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23.01.2021 | Clinical Report

Hyoid Chondroma

verfasst von: Satish Chandra Tripuraneni, P. S. N. Murthy, Chandana Sri Lalam, A. Jaya Krishna, O. Sadhana

Erschienen in: Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery | Sonderheft 3/2022

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Mass lesions of the larynx are one of the most common clinical entity which we come across in routine otorhinolaryngology and head neck practice with varied symptomatology. Among all the mass lesions of the larynx, Epithelial neoplasms constitute up to 97%. Mesenchymal tumours of the larynx constitute only 0.3–1.0% of all the laryngeal tumors. Abundance of cartilage structures in the larynx made it a spot for mesenchymal tumors [chondromas and chandrosacrcomas]. The spectrum of mesenchymal neoplasms can vary from chondromas, chondroblastoma to chondrosarcoma. Here we want to share our experience of a mesenchymal tumour of the larynx. This case is reported for the rarity and ambiguity in diagnosis. Though these are slow-growing tumours with an early presentation, in our case, the patient had a supportive tracheostomy without definitive treatment for more than 2 years. We managed this patient by excising the mass by lateral pharyngotomy with the preservation of larynx followed by successful Decannulation in 20 days.
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Hyoid Chondroma
verfasst von
Satish Chandra Tripuraneni
P. S. N. Murthy
Chandana Sri Lalam
A. Jaya Krishna
O. Sadhana
Springer India
Erschienen in
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery / Ausgabe Sonderheft 3/2022
Print ISSN: 2231-3796
Elektronische ISSN: 0973-7707

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