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26.03.2020 | Original Article

Is the minimally invasive trauma surgeon the next (r)evolution of trauma surgery? Indications and outcomes of diagnostic and therapeutic trauma laparoscopy in a level 1 trauma centre

verfasst von: Arianna Birindelli, Mauro Podda, Edoardo Segalini, Michael Cripps, Valeria Tonini, Gregorio Tugnoli, Robert B. Lim, Salomone Di Saverio, TraumaLap Study Group

Erschienen in: Updates in Surgery | Ausgabe 2/2020

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the trend in use, feasibility and safety of laparoscopy in a single level 1 European trauma centre. Laparoscopy in abdominal trauma is gaining acceptance as a diagnostic and a therapeutic tool as it reduces surgical invasiveness and may reduce post-operative morbidity. All trauma patients who underwent a laparoscopic procedure between January 2013 and December 2017 were retrospectively analysed. A sub-analysis of isolated abdominal trauma was also performed. There has been a significant increase in the use of this technique in the considered time period. A total of 40 patients were included in the study: 17 diagnostic laparoscopies and overall 32 therapeutic laparoscopies. Conversion rate was 15%. All patients were hemodynamically stable. The majority of patients were younger than 60 years, with an ASA score of I–II and sustained a blunt trauma. Mean ISS score was 17. Colon and diaphragm were the most commonly laparoscopically diagnosed injuries, while splenectomy was the most common operation. The average operating time was 106 min. There were no missed injuries, no SSI, no re-interventions and no mortality related to the surgical procedure. The average length of stay was 14 days. No significant difference was found in the isolated abdominal trauma group. Laparoscopy is an emergent safe and effective technique for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in selected stable abdominal penetrating or blunt trauma patients. However, these results need to be put in relation with the level of the centre and the expertise of the surgeon.
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Is the minimally invasive trauma surgeon the next (r)evolution of trauma surgery? Indications and outcomes of diagnostic and therapeutic trauma laparoscopy in a level 1 trauma centre
verfasst von
Arianna Birindelli
Mauro Podda
Edoardo Segalini
Michael Cripps
Valeria Tonini
Gregorio Tugnoli
Robert B. Lim
Salomone Di Saverio
TraumaLap Study Group
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
Updates in Surgery / Ausgabe 2/2020
Print ISSN: 2038-131X
Elektronische ISSN: 2038-3312

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