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21.09.2021 | Original Article

Hyperbilirobinemia and Its Effect on Auditory Perception and Speech Intelligibility in Cochlear Implanted Children (Cochlear Implantation Outcomes in Children Who Have Experienced Hyperbilirobinemia)

verfasst von: Seyed Basir Hashemi, Leila Monshizadeh, Mehdi Rahimi, Fatemeh Hoseini, Mohsen Rajati, Ahmad Daneshi, Mohammad Farhadi, Hesamaldin Emamdjomeh

Erschienen in: Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery | Sonderheft 3/2022

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The goal of this study was to investigate the probable difference in auditory perception and speech intelligibility performance amongst cochlear implanted children who experienced hyperbilirubinemia or auditory neuropathy in comparison to the cochlear implanted children with unknown etiology for hearing loss. This case–control study was carried out on 106 cochlear implanted children with mean age of 32.36 ± 11.98 months who were purposively selected and allocated into four groups. Out of the total, 30 had no specific etiology for hearing loss, while the others had experienced auditory neuropathy or hyperbilirubinemia with/without blood exchange. The auditory perception and speech intelligibility performance of all the participants who had received auditory verbal therapy were assessed after 6 and 12 months of rehabilitation. Then, the data was analyzed, using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences-version 21(SPSS-21). Results indicated poor auditory perception and speech intelligibility performance of the cochlear implanted children with hyperbilirubinemia and blood exchange (P ≤ 0.05), while the participants in the control group with no specific etiology for hearing loss, the children with hyperbilirubinemia with no blood exchange, and those who suffered from auditory neuropathy performed better, respectively. Also, a significant correlation between auditory neuropathy and hyperbilirubinemia was observed. Despite lower improvement of auditory perception and speech intelligibility of the hearing impaired children who were experiencing moderate to severe degrees of hyperbilirubinemia or auditory neuropathy, cochlear implantation is highly recommended not only for children with unknown etiology for severe hearing loss but also for this group of hearing impaired children.
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Hyperbilirobinemia and Its Effect on Auditory Perception and Speech Intelligibility in Cochlear Implanted Children (Cochlear Implantation Outcomes in Children Who Have Experienced Hyperbilirobinemia)
verfasst von
Seyed Basir Hashemi
Leila Monshizadeh
Mehdi Rahimi
Fatemeh Hoseini
Mohsen Rajati
Ahmad Daneshi
Mohammad Farhadi
Hesamaldin Emamdjomeh
Springer India
Erschienen in
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery / Ausgabe Sonderheft 3/2022
Print ISSN: 2231-3796
Elektronische ISSN: 0973-7707

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