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04.03.2021 | Anatomic Bases of Medical, Radiological and Surgical Techniques

Impact of intertendinous connections between the flexor digitorum brevis and longus on percutaneous tenotomy for the treatment of claw toes: an anatomic and ultrasound study

verfasst von: Julien Beldame, Matthieu Lalevée, Sixtine Regnard, Florent Marguet, Marie Csanyi-Bastien, Marion Masse, Fabrice Duparc

Erschienen in: Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy | Ausgabe 7/2021

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Selective percutaneous tenotomy of the flexor digitorum longus (FDL) is a treatment for claw toes that gives astonishingly good functional results despite tendon sacrifice. However, the involution of the FDL tendon stump after tenotomy is unknown. The aim of our study was to assess the involution of the tendon stump after selective percutaneous tenotomy of the FDL.


The study included two parts. In the clinical part, an ultrasound analysis of 15 FDL tenotomies in 7 patients was carried out 3 months post-surgery. In the anatomic part, the feet of 10 bodies donated to science were dissected and examined anatomically.


The proximal stump of the FDL was located near the base of the proximal phalanx and moved synchronously with the flexor digitorum brevis (FDB).Separating the FDB and FDL revealed a large tissue connection between the plantar surface of the tendinous chiasm of the FDB and the dorsal part of the FDL. These connections had significant resistance ranging from 2 to 9 Newtons depending on the toe. Tenotomy of the FDL followed by proximal traction of it led to retraction of the stump up to the base of the proximal phalanx and transfer of its action to the FDB by tensioning the intertendinous structure. Histologically, these structures were mostly comprised of tendon connective tissue. Their vascular component was small.


The presence of this intertendinous connection leads, in the case of isolated tenotomy of the FDL, to equivalent transfer of the latter to the FDB.
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Impact of intertendinous connections between the flexor digitorum brevis and longus on percutaneous tenotomy for the treatment of claw toes: an anatomic and ultrasound study
verfasst von
Julien Beldame
Matthieu Lalevée
Sixtine Regnard
Florent Marguet
Marie Csanyi-Bastien
Marion Masse
Fabrice Duparc
Springer Paris
Erschienen in
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy / Ausgabe 7/2021
Print ISSN: 0930-1038
Elektronische ISSN: 1279-8517

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