Ausgabe 3/2019
Inhalt (34 Artikel)
Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy as a Treatment for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
- Original Article
Mohamed Ibrahim Fahim, Omaya Abdelhamid Nassar, Osman Mohamed Mansour, Abdelmaksoud Mohamed Ali, Ahmed-Mostafa Mahmoud, Nesreen Hassan Hafez, Rasha Mahmoud Allam, Amr Kamal, Mohamed Ghareeb
A Rare Case of Metastasis to the Mandible from the Thyroid Gland: a Case Report and Literature Review
- Case Report
Shirish Patil, Deepak Janardhan, Sandeep Suresh, Shaji Thomas
Evaluation of Computed Tomography Scan and CA 125 Response in Predicting Operability in Advanced Ovarian Cancer and Assessing Survival Outcome in Interval Cytoreductive Surgery
- Original Article
P. Rema, Elizabeth Reshmi John, Suchetha Samabasivan, Anil Prahladan, Preethi George, J. Siva Ranjith, Shaji Thomas
A Rare Case of Synovial Sarcoma Involving the Brachial Plexus, Treated with Wide Local Excision and Reconstructed with Sural Nerve Grafts
- Open Access
- Case Report
Kuldeepsinh Pradipkumar Atodaria, Nikunj KishorkumarVithalani, Atul Gajendra Bharambe, Bharat Chandra Mishra, Keshvi Mahendrasinh Chauhan
Unusual Complication After TTE: a Simple Management
- Letter to the Editor
Deepti Ahuja, Kinshuki Jain, Saurabh Vig, Sachidanand Jee Bharati
Fatigue and Functional Ability in Patients Undergoing Upfront Surgical Treatment for Solid Malignancies
- Original Article
Parveen, Naveen Kumar, Aditi Prashant Sinha, Rakesh Garg, S. V. S. Deo, Sunil Kumar
Utility of WhatsApp as a Tool for Tele-oncopathology for Oral Lesions
- Original Article
Neha Garg, Nadeem Tanveer, Jyotsana Harit Gaur
Adenoid Basal Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix in Association with Keratinizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma: a Rare Diagnosis
- Letter to the Editor
Priya Pathak, Nadeem Tanveer
Elevated Neutrophil–Lymphocyte Ratio in Luminal-Type Locally Advanced Breast Cancer to Circumvent Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy
- Original Article
Joseph Sushil Rao, Harish Kumar Hanumappa, Elvis Peter Joseph, Raghunandan Gorantlu Chowdappa, Rakesh Ramesh
Perioperative Artificial Enteral Nutrition in Malnourished Esophageal and Stomach Cancer Patients and Its Impact on Postoperative Complications
- Original Article
Ramesh C. Sagar, K. V. Veerendra Kumar, C Ramachandra, Ravi Arjunan, Syed Althaf, C Srinivas
A Rare Complication of Diffuse Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma: Spontaneous Ileal Perforation
- Case Report
Orhan Kalaycı, Güven Barış Cansu, Bengür Taşkıran, Özlem Eren
A Pioneer of Surgical Oncology in India—a Tribute to Dr Mrs Mehta
- Letter to the Editor
Ravi C. Nayar, K. S. Gopinath, Sudhir Kothari
Infrahyoid Myofasciocutaneous Flap for Reconstruction of Tongue Defects: Our Experience and Perspective
- Point of Technique
Hemanth Varma, R. Yeshwanth, B. V. Prakash, Zuhaib Mohammed
Life Quality Index Assessment in Breast Cancer Patients
- Review Article
Sanjiv Srivastava, Alpana Srivastava, Sandeep Tiwari, Anand K. Mishra
Can Preoperative Ultrasonography and MRI Replace Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Management of Axilla in Early Breast Cancer—a Prospective Study from a Tertiary Cancer Center
- Original Article
Sangram K Panda, Ashish Goel, Vikash Nayak, Saleem Shaik Basha, Pankaj K Pande, Kapil Kumar
Retrospective Audit of Various Surgical Modalities Adopted for Giant Cell Tumor in a Rural Tertiary Cancer Center
- Original Article
Basavaraj Ankalkoti, B. Satheesan, J. Dipin, P. Nizamudheen, N. Sangeetha
Thoracoabdominal Flap: a Simple Flap for Covering Large Post-mastectomy Soft Tissue Defects in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
- Original Article
S. V. Suryanarayana Deo, Ashutosh Mishra, N. K. Shukla, B. Sandeep
Ovarian Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor with Estrogenic Manifestations in a Postmenopausal Lady: a Case Report
- Case Report
Mona Priyadarshini, Jagannath Dixit, Veena Ramaswamy, Carunya Mannan, H. L. Deepak, Pragati Rastogi
Massive Bilateral Maxillary Osteosarcoma: a Dramatic Clinical Presentation and a Reconstructive Challenge
- Case Report
Arvind Krishnamurthy
Hypoxic Isolated Abdominal Perfusion (HAP) chemotherapy for non-operable advanced staged ovarian cancer with peritoneal carcinosis: an experience in 45 platinum-refractory ovarian cancer patients
- Open Access
- Original Article
Karl Reinhard Aigner, Emir Selak, Sabine Gailhofer, Kornelia Aigner
Do Acellular Mucin Pools in Resection Margins for Rectal Cancer Influence Outcomes?
