping
- Original Article
Corey Goodwin, Andrew Wotherspoon, Michelle E. Gahan, Dennis McNevin
The physiologic effects of a new generation conducted electrical weapon on human volunteers at rest
- Original Article
Jeffrey D. Ho, Donald M. Dawes, Sebastian N. Kunz, Lauren R. Klein, Brian E. Driver, Paige A. DeVries, Gregg A. Jones, Jamie L. Stang
Improved medical treatment could explain a decrease in homicides with a single stab wound
- Original Article
Asser H. Thomsen, Palle Villesen, Ole Brink, Peter M. Leth, Hans Petter Hougen
Hippocampal abnormalities and seizures: a 16-year single center review of sudden unexpected death in childhood, sudden unexpected death in epilepsy and SIDS
- Original Article
Fu Chuen Kon, Rita Zapata Vázquez, Andrew Lang, Marta C Cohen
Formalin pigment artifact deposition in autopsy tissue: predisposing factors, patterns of distribution and methods for removal
- Original Article
Kyriakos Chatzopoulos, Benjamin Van Treeck, Elise Venable, Vishnu Serla, Trenton Wirth, Fazi Amirahmadi, Alissa Peterson, Peter T. Lin
Non-human bones in forensic casework: not such a trivial problem
- Original Article
Denise Donlon, Sarah Croker, Jennifer Menzies
Incidence of the diagnosis of factitious disorders – Nationwide comparison study between Germany and Norway
- Open Access
- Original Article
Julian Geile, Jan Aasly, Burkhard Madea, Harald Schrader
Determining a sampling regime for PCR detection of respiratory tract viral infection at coronial post-mortem examinations
- Open Access
- Original Article
Caitlin Gilsenan-Reed, Geoff Higgins, Neil Langlois
Management of the dead during COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia
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- COVID-19
- Original Article
Lay See Khoo, Ahmad Hafizam Hasmi, Mohamad Azaini Ibrahim, Mohd Shah Mahmood
A technical report from the Italian SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Postmortem sampling and autopsy investigation in cases of suspected or probable COVID-19
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- COVID-19
- Technical Report
Alessandro Santurro, Matteo Scopetti, Stefano D’Errico, Vittorio Fineschi
The craniotomy box: an innovative method of containing hazardous aerosols generated during skull saw use in autopsy on a COVID-19 body
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- COVID-19
- Technical Report
Ahmad Hafizam Hasmi, Lay See Khoo, Zhao Peng Koo, Muhammad Uzair Ahmad Suriani, Ain Nurfarahana Hamdan, Siti Wira Md Yaro, Salmah Arshad, Sheue Feng Siew, Mohamad Azaini Ibrahim, Mohd Shah Mahmood
Revisit of gastromalacia: a report of three cases and review of the literature
- Case Report
Hongmei Dong, Mingjie Qiu, Qing Gao, Xuebo Li, Liangliang Li
Fatal α-PVP and amphetamine poisoning during a sauna and autoerotic practices
- Open Access
- Case Report
Philippe Lunetta, Pirkko Kriikku, Julius Tikka, Ilkka Ojanperä
Sudden death of a young adult with coronary artery vasculitis, coronary aneurysms, parvovirus B19 infection and Kawasaki disease
- Case Report
Stefan Flossdorf, Karl Heinz Schiwy-Bochat, Daniela Teifel, Jochen W. U. Fries, Markus A. Rothschild
Another umbrella murder? – A rare case of Minamata disease
- Open Access
- Case Report
Anne Albers, Ursula Gies, Hans-Jurgen Raatschen, Michael Klintschar
Death scene investigation and autopsy proceedings in identifying the victims of the terror attack on the Breitscheidplatz in Berlin 19th December 2016
- Open Access
- Case Report
Claas Buschmann, Sven Hartwig, Michael Tsokos, Lars Oesterhelweg
Fatal secondary aortoduodenal fistula diagnosed with postmortem computed tomography angiography
- Case Report
Ariel Gershon, D’Arcy Little, Christopher G. Ball, Andrew S. Williams
Fatal pneumococcal septicemia in a girl with visceral heterotaxy and polysplenia: a case report
- Case Report
Ingo von Both, Michael S. Pollanen
Suicidal tandem bullets to the heart with subsequent embolization – a case report
- Case Report
Fernando Fortes Picoli, Mayara Barbosa Viandelli Mundim-Picoli, André Montanini Alves, Maria Alves Garcia Santos Silva, Ademir Franco, Rhonan Ferreira Silva
Fatal gas embolism in hospital: accident or suicide?
- Images in Forensics
Lucia Tattoli, Hannah Gauselmann, Lars Oesterhelweg
Suicidal strangulation with a lashing belt
- Images in Forensics
Elke Doberentz, Julian Geile, Burkhard Madea
Lethal mesenteric perforation by osteophytes after blunt abdominal trauma
- Images in Forensics
Arnaud Le Gallo, Christophe Loire, Maisy Lossois, Pierre-Antoine Peyron
Lethal fishing hook penetration and line entanglement in an adult bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus)
- Images in Forensics
Roger W Byard, Aaron Machado, Melissa Walker, Lucy Woolford
Post-mortem CT with macroscopic and microscopic correlation in a case of sudden death due to systemic sarcoidosis
- Images in Forensics
Jatin Bodwal, Marc Napoleone, Jayantha Herath
Anatomical and biochemical evidence for Treponema pallidum in a 19th to early twentieth century skeletal cadaver
- Lessons from the Museum
James S. Henkel, Joel Davis, Ned Farley
Giant cell aortitis
- Differential Diagnosis
Petr Handlos, Matěj Uvíra, Marek Dokoupil, Ondřej Klabal, Klára Handlosová
Lesser availability of corrosive substances could decrease the rate of suicide attempts and corrosive attacks over time
- Letter to the Editor
Danica Cvetković, Vladimir Živković, Slobodan Nikolić