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International Orthopaedics

Ausgabe 3/2017 Dual Mobility Special Issue

Inhalt (31 Artikel)

Dual-mobility cup: a new French revolution

  • Editorial

Jacques Henri Caton, André Ferreira

Contemporary dual-mobility cup regional and private register: methodology and results

  • Original Paper

André Ferreira, Jean-Louis Prudhon, Régis Verdier, Jean-Marc Puch, Loys Descamps, Guy Dehri, Marcel Remi, Jacques H. Caton

The dual mobility cup in muscular skeletal oncology: rationale and indications

  • Original Paper

Carmine Zoccali, Dario Attala, Alessandra Scotto di Uccio, Barbara Rossi, Gennaro Scotto, Roberto Biagini

Causes for revision of dual-mobility and standard primary total hip arthroplasty

  • Original Paper

Jean-Louis Prudhon, Romain Desmarchelier, Moussa Hamadouche, Christian Delaunay, Régis Verdier

Röttinger approach with dual-mobility cup to improve functional recovery in hip osteoarthritis patients: biomechanical and clinical follow-up

  • Original Paper

Pierre Martz, Abderrahmane Bourredjem, Davy Laroche, Marc Arcens, Ludovic Labattut, Christine Binquet, Jean-Francis Maillefert, Emmanuel Baulot, Paul Ornetti

Dual-mobility implants prevent hip dislocation following hip revision in obese patients

  • Original Paper

Philippe Hernigou, Jean Charles Auregan, Damien Potage, François Roubineau, Charles Henri Flouzat Lachaniette, Arnaud Dubory

Dual-mobility cup in total hip arthroplasty in patients less than fifty five years and over ten years of follow-up

  • Original Paper

Jean-Marc Puch, Guy Derhi, Loys Descamps, Régis Verdier, Jacques H. Caton

Dual-mobility arthroplasty failure: a rationale review of causes and technical considerations for revision

  • Original Paper

Philippe Hernigou, Arnaud Dubory, Damien Potage, François Roubineau, Charles Henri Flouzat Lachaniette

In total hip arthroplasty via the direct anterior approach, a dual-mobility cup prevents dislocation as effectively in hip fracture as in osteoarthritis

  • Original Paper

Yasuhiro Homma, Tomonori Baba, Yu Ozaki, Taiji Watari, Hideo Kobayashi, Hironori Ochi, Mikio Matsumoto, Kazuo Kaneko

Total hip arthroplasty using direct anterior approach and dual mobility cup: safe and efficient strategy against post-operative dislocation

  • Original Paper

Cécile Batailler, Camdon Fary, Pierre Batailler, Elvire Servien, Philippe Neyret, Sébastien Lustig

Highly crosslinked polyethylene: a safe alternative to conventional polyethylene for dual mobility cup mobile component. A biomechanical validation

  • Original Paper

Matthieu Malatray, Jean-Paul Roux, Stanislas Gunst, Vincent Pibarot, Julien Wegrzyn

Five to thirteen year results of a cemented dual mobility socket to treat recurrent dislocation

  • Original Paper

Moussa Hamadouche, Mickael Ropars, Camille Rodaix, Thierry Musset, François Gaucher, David Biau, Jean Pierre Courpied, Denis Huten

Equivalent wear performance of dual mobility bearing compared with standard bearing in total hip arthroplasty: in vitro study

  • Original Paper

Gaël Gaudin, André Ferreira, Romain Gaillard, Jean Louis Prudhon, Jacques H. Caton, Sébastien Lustig

Understanding wear in dual mobility total hip replacement: first generation explant wear patterns

  • Original Paper

Bertrand Boyer, Thomas Neri, Jean Geringer, Alexandre Di Iorio, Remi Philippot, Frederic Farizon

Dual mobility cups in revision total hip arthroplasty

  • Original Paper

Anthony Viste, Romain Desmarchelier, Michel-Henri Fessy

Dual mobility cups provide biomechanical advantages in situations at risk for dislocation: a finite element analysis

  • Original Paper

Alexandre Terrier, Adeliya Latypova, Maika Guillemin, Valérie Parvex, Olivier Guyen

Low friction arthroplasty and dual mobility cup: a new gold standard

  • Original Paper

Jean Louis Prudhon, Régis Verdier, Jacques H. Caton

All dual mobility cups are not the same

  • Original Paper

Thierry Aslanian

Bousquet dual mobility socket for patient under fifty years old. More than twenty year follow-up of one hundred and thirty one hips

  • Original Paper

Remi Philippot, Thomas Neri, Bertrand Boyer, Brice Viard, Frederic Farizon

Short-term outcome after total hip arthroplasty using dual-mobility cup: report from Lithuanian Arthroplasty Register

  • Open Access
  • Original Paper

Sarunas Tarasevicius, Alfredas Smailys, Kazimieras Grigaitis, Otto Robertsson, Justinas Stucinskas

The linear penetration rate is not relevant for evaluating wear of dual mobility cups: an explant study

  • Original Paper

Bertrand Boyer, Thomas Neri, Alexandre Di Iorio, Jean Geringer, Remi Philippot, Frederic Farizon

Total hip arthroplasty with dual mobility cup in osteonecrosis of the femoral head in young patients: over ten years of follow-up

  • Orthopaedic Heritage

Pierre Martz, Alexandre Maczynski, Sebastien Elsair, Ludovic Labattut, Brice Viard, Emmanuel Baulot

Once upon a time.... Dual mobility: history

  • Orthopaedic Heritage

Daniel Noyer, Jacques Henri Caton

Outcomes of dual mobility cups in a young Middle Eastern population and its influence on life style

  • Orthopaedic Heritage

Chahine Assi, Elie El-Najjar, Camille Samaha, Kaissar Yammine

Wear of dual-mobility cups: a review article

  • Open Access
  • Review Article

Anna Di Laura, Harry Hothi, Clement Battisti, Arianna Cerquiglini, Johann Henckel, John Skinner, Alister Hart

Total hip arthroplasty instability in Italy

  • Review Article

Francesco Falez, Matteo Papalia, Fabio Favetti, Gabriele Panegrossi, Filippo Casella, Gianluca Mazzotta

The evolution of outcomes and indications for the dual-mobility cup: a systematic review

  • Review Article

Cécile Batailler, Camdon Fary, Régis Verdier, Thierry Aslanian, Jacques Caton, Sebastien Lustig


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