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Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery OnlineFirst articles

Maxillomandibular Fixation Verses Open Reduction and Internal Fixation in Mandibular Fractures—Effect on Pulmonary Functions


Mandibular fractures constitute about 19–40% of all facial fractures. In case of bilateral mandibular body and parasymphyseal fracture, there is backward and downward displacement of fractured anterior segment with unstable tongue base along with …

“The Curious Case of the Earring Embedded in a Preauricular Region”


Earrings are a common accessory worn mostly by women, especially in India. They hold strong cultural and traditional significance. While earrings are safe to wear, they can also cause injury. Earring penetrating injury can occur due to several …

Operational Clarity: Pre and Post Laryngoscope Checklist


Laryngoscope malfunction is one of the frequent equipment failures encountered by anaesthetists. The usual causes are a failing light source, defective bulb, or faulty contact in the blade, handle, or socket. A thorough check of the laryngoscope …

Clinicoradiographic Examination Versus Histopathological Evaluation in Detection and Staging of Cervical Nodal Metastasis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients in Sudan


Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases affecting multiple parts of the body, and it is considered as one of the leading causes of death worldwide and accounted for 7.6 million deaths which are about 13% of all deaths [ 1 ], with …

Pattern and Management of Maxillofacial Trauma in Selected Trauma Units Across Africa: A Prospective Pilot Study


Injuries to the maxillofacial region are gaining prominence as disfigurement and trauma to this area could lead to considerable psychological, social and economic consequences [ 1 ]. The maxillofacial area is a vital region related to important …

Sculpting the Unseen: Innovations in Orbital Implants and Prosthetics


Tissue loss, whether congenital or as a result of trauma, cancer, or extensive surgery, is accompanied by psychological and cosmetic side effects. When the eye and all of the contents of the orbit are affected, this loss is more severe and causes …

TMJ Ankylosis as a Sequelae to Osteoma of the Mandibular Condyle


Osteoma is a benign osseous neoplasm that arises from either the cortical or medullary components of the craniofacial skeleton. It is usually encountered in the frontal bone and paranasal sinuses but seldom in the jaw bones. It manifests as an …

Sub-Sigmoid Osteotomy for Transoral Removal of Ectopic Tooth From Mandibular Ramus and Sigmoid Region


The ectopic third molar tooth is uncommon and its etiology is unknown. Usually, these teeth are located in the superior ramus, coronoid or condylar area, where standard surgical procedure are not feasible [ 1 ]. Meticulous surgical removal of these …

Long-Term Functional Outcome of Primary Closure with Hyoglossus Release for Small to Medium Size Lower Gingivobuccal Sulcus Complex Defect: An Alternative Choice to Flaps


Early-stage tumours of the lower gingiva-buccal sulcus (GBS) complex mandate a wise resection with or without a marginal mandibulectomy [ 1 ] and at times a mandibulectomy. The resultant soft tissue and mucosal defect needs appropriate …

Surgical Management of Denticulo-Particulate Compound Odontome in the Anterior Maxilla: A Comprehensive Case Report


Odontomas are a common type of hamartomatous malformation rather than true neoplasm that consists of dental tissues organized in a disorderly pattern. They are asymptomatic in nature and mostly detected during routine radiographic examination.

Report of an Intra-antral calcification following a buccal fat pad Obturation: A 4-year follow-up.


The enucleation of cysts in the posterior maxilla can be subject to many complications including extensive bone loss, fracture of the maxillary tuberosity and sinus perforation [ 1 ]. In such cases, the oral surgeon might use various substitutes in …

Local Single-Dose Teriparatide Administration for BRONJ Prevention: Insights from a Rat Model Study


Teriparatide, a recombinant human parathyroid hormone fragment, has gained approval from the FDA for treating osteoporosis [ 1 ]. This drug, known for stimulating osteoblasts, plays a pivotal role in bone formation and further enhances bone …

Evaluating the Impact of Specialized Tracheostomy Ward (STW) on Decannulation Times of Surgical Tracheostomy and Length of Hospital Stay in Surgically Treated Head and Neck Cancer Patients


Tracheostomy is a common elective procedure in the surgical treatment of head and neck cancer patients. Majority of the oral cavity cancer patients undergo elective tracheostomy as a part of the surgical management of the disease. More than …

Impact of Prehabilitation With Preoperative Swallowing Exercises on Postoperative Swallowing Morbidity in Oral Cavity Cancer: Randomized Controlled Trial


Oral cancer surgery and the associated reconstructive procedures cause mechanical and neurological impairment of swallowing, especially the oral preparatory and propulsive phases. Despite postoperative rehabilitation, functional impairment of …

Exploring Malignant Odontogenic Tumors: Clinical Insights & Literature Analysis


Malignant odontogenic tumors (MOTs) are a rare entity, which approximately account for 1–4% of all oral and maxillofacial pathology specimens [ 1 ]. WHO has updated the classification for odontogenic tumors and cysts of jaw in 2022 with seven …

Revisiting the Anterior Maxillary Subapical Osteotomy and Advancement Procedure


Skeletal Class III malocclusion is a dentofacial disharmony (DFD) that is usually quite easy to identify and is characterised by considerable impairment of facial esthetics, distortion in speech and reduction in masticatory performance [ 1 ].

Navigating the Diagnostic Labyrinth of Scrofuloderma Orbit in Conjunction with Jungling’s Disease


Tuberculosis (TB) manifests in various forms, including extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB), which poses diagnostic dilemmas due to its wide-ranging clinical presentations. When TB affects the bones of the hands and feet, it can present a …

Exotic Keratin Pearl Degradation Mechanism by Giant Cells in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and its Plausible Hypothesis


Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) ranks as the sixth most prevalent malignancy in the Indian subcontinent, characterized by substantial morbidity and mortality, and an overall 5-year survival rate of 40–50% [ 1 , 2 ]. This malignancy exhibits …

Anesthetist’s Perception Towards Submental Intubation: A Questionnaire Study


Oral intubation severely impedes the process of treating maxillofacial injuries, which requires for the reduction and stabilisation of maxillary and mandibular fractures by placing the patient’s teeth in normal occlusion (which should be …