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01.11.2022 | Original Article

Initial Development of Pragmatic Behavioral Activation Fidelity Assessments

verfasst von: Mary Beth Connolly Gibbons, Jena Fisher, Robert Gallop, Eirini Zoupou, Lang Duong, Paul Crits-Christoph

Erschienen in: Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research | Ausgabe 1/2023

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Our goal was to develop brief pragmatic assessments of Behavioral Activation (BA) fidelity to support its dissemination in low-resource settings.


We used qualitative and quantitative methods across three investigations to develop pragmatic assessments rated from the perspective of therapists, patients, and observers: (1) we developed an initial comprehensive pool of 119 items and adapted/refined the item pool to 32 items through stakeholder focus groups and cognitive interviews; (2) independent blind judges rated each of items in the refined item pool on an early session of BA for 64 patients to support the selection of items based on predictive validity; and (3) we conducted a preliminary evaluation of the acceptability and feasibility of the assessments of BA fidelity from the perspective of therapists and patients.


The internal consistency reliability for the 10-item total score was .83 rated from the perspective of independent observers. The assessment was completed by patients following 90% of sessions and by clinicians following 93% of sessions. Items were rated high on overall satisfaction by both therapists (M = 4.6, SD = 0.89) and patients (M = 4.8, SD = 0.41).


Our findings suggest that these brief assessments of BA fidelity are reliable, feasible, and acceptable to community stakeholders.
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Initial Development of Pragmatic Behavioral Activation Fidelity Assessments
verfasst von
Mary Beth Connolly Gibbons
Jena Fisher
Robert Gallop
Eirini Zoupou
Lang Duong
Paul Crits-Christoph
Springer US
Erschienen in
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research / Ausgabe 1/2023
Print ISSN: 0894-587X
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-3289

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