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01.06.2019 | Editorial

Geriatric medical humanities: fresh insights into ageing and geriatric medicine

verfasst von: D. O’Neill

Erschienen in: European Geriatric Medicine | Ausgabe 3/2019

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Geriatricians differ from the broader grouping of gerontologists in that they are the discipline most likely to be in daily contact with older people [1]. This is simultaneously a strength and a weakness: a strength in that they are in constant contact with the reality of being an older person, and a weakness in that this is largely confined to those with usually complex healthcare needs. The healthcare paradigm means that our discourse may consciously or unconsciously reflect a failure model of ageing [2], and we may be less aware of the broader experience of ageing in increasingly healthy and growing populations of older people. …
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Zurück zum Zitat Butler RN (1963) The life review: an interpretation of reminiscence in the aged. Psychiatry 26:65–76CrossRefPubMed Butler RN (1963) The life review: an interpretation of reminiscence in the aged. Psychiatry 26:65–76CrossRefPubMed
Geriatric medical humanities: fresh insights into ageing and geriatric medicine
verfasst von
D. O’Neill
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
European Geriatric Medicine / Ausgabe 3/2019
Elektronische ISSN: 1878-7657

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