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01.06.2019 | Brief Report

Functional decline, mortality and institutionalization after 18 months in multimorbid older persons living in the community: the FUNCIPLUR longitudinal study

verfasst von: Iñaki Martin Lesende, Luis Ignacio Mendibil Crespo, Irati Garaizar Bilbao, Jakobe Pisón Rodríguez, Sonia Castaño Manzanares, Anne-Sophie Denise Otter, Ion Negrete Pérez, Iraide Sarduy Azcoaga, Mª Jesús de la Rua Fernández

Erschienen in: European Geriatric Medicine | Ausgabe 3/2019

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Key summary points


Our aim was to assess functional decline, mortality and institutionalization, in patients with multimorbidity aged 65 or more years over an 18-month follow-up period, and the factors associated with them.


The two main factors associated with loss of function, mortality and institutionalization at 18 months, coinciding with those observed for loss of function at 8 months, were age and above all having had some hospital admission during the period.


These findings are important as they indicate the relevance of hospital admissions in functional decline for this type of patients, being this condition and the subsequent increase in care needs potentially predictable/modifiable.
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Functional decline, mortality and institutionalization after 18 months in multimorbid older persons living in the community: the FUNCIPLUR longitudinal study
verfasst von
Iñaki Martin Lesende
Luis Ignacio Mendibil Crespo
Irati Garaizar Bilbao
Jakobe Pisón Rodríguez
Sonia Castaño Manzanares
Anne-Sophie Denise Otter
Ion Negrete Pérez
Iraide Sarduy Azcoaga
Mª Jesús de la Rua Fernández
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
European Geriatric Medicine / Ausgabe 3/2019
Elektronische ISSN: 1878-7657

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