Recent advancements in diagnostics, surgical techniques, and perioperative management have increased congenital heart disease (CHD) survival rates [
1]. However, intracardiac repair often causes pressure-overloaded right ventricles (RVs) [
4], which can lead to RV failure, contributing to mortality and morbidity. There are no effective therapies for RV failure except heart transplantation [
5]. RV dysfunction in CHD is attributed to relative RV ischemia from chronic overloading and fibrosis [
7]; novel therapies must be established.
Recently, regenerative therapy using skeletal myoblasts [
8] and induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (iPS-CMs) [
9] has garnered attention to treat heart failure. We previously prepared cell sheets using temperature-responsive culture dishes [
11], developed a mass iPS-CM culture system, and reported the effectiveness of human iPSC (hiPS-CM) sheets in porcine ischemic cardiomyopathy [
The proposed mechanisms of the iPS-CM patch involve paracrine effects induced via angiogenic and antifibrotic factors. iPS-CM patch transplantation, with angiogenic and fibrosis-suppressing effects, may be effective for RV insufficiency. We herein hypothesized that hiPS-CMs would suppress or improve RV dysfunction caused by pressure overload by promoting angiogenesis and suppressing myocardial fibrosis. This study investigated whether hiPS-CM patches could improve RV function in RV pressure-overloaded rats.
This study demonstrated that hiPS-CM improves RV function in the RV pressure-overloaded rat model by promoting angiogenesis in the RV myocardium and suppressing myocardial fibrosis. The main findings are as follows: (1) Diastolic function was significantly improved; (2) fibrosis of the RV myocardium was suppressed, and the capillary density of the RV myocardium increased; and (3) the expression of angiogenesis-related factors was significantly increased. hiPS-CM transplantation has exhibited therapeutic efficacy in studies using left ventricular heart failure models [
16]. The present study is the first to show the efficacy of hiPS-CMs for RV dysfunction caused by chronic pressure overload.
The pressure-overloaded RV first adapts by increasing its contractility by enhancing its intrinsic contractile properties and muscle hypertrophy to maintain CO [
18]. However, long-term pressure overload results in RV dilatation instead of hypertrophy. Subsequently, RV diastolic function gradually deteriorates, and systolic function is impaired, resulting in decompensated RV failure [
21]. RV ischemia and fibrosis underly decompensated RV failure.
Capillary rarefaction occurs during the transition from RV hypertrophy to RV failure [
23]. In the pressure-overloaded RV model, right coronary artery flow is reduced by a systolic gradient (aortic systolic pressure–RV systolic pressure) and a decrease in the right coronary diastolic perfusion pressure (aortic diastolic pressure–RV diastolic pressure) [
24]. This leads to a loss of RV capillaries (i.e., a decrease in capillary density), which accelerates RV dysfunction. In this study, capillary density was significantly lower in the sham group than in the control group, whereas it was significantly higher in the hiPS-CM group than in the sham group. This suggests that RV myocardium microcapillaries can be maintained or increased by promoting angiogenesis after hiPS-CM patch transplantation and that RV dysfunction can be changed. Increases in angiogenesis-related gene expression, such as
VEGF and
SDF-1, were observed in the myocardium 4 weeks after patch transplantation. Herein, xenotransplantation was performed, and it is unclear whether hiPS-CM-expressed angiogenic factors acted directly on the RV myocardium of rats. However, cell transplantation can upregulate various cardioprotective factors via “crosstalk” between transplanted cells and host cardiac tissues [
25]. Therefore, hiPS-CM transplantation likely caused the increases in
VEGF and
HGF expression in the rats’ myocardium.
RV pressure overload initially increases high-pressure tolerance and enhances collagen formation to maintain the RV shape; however, accumulation of myocardial collagen causes maladaptive changes in the collagen network structure and extracellular matrix integrity, resulting in fibrotic tissue replacing lost cardiomyocytes. This study showed that the antifibrotic cytokine
HGF was highly expressed in the hiPS-CM group, suggesting that fibrosis progression may have been suppressed. Ischemia also triggers the development of fibrosis in the pressure-overloaded heart as part of a reparative response [
26]. This may further enhance susceptibility to chronic ischemia due to a reduced coronary flow reserve and impaired diastolic coronary flow [
24]. Similarly, RV fibrosis and capillary density were correlated, suggesting that angiogenesis induced by hiPS-CM transplantation improved myocardial ischemia, suppressed fibrosis, and prevented the exacerbation of RV functional impairment.
Herein, residual cardiomyocytes were confirmed even 4 weeks after hiPS-CM patch transplantation. Considering the number of residual cells, we speculate that hiPS-CMs did not directly contribute to improving RV contractility. The effects may largely depend on paracrine signaling, causing cytokine-induced angiogenesis and antifibrosis.
There were no major differences in the cytokines released by iPS-CMs and skeletal myoblasts in our previous report [
15] that demonstrated that hearts transplanted with iPS-CMs showed increased vasculogenesis and decreased apoptosis compared to other cell types. The reason for this disparity remains unclear; however, this study showed that high levels of angiopoietin families that significantly contribute to the maturation of blood were detected in hiPS-CM culture supernatants (Fig.
S1d). This may be one of the factors leading to increased angiogenesis in iPS-CMs than in skeletal myoblasts; however, further studies are needed to investigate this.
Cardiac catheterization is more reliable than echocardiography because obtaining accurate measurements during echocardiography in rats is difficult, and load-independent indicators can be measured during catheterization [
27]. We previously reported that left ventricular systolic recovery may depend on angiogenesis via the paracrine effect with myocardial blood flow in the peri-infarct zone in a porcine ischemic cardiomyopathy model due to the ligation of the left anterior-descending coronary artery [
16]. In this study, the paracrine effect also improved the overall RV ischemia, suppressed fibrosis, and improved RV diastolic dysfunction. Notably, this study did not provide strong evidence that hiPS-CMs ameliorated systolic/diastolic dysfunction in pressure-overloaded RVs. However, CE was higher in the hiPS-CM group than in the sham group. CE can decline due to tricuspid regurgitation, septal bowing [
28], asynchronous activation, and diastolic dysfunction [
29]. Therefore, the improvement in diastolic dysfunction may have contributed to the observed increase in CE.
The ideal outcome is for the hiPSC-CM patch to contract/relax synchronously within the recipient heart and contribute to improving cardiac function [
30]. However, successful regenerative therapy using hiPS-CMs requires better engraftment of hiPS-CMs within the recipient myocardium for an extended period to enhance the therapeutic efficacy. This can be achieved by immunosuppression [
31], promoting angiogenesis using hiPS-CM patch transplantation with an omentum flap [
32], and using suitable myocardial tissue with appropriate cardiomyocyte maturity [
33] and orientation [
34]. Although we did not use immunosuppressants because this study was conducted on nude rats, the engraftment of hiPS-CMs decreased considerably after 2 months. Future studies should examine the extent of the mechanical contribution of the transplanted cardiomyocytes to the contractile force of the diseased heart.
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