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05.11.2023 | Invited Commentary

Invited Commentary: ‘The Timing of Operative Intervention for Pediatric Burn Patients in Malawi’—Heeding the Call for Safer and more Effective Approaches to Early Excision for Major Burn Injury among Children in Low-Resource Settings

verfasst von: Barclay T. Stewart, Manish Yadav

Erschienen in: World Journal of Surgery | Ausgabe 12/2023

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We commend Davis et al. for their study regarding early excision for burn injury among children in Malawi [1]. The authors reviewed records of 2502 burn-injured children and found that the odds of mortality were higher for those who underwent excision within 72 h of injury compared to those who underwent excision later. Younger children had the highest odds of mortality. These data add to similar findings published by the same group [2] and a review performed by Wong et al. [3]. However, early excision is frequently performed safely and effectively in low-resource settings [3, 4]. These disparate findings are likely the result of, to some degree, selection and information bias and residual confounding. Shy of randomization, it is difficult to fully account for the multitude of factors that contribute to successful early excision including overall health, injury severity, adequacy of resuscitation, service delivery, and resource availability. …
Zurück zum Zitat Wong L, Rajandram R, Allorto N (2021) Systematic review of excision and grafting in burns: comparing outcomes of early and late surgery in low and high-income countries. Burns 47:1705–1713CrossRefPubMed Wong L, Rajandram R, Allorto N (2021) Systematic review of excision and grafting in burns: comparing outcomes of early and late surgery in low and high-income countries. Burns 47:1705–1713CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Allorto N, Rencken CA, Wall S et al (2021) Factors impacting time to surgery and the effect on in-hospital mortality. Burns 47:922–929CrossRefPubMed Allorto N, Rencken CA, Wall S et al (2021) Factors impacting time to surgery and the effect on in-hospital mortality. Burns 47:922–929CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Engrav LH, Heimbach DM, Reus JL et al (1983) Early excision and grafting vs. nonoperative treatment of burns of indeterminant depth: a randomized prospective study. J Trauma 23:1001–1004CrossRefPubMed Engrav LH, Heimbach DM, Reus JL et al (1983) Early excision and grafting vs. nonoperative treatment of burns of indeterminant depth: a randomized prospective study. J Trauma 23:1001–1004CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Roberson JL, Pham J, Shen J et al (2020) Lessons learned from implementation and management of skin allograft banking programs in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. J Burn Care Res 41(6):1271–1278CrossRefPubMed Roberson JL, Pham J, Shen J et al (2020) Lessons learned from implementation and management of skin allograft banking programs in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. J Burn Care Res 41(6):1271–1278CrossRefPubMed
Invited Commentary: ‘The Timing of Operative Intervention for Pediatric Burn Patients in Malawi’—Heeding the Call for Safer and more Effective Approaches to Early Excision for Major Burn Injury among Children in Low-Resource Settings
verfasst von
Barclay T. Stewart
Manish Yadav
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
World Journal of Surgery / Ausgabe 12/2023
Print ISSN: 0364-2313
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-2323

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