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26.03.2020 | Original Paper

High Rollers: Correlates of Problematic Cocaine Use Among a Community Sample of Gamblers

verfasst von: Ashley R. Ethier, Hyoun S. Kim, David C. Hodgins, Daniel S. McGrath

Erschienen in: Journal of Gambling Studies | Ausgabe 2/2020

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Over half of problem gamblers (PGs; i.e., individuals with an impulse to gamble despite negative consequences) experience a substance use disorder. Explanations for this high rate of comorbidity have included shared clinical and personality factors. While gambling has been associated with substance use disorders in general, relatively few studies have examined the comorbidity of gambling and cocaine use disorders. The current study aimed to address this gap in the literature by comparing the demographic (age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, educational attainment, and employment status), gambling (time and money spent gambling, gambling severity, and motives for gambling), psychological (depression, anxiety, stress, alcohol consumption, nicotine dependency) and personality (trait impulsivity) correlates in a sample of community gamblers with varying degrees of cocaine use; never, recreational, and problematic use as measured by the WHO Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test Version 3 (ASSIST-V3.0). Of the 562 participants, 9.3% (N = 51), reported problematic cocaine use. No differences were found between groups for demographic factors. Problematic cocaine users (PCUs) were more likely to be PGs in comparison to recreational users, and never users. They also presented with increased levels of trait impulsivity, depression, anxiety, stress, and alcohol consumption. These results emphasize the need for increased focus on comorbidity and treatment approaches specifically tailored for individuals with PG and PCU.
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High Rollers: Correlates of Problematic Cocaine Use Among a Community Sample of Gamblers
verfasst von
Ashley R. Ethier
Hyoun S. Kim
David C. Hodgins
Daniel S. McGrath
Springer US
Erschienen in
Journal of Gambling Studies / Ausgabe 2/2020
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-3602

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