- Original Article
Parag Ingle, Munita Bal, Reena Engineer, Vikas Ostwal, Ashwin Desouza, Avanish Saklani
Primary Ovarian Carcinoma with Rectal Metastasis—a Rare Presentation (a Case Report)
- Case Report
Deepjyoti Kalita, Srinivas Bannoth, Abhijit Talukdar, Joydeep Purkayastha, Pritesh Singh, Jitin Yadav, Niju Pegu
Leiomyosarcoma of the Right Ovarian Vein: a Case Report with Multimodality Management and Long-Term Follow-Up
- Case Report
Virendra Rajpurohit, Pooja Mehta, Nirupama Kothari, Sanjay Nathani
Gastrectomy for Metastatic Gastric Cancer: a 15-year Experience from a Developing Country
- Original Article
Mushegh А. Sahakyan, Artak Gabrielyan, Davit L. Aghayan, Shushan Yesayan, Hmayak Petrosyan, Аlina Chobanyan, Airazat M. Kazaryan, Artur M. Sahakyan
Serratus Anterior Plane Block for Post-Thoracotomy Analgesia: a Novel Technique for the Surgeon and Anaesthetist
- Original Article
Saurabh Vig, Swati Bhan, Deepti Ahuja, Nishkarsh Gupta, Vinod Kumar, Sunil Kumar, Sachidanad Jee Bharati
Rare Case Presentation of Leiomyosarcoma as IVC Thrombus
- Case Report
K. P. Suneetha, Sunil Basappa Gudaganatti, J. Gayathri
Oophorectomy as a Hormonal Ablation Therapy in Metastatic and Recurrent Breast Cancer: Current Indications and Results
- Original Article
Islam H. Metwally, Omar Hamdy, Saleh S. Elbalka, Mohamed Elbadrawy, Dina M. Elsaid
Troublesome Venous Bleeding During Wertheim’s Hysterectomy: a Review of Surgical Anatomy and Point of Technique to Troubleshoot
- Point of Technique
T. S. Shylasree, Abhay K. Kattepur
Efficacy and Safety of Lateral Approach-Video Endoscopic Inguinal Lymphadenectomy (L-VEIL) over Open Inguinal Block Dissection: a Retrospective Study
- Original Article
Sandeep P. Nayak, Harshwardhan Pokharkar, Jaiprakash Gurawalia, Kapil Dev, Srinivas Chanduri, M. Vijayakumar
Cutaneous Metastasis of Laryngeal Neuroendocrine Carcinoma: a Case Report
- Case Report
Santosh Tummidi, Kanchan Kothari, Mona Agnihotri
Comparison of Continuous Epidural Analgesia and Intravenous Patient-Controlled Analgesia with Opioids in Terms of Postoperative Pain and Their Complications in Mega-Prosthesis Total Knee Arthroplasty for Bone Cancers
- Original Article
Sohan Lal Solanki, Bhushan Katwale, Anuja A. Jain, Aparna Chatterjee, Raghuveersingh P. Gehdoo
Cannula-Assisted Port Placement during Video Endoscopic Inguinal Lymphadenectomy (VEIL)—a Novel and Safe Technique
- Point of Technique
Harvinder Singh Pahwa, Ajay Kumar Pal, Awanish Kumar, Sanjeev Misra, Gunjeet Kaur