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20.09.2022 | Original Article

Gait performance and non-motor symptoms burden during dual-task condition in Parkinson’s disease

verfasst von: Meimei Zhang, Yawen Gan, Xuemei Wang, Zhan Wang, Tao Feng, Yumei Zhang

Erschienen in: Neurological Sciences | Ausgabe 1/2023

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Impaired gait is observed in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) in both single-task (ST) and dual-task (DT) conditions. Non-motor symptoms (NMSs), another vital symptom future experienced along the PD disease trajectory, contribute to gait performance in PD. However, whether DT gait performance is indicative of NMS burden (NMSB) remains unknown. This study investigated correlation between NMS and DT gait performance and whether NMSB is reflected in the DT effects (DTEs) of gait parameters in PD.


Thirty-three idiopathic PD participants were enrolled in this study; the median H-Y staging was 2.5. NMSB was assessed by Non-motor Symptoms Scale (NMSS). Spatiotemporal gait parameters under ST and DT conditions were evaluated by wearable sensors. Gait parameters under ST and DT conditions and DTEs of gait parameters were compared across NMSB groups. The associations between NMS and DTEs of gait parameters were analyzed by correlation analysis and linear regression models.


Compared to PD patients with mild-moderate NMSB, the severe-very severe NMSB group showed slower gait speed and shorter stride length under both ST and DT conditions (p < 0.05). DT had significantly negative effect on gait parameters in PD patients, including gait speed, stride length, and gait cycle duration (p < 0.05). PD patients with mild-moderate NMSB showed larger DTEs of cadence and bilateral gait cycle duration (p < 0.05). DTEs of bilateral gait cycle duration and swing phase on the more affected (MA) side were significantly correlated with NMSS scores (∣rSp∣ ≥ 0.3, p < 0.05). Gait cycle duration on the less affected (LA) side explained 43% of the variance in NMSS scores, when accounting for demographic and clinical confounders (β =  − 1.095 95% CI − 4.061 ~  − 0.058, p = 0.044; adjusted R2 = 0.434).


DT gait performance could reflect NMSB in PD patients at early stage, and gait cycle duration is a valuable gait parameter to further investigate and to provide more evidence for PD management.
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Gait performance and non-motor symptoms burden during dual-task condition in Parkinson’s disease
verfasst von
Meimei Zhang
Yawen Gan
Xuemei Wang
Zhan Wang
Tao Feng
Yumei Zhang
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
Neurological Sciences / Ausgabe 1/2023
Print ISSN: 1590-1874
Elektronische ISSN: 1590-3478

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