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03.02.2022 | Clinical Quiz

Gross hematuria in a boy — “spot” the diagnosis:Questions

verfasst von: Sandeep Riar, Alonso Carrasco Jr., Tanya Pereira

Erschienen in: Pediatric Nephrology | Ausgabe 7/2022

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A 9-year-old male presented to Nephrology clinic with intermittent painless gross hematuria for 2 months. Urine color was reported as light pink to dark red without clots. He had no other urinary symptoms except for frequency a month prior to the onset of hematuria that resolved spontaneously after several days. There was no fever or acute illness with the hematuria or in the 2 months preceding it. Two days prior to onset of hematuria, he was noted to have a bruise over mid back attributed to a playground injury. He had chronic constipation which was well controlled with daily polyethylene glycol. His past medical history was significant for hypospadias surgery during infancy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and oppositional defiance disorder. He had no history of urinary tract infections. Home medications included cetirizine, methylphenidate, vitamin D, fluoxetine, multivitamins, and polyethylene glycol. There was no known family history of kidney disease, nephrolithiasis, bleeding, or clotting disorder. Family history for biological father was not available and limited for biological mother who was adopted. …
Gross hematuria in a boy — “spot” the diagnosis:Questions
verfasst von
Sandeep Riar
Alonso Carrasco Jr.
Tanya Pereira
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erschienen in
Pediatric Nephrology / Ausgabe 7/2022
Print ISSN: 0931-041X
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-198X

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