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07.08.2024 | Brief Communication

Grommet Insertion on Stretched Glove over ear Speculum: A Novel Training Technique

verfasst von: Roohie Singh, Sunil Goyal, Kashiroygoud Biradar, Angshuman Dutta

Erschienen in: Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery | Ausgabe 6/2024

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Grommet insertion is a common procedure in field of Otology. Its outcome depends highly on degree of experience of the surgeon.

Materials and methods

Simulation in training and clinical practice is an important facet in a surgeon’s life. However, the non-availability of fresh cadavers, pre-existing damaged tympanic membrane in available cadavers and escalating cost of artificial cadaveric materials led us to devise a simple yet effective way of training technique for grommet insertion, utilizing “stretched surgical glove piece over an ear speculum”.


An observational study was undertaken in our department to assess utility of this technique in training ten trainees. They reported subjective improvement in manual dexterity during performing myringotomy as well as mounting, manipulating and inserting the grommet during actual surgery.


Our innovation is cheap, reliable and readily available for training. It closely resembles real-time surgical experience.
Nur mit Berechtigung zugänglich
Zurück zum Zitat Jahn AF (1993) Middle ear ventilation with hydroxyl ventilation tube: review of the initial series. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 108:701–705CrossRefPubMed Jahn AF (1993) Middle ear ventilation with hydroxyl ventilation tube: review of the initial series. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 108:701–705CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Armstrong BW (1954) New treatment for chronic secretory otitis media. Arch Otolaryngol 1954; 59:653–654 Armstrong BW (1954) New treatment for chronic secretory otitis media. Arch Otolaryngol 1954; 59:653–654
Zurück zum Zitat Crysdale WS (1976) Comparative study of various ventilating tubes. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1976; 85 (Suppl. 25, Pt 2): 268–269 Crysdale WS (1976) Comparative study of various ventilating tubes. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1976; 85 (Suppl. 25, Pt 2): 268–269
Zurück zum Zitat Chris Coulson (2018) (ENT surgeon) personal communication with Felix Antenbrink, Peter J Smith from PHACON in PHACON artificial bone models for ENT training. ENT Otology News Jan/Feb 26:6 Chris Coulson (2018) (ENT surgeon) personal communication with Felix Antenbrink, Peter J Smith from PHACON in PHACON artificial bone models for ENT training. ENT Otology News Jan/Feb 26:6
Grommet Insertion on Stretched Glove over ear Speculum: A Novel Training Technique
verfasst von
Roohie Singh
Sunil Goyal
Kashiroygoud Biradar
Angshuman Dutta
Springer India
Erschienen in
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery / Ausgabe 6/2024
Print ISSN: 2231-3796
Elektronische ISSN: 0973-7707

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