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22.08.2023 | Breast Oncology

Intraoperative Ultrasound-Guided Conserving Surgery for Breast Cancer: No More Time for Blind Surgery

verfasst von: Massimo Ferrucci, MD, PhD, Francesco Milardi, MD, Daniele Passeri, MD, Luaya Fabrizio Mpungu, MD, Andrea Francavilla, MD, Matteo Cagol, MD, Tania Saibene, MD, Silvia Michieletto, MD, Mariacristina Toffanin, MD, Paola Del Bianco, MD, PhD, Ugo Grossi, MD, PhD, Alberto Marchet, MD

Erschienen in: Annals of Surgical Oncology | Ausgabe 10/2023

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Breast-conserving surgery (BCS) still remains a blind surgery despite all available tumor localization methods. Intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) allows real-time visualization during all resection phases.


This was a prospective observational cohort study conducted at the Veneto Institute of Oncology between January 2021 and June 2022. Patients with ductal carcinoma in situ, T1-2 invasive cancer, or post-neoadjuvant tumors, suitable for BCS, were recruited. All breast cancer lesion types were included, i.e. solid palpable, solid non-palpable, non-solid non-palpable, and post-neoadjuvant treatment residual lesions. Eligible participants were randomly assigned to either IOUS or traditional surgery (TS) in a 1:1 ratio. The main outcomes were surgical margin involvement, reoperation rate, closest margin width, main specimen and cavity shaving margin volumes, excess healthy tissue removal, and calculated resection ratio (CRR).


Overall, 160 patients were enrolled: 80 patients were allocated to the TS group and 80 to the IOUS group. IOUS significantly reduced specimen volumes (16.8 cm3 [10.5–28.9] vs. 24.3 cm3 [15.0–41.3]; p = 0.015), with wider closest resection margin width (2.0 mm [1.0–4.0] vs. 1.0 mm [0.5–2.0] after TS; p < 0.001). Tumor volume to specimen volume ratio was significantly higher after IOUS (4.7% [2.5–9.1] vs. 2.9% [0.8–5.2]; p < 0.001). IOUS yielded significantly better CRR (84.5% [46–120.8] vs. 114% [81.8–193.2] after TS; p < 0.001), lower involved margin rate (2.5 vs. 15%; p = 0.009) and reduced re-excision rate (2.5 vs. 12.5%; p = 0.032).


IOUS allows real-time resection margin visualization and continuous control during BCS. It showed clear superiority over TS in both oncological and surgical outcomes for all breast cancer lesion types. These results disfavor the paradigm of blind breast surgery.
Zurück zum Zitat Davis KM, Hsu CH, Bouton ME, Wilhelmson KL, Komenaka IK. Intraoperative ultrasound can decrease the re-excision lumpectomy rate in patients with palpable breast cancers. Am Surg. 2011;77(6):720–5.CrossRefPubMed Davis KM, Hsu CH, Bouton ME, Wilhelmson KL, Komenaka IK. Intraoperative ultrasound can decrease the re-excision lumpectomy rate in patients with palpable breast cancers. Am Surg. 2011;77(6):720–5.CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Cardoso F, Kyriakides S, Ohno S, et al. Early breast cancer: ESMO clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up [published correction appears in Ann Oncol 2019 1;30(10):1674] [published erratum appears in Ann Oncol. 2021 Feb;32(2):284]. Ann Oncol. 2019;30(8):1194–220. Cardoso F, Kyriakides S, Ohno S, et al. Early breast cancer: ESMO clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up [published correction appears in Ann Oncol 2019 1;30(10):1674] [published erratum appears in Ann Oncol. 2021 Feb;32(2):284]. Ann Oncol. 2019;30(8):1194–220. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1093/​annonc/​mdz173
Zurück zum Zitat Barellini L, Marcasciano M, Lo Torto F, Fausto A, Ribuffo D, Casella D. Intraoperative ultrasound and oncoplastic combined approach: an additional tool for the oncoplastic surgeon to obtain tumor-free margins in breast conservative surgery-a 2-year single-center prospective study. Clin Breast Cancer. 2020;20(3):e290–4. Barellini L, Marcasciano M, Lo Torto F, Fausto A, Ribuffo D, Casella D. Intraoperative ultrasound and oncoplastic combined approach: an additional tool for the oncoplastic surgeon to obtain tumor-free margins in breast conservative surgery-a 2-year single-center prospective study. Clin Breast Cancer. 2020;20(3):e290–4. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/​j.​clbc.​2019.​10.​004.CrossRefPubMed
Intraoperative Ultrasound-Guided Conserving Surgery for Breast Cancer: No More Time for Blind Surgery
verfasst von
Massimo Ferrucci, MD, PhD
Francesco Milardi, MD
Daniele Passeri, MD
Luaya Fabrizio Mpungu, MD
Andrea Francavilla, MD
Matteo Cagol, MD
Tania Saibene, MD
Silvia Michieletto, MD
Mariacristina Toffanin, MD
Paola Del Bianco, MD, PhD
Ugo Grossi, MD, PhD
Alberto Marchet, MD
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
Annals of Surgical Oncology / Ausgabe 10/2023
Print ISSN: 1068-9265
Elektronische ISSN: 1534-4681

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