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Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics

Ausgabe 7/2022

Inhalt (29 Artikel)

A brief history of testicular organoids: from theory to the wards

  • Review

WANG Nengzhuang, SHEN Jiaming, L. I. U. Minghua, MA Long, Q. I. N. Lina, G. E. Xuemei, Y. A. N. Hongli

Different roles of cilia in different segmentations of reproductive tract

  • Commentary

Liyang Huang, Meisheng Ma, Donghui Huang

Fabrication on the microscale: a two-photon polymerized device for oocyte microinjection

  • Open Access
  • Technological Innovations

Suliman H. Yagoub, Jeremy G. Thompson, Antony Orth, Kishan Dholakia, Brant C. Gibson, Kylie R. Dunning

Apoptotic qPCR gene expression array analysis demonstrates proof-of-concept for rapid blastocoel fluid-conditioned media molecular prediction

  • Technological Innovations

Arnav Lal, Allison Kranyak, Jonathan Blalock, Deepti Athavale, Alyssa Barré, Addison Doran, T. Arthur Chang, Randal D. Robinson, Shawn Zimmerman, J. David Wininger, Lauren A. Fowler, William E. Roudebush, Renee J. Chosed

Embryologic outcomes among patients using a microfluidics chip compared to density gradient centrifugation to process sperm: a paired analysis

  • Gamete Biology

Prachi Godiwala, Emilse Almanza, Jane Kwieraga, Reeva Makhijani, Daniel Grow, John Nulsen, Claudio Benadiva, Alison Bartolucci, Lawrence Engmann

Altered expression of Notch signaling, Tlr receptors, and surfactant protein expression after prostaglandin inhibition may be associated with the delayed labor in LPS-induced mice

  • Reproductive Physiology and Disease

Sema Avci, Nilay Kuscu, Begum Durkut, Leyla Kilinc, Ismail Ustunel, Ciler Celik-Ozenci

Evaluation of placental growth potential and placental bed perfusion by 3D ultrasound for early second-trimester prediction of preeclampsia

  • Reproductive Physiology and Disease

Hong Cui, Leilei Yu, Hua Li, Hongling Wang, Wenwen Liang, Huige Wang, Huifeng Wang

SARS-CoV-2 effects on sperm parameters: a meta-analysis study

  • COVID-19
  • Reproductive Physiology and Disease

Yuanzhi Xie, Mina Mirzaei, Mohammad Saeed Kahrizi, Alireza Mohammadzade Shabestari, Seyed Mohammad Riahi, Marziye Farsimadan, Giandomenico Roviello

The impact of past COVID-19 infection on pregnancy rates in frozen embryo transfer cycles

  • COVID-19
  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Michal Youngster, Sarit Avraham, Odelia Yaakov, Moran Landau Rabbi, Itai Gat, Gil Yerushalmi, Micha Baum, Ettie Maman, Ariel Hourvitz, Alon Kedem

Satisfaction with new patient telehealth visits for reproductive endocrinology patients in the era of COVID-19

  • COVID-19
  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Kelsey Anderson, Reyan Coskun, Patricia Jimenez, Kenan Omurtag

Telehealth provider experience in reproductive endocrinology and infertility clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

  • Open Access
  • COVID-19
  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Elizabeth A. Dilday, Christopher R. Douglas, Zain A. Al-Safi

The low fetal fraction at the first trimester is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes in IVF singleton pregnancies with single embryo transfer from frozen cycles

  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Yang Zou, Hongqiang Xie, Jingmei Hu, Linlin Cui, Guangbao Liu, Lijuan Wang, Mengyang Xue, Junhao Yan, Xuan Gao, Yuan Gao, Zi-Jiang Chen

Association between serum estradiol level on day of progesterone start and outcomes from frozen blastocyst transfer cycles utilizing oral estradiol

  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Randi H. Goldman, Anna Greer, Catherine Racowsky, Leslie V. Farland, Andrea Lanes, Ann Muir Thomas, Mark D. Hornstein

Disposition preferences in oocyte preservation patients

  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Anne P. Hutchinson, Shweta Hosakoppal, Kathryn A. Trotter, Rafael Confino, John Zhang, Susan C. Klock, Angela K. Lawson, Mary Ellen Pavone

Down syndrome live births following assisted reproductive technology in Japan: a nationwide survey between 2007 and 2016

  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Seung Chik Jwa, Akira Namba, Shunsuke Tamaru, Akira Kuwahara, Haruhiko Sago, Osamu Ishihara, Yoshimasa Kamei

Association of AMH and AMHR2 gene polymorphisms with ovarian response and pregnancy outcomes in Indian women

  • Genetics

Stacy Colaco, Swati Achrekar, Akshata Patil, Unnati Sawant, Sadhna Desai, Vijay Mangoli, Padma Rekha Jirge, Deepak Modi, Smita D. Mahale

Re-denudation of residual cumulus cells on day 3 increases the accuracy of cell-free DNA detection in spent embryo culture medium

  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Caixia Lei, Jing Fu, Xiong Li, Jing Zhou, Min Xiao, Shuo Zhang, Yijuan Sun, Xiaoxi Sun

What can we learn about posthumous sperm retrieval after extra long-term follow-up?

  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Itai Gat, Ana Umanski, Sarita Kaufman, Alon Kedem, Sarit Avraham, Michal Youngster, Gil Yerushalmi, Chen Kugel, Ariel Hourvitz, Osnat Levtzion-Korach

Estradiol to progesterone ratio is not a predictor of oocyte maturity at time of ovulation trigger

  • Open Access
  • Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Marisa Berger, Hency Patel, Richard Buyalos, Gary Hubert, Chumin Wang, Mousa Shamonki, Molly Quinn

The de novo aberration rate of prenatal karyotype was comparable between 1496 fetuses conceived via IVF/ICSI and 1396 fetuses from natural conception

  • Genetics

Shimin Yuan, Liuliang Guo, Dehua Cheng, Xiurong Li, Hao Hu, Liang Hu, Guangxiu Lu, Ge Lin, Fei Gong, Yue-Qiu Tan

Neu im Fachgebiet Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe

Höhere Trefferquoten bei Brustkrebsscreening dank KI?

Künstliche Intelligenz unterstützt bei der Auswertung von Mammografie-Screenings und senkt somit den Arbeitsaufwand für Radiologen. Wie wirken sich diese Technologien auf die Trefferquote und die Falsch-positiv-Rate aus? Das hat jetzt eine Studie aus Schweden untersucht.

Präeklampsie-Prophylaxe mit ASS: Suche nach optimaler Dosierung

Der Nutzen einer frühzeitigen Präeklampsie-Prophylaxe mit Acetylsalicylsäure steht außer Frage. Über die optimale Dosierung wird noch diskutiert. Eine Forschungsgruppe aus Schweden deshalb hat verschiedene Einnahmeregime verglichen, mit einem erstaunlichem Ergebnis.

Automatisierte Insulinabgabe hilft postpartal bei Blutzuckerkontrolle

Ergebnisse aus einer Fortsetzung der AiDAPT-Studie sprechen dafür, dass ein HCL („hybrid closed loop“)-System auch in den ersten sechs Monaten nach dem Entbinden eine bessere Blutzuckereinstellung erlaubt als eine Standardinsulinabgabe.  

cfDNA-Screening kann auf maternalen Krebs hinweisen

Unübliche oder nicht auswertbare Resultate des nichtinvasiven Screenings auf fetale Aneuploidie mithilfe der Sequenzierung zellfreier DNA können ein Zeichen für Krebs der Mutter sein. In einer Studie lag die Prävalenz nahe 50%.

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