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Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics

Ausgabe 2/2020

Inhalt (30 Artikel)

Is it time to establish age restrictions in ART?

  • Opinion Paper

Julianne E Zweifel, Julia T Woodward, Robert W Rebar, Mark V Sauer

Quality of evidence matters: is it well reported and interpreted in infertility journals?

  • Commentary

Demian Glujovsky, Carlos E. Sueldo, Ariel Bardach, María del Pilar Valanzasca, Daniel Comandé, Agustín Ciapponi

Decisional authority of gamete donors over embryos created with their gametes

  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Guido Pennings

Worlds apart or two sides of the same coin? Attitudes, meanings, and motives of potential oocyte and sperm donors in Austria

  • Open Access
  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

M. Flatscher-Thöni, B. Böttcher, W. Geser, A. Lampe, G. Werner-Felmayer, C. Voithofer, C. Schusterschitz

Success rates in minimal stimulation cycle IVF with clomiphene citrate only

  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Takashi Abe, Akiko Yabuuchi, Kenji Ezoe, Helen Skaletsky, Junichiro Fukuda, Satoshi Ueno, Yuting Fan, Sierra Goldsmith, Tamotsu Kobayashi, Sherman Silber, Keiichi Kato

Factors associated with subchorionic hematoma formation in pregnancies achieved via assisted reproductive technologies

  • Open Access
  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Brady T. West, Parviz K. Kavoussi, Kate C. Odenwald, Krista London, Caitlin L. Hunn, Shu-Hung Chen, John David Wininger, Melissa S. Gilkey, Keikhosrow M. Kavoussi, Shahryar K. Kavoussi

High prevalence of allergy in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer

  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Negar Esfandiari, Carleigh Nesbit, Julia Litzky, Dennis Dela Cruz, Sarah Gibson, Leslie DeMars, Navid Esfandiari

High-resolution 1H-NMR spectroscopy indicates variations in metabolomics profile of follicular fluid from women with advanced maternal age

  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

B. Dogan, A. Karaer, G. Tuncay, N. Tecellioglu, A. Mumcu

Decreased expression of MRE11 and RAD50 in testes from humans with spermatogenic failure

  • Gamete Biology

Minhao Hu, Lejun Li, Shuyuan Liu, Yiyun Lou, Liya Wang, Fang Le, Hongping Li, Qijing Wang, Hangying Lou, Ning Wang, Fan Jin

The potential impact of tumor suppressor genes on human gametogenesis: a case-control study

  • Gamete Biology

Avner Hershlag, Alexandra Peyser, Sara L Bristow, Oscar Puig, Andrew Pollock, Mohamad Niknazar, Alea A Mills

Live births after oocyte in vitro maturation with a prematuration step in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

  • Open Access
  • Technological Innovations

Lan N. Vuong, Anh H. Le, Vu N. A. Ho, Toan D. Pham, Flor Sanchez, Sergio Romero, Michel De Vos, Tuong M. Ho, Robert B. Gilchrist, Johan Smitz

What human sperm RNA-Seq tells us about the microbiome

  • Technological Innovations

Grace M. Swanson, Sergey Moskovtsev, Clifford Librach, J. Richard Pilsner, Robert Goodrich, Stephen A. Krawetz

PFA is superior to glyoxal in preserving oocyte, embryo, and stem cell proteins evidenced by super-resolution microscopical surveys of epitopes

  • Technological Innovations

Ferda Topal Celikkan, Ceren Mungan, Merve Sucu, Fatma Uysal, Selda Kahveci Hayme, Serhat Hayme, Nilay Kuscu, Sinan Ozkavukcu, Ciler Celik-Ozenci, Alp Can

The lipidome of endometrial fluid differs between implantative and non-implantative IVF cycles

  • Reproductive Physiology and Disease

Roberto Matorras, Ibon Martinez-Arranz, Enara Arretxe, Marta Iruarrizaga-Lejarreta, Blanca Corral, Jone Ibañez-Perez, Antonia Exposito, Begoña Prieto, Felix Elortza, Cristina Alonso

Exosomes derived from human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells repair injured endometrial epithelial cells

  • Reproductive Physiology and Disease

Linlin Liang, Lu Wang, Shihao Zhou, Jingyu Li, Li Meng, Helong Zhang, Chenchen Cui, Cuilian Zhang

A paracrine interaction between granulosa cells and leukocytes in the preovulatory follicle causes the increase in follicular G-CSF levels

  • Open Access
  • Reproductive Physiology and Disease

Laure Noël, Maïté Fransolet, Nathalie Jacobs, Jean-Michel Foidart, Michelle Nisolle, Carine Munaut

Conditions of embryo culture from days 5 to 7 of development alter the DNA methylome of the bovine fetus at day 86 of gestation

  • Reproductive Physiology and Disease

Yahan Li, Paula Tríbulo, Mohammad Reza Bakhtiarizadeh, Luiz Gustavo Siqueira, Tieming Ji, Rocío Melissa Rivera, Peter James Hansen

Endometriosis, endocrine disrupters, and epigenetics: an investigation into the complex interplay in women with polybrominated biphenyl exposure and endometriosis

  • Reproductive Physiology and Disease

Sabrina A. Gerkowicz, Sarah W. Curtis, Anna K. Knight, Dawayland O. Cobb, Jessica B. Spencer, Karen N. Conneely, Metrecia L. Terrell, Michele Marcus, Alica K. Smith

Expanding the genetic and phenotypic spectrum of female infertility caused by TLE6 mutations

  • Genetics

Jing Lin, Hua Xu, Biaobang Chen, Wenjing Wang, Lei Wang, Xiaoxi Sun, Qing Sang

Novel PMM2 missense mutation in a Chinese family with non-syndromic premature ovarian insufficiency

  • Genetics

Tianliu Peng, Chao Lv, Hangjing Tan, Jiafeng Huang, Hailun He, Yan Wang, Minghua Zeng, Dajing Yi, Jie Li, Hongwen Deng, Xiaobo Shi, Hongmei Xiao

The second mutation of SYCE1 gene associated with autosomal recessive nonobstructive azoospermia

  • Genetics

Mahdieh Pashaei, Mohammad Masoud Rahimi Bidgoli, Davood Zare-Abdollahi, Hossein Najmabadi, Ramona Haji-Seyed-Javadi, Farzad Fatehi, Afagh Alavi

AZF deletions in Indian populations: original study and meta-analyses

  • Genetics

Andrabi Syed Waseem, Vertika Singh, Girish Chandra Makker, Sameer Trivedi, Geetanjali Mishra, Kiran Singh, Singh Rajender

A contiguous microdeletion syndrome at Xp23.13 with non-obstructive azoospermia and congenital cataracts

  • Genetics

Aubrey Milunsky, Jeff M. Milunsky, Weilai Dong, Hayk Hovhannisyan, Robert D. Oates

IVF stimulation in pregnancy: lessons to be learned with implications for the luteal phase start IVF cycle

  • Letter to the Editor

Naama Al Mamari, Weon-Yong Son, Melissa Pansera, Ahmed Badeghiesh, Michael H. Dahan

Correction to: Development of an efficient perfusion-based protocol for whole-organ decellularization of the ovine uterus as a human-sized model and in vivo application of the bioscaffolds

  • Correction

Seyedeh Sima Daryabari, Abdol-Mohammad Kajbafzadeh, Kiarad Fendereski, Fariba Ghorbani, Mehrshad Dehnavi, Minoo Rostami, Bahram Azizi Garajegayeh, Seyed Mohammad Tavangar

Correction to: a predictive model for women’s assisted fecundity before starting the first IVF/ICSI treatment cycle

  • Correction

Juan J. Tarín, Eva Pascual, Miguel A. García-Pérez, Raúl Gómez, Juan J. Hidalgo-Mora, Antonio Cano

Neu im Fachgebiet Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe

Adjuvantes Atezolizumab ohne Nutzen bei frühem TNBC

Patientinnen mit frühem triple-negativem Brustkrebs profitieren nach der Operation offenbar nicht von einer Zugabe des PD-L1-Hemmers Atezolizumab zur adjuvanten Standardchemotherapie. Die Studie, die das untersucht hat, wurde vorzeitig abgebrochen. Was könnte die schlechte Wirksamkeit erklären?

Brustkrebstherapie: zu wenig Aufklärung über Nebenwirkungen?

Ergebnisse eines internationalen Surveys legen nahe, dass die Aufklärung über Nebenwirkungen einer Brustkrebstherapie häufig unzureichend ausfällt bzw. zu spät erfolgt.

Ab sofort gelten die neuen Verordnungsausnahmen für Lipidsenker

Freie Fahrt für Lipidsenker? Das nicht, doch mit niedrigerem Schwellenwert fürs Infarktrisiko und neuen Indikationen hat der G-BA die Verordnungs-Handbremse ein gutes Stück weit gelockert.

VTE-Risiko auch unter aktuellen Hormonkontrazeptiva erhöht

Registerdaten aus Dänemark helfen dabei, das Risiko für venöse Thromboembolien (VTE) unter verschiedenen aktuellen Verfahren zur hormonellen Verhütung einzuschätzen. Verhältnismäßig hoch ist es demnach unter Kombi-Pillen mit Drittgenerations-Gestagenen.  

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