Ausgabe 4/2017
Inhalt (19 Artikel)
Genetics of HIV-associated sensory neuropathy and related pain in Africans
- Review
Huguette Gaelle Ngassa Mbenda, Antonia Wadley, Zane Lombard, Catherine Cherry, Patricia Price, Peter Kamerman
Robust gene expression changes in the ganglia following subclinical reactivation in rhesus macaques infected with simian varicella virus
Nicole Arnold, Christine Meyer, Flora Engelmann, Ilhem Messaoudi
White matter measures are near normal in controlled HIV infection except in those with cognitive impairment and longer HIV duration
Lucette A. Cysique, James R. Soares, Guangqiang Geng, Maia Scarpetta, Kirsten Moffat, Michael Green, Bruce J. Brew, Roland G. Henry, Caroline Rae
Erratum to: White matter measures are near normal in controlled HIV infection except in those with cognitive impairment and longer HIV duration
- Erratum
Lucette A. Cysique, James R. Soares, Guangqiang Geng, Maia Scarpetta, Kirsten Moffat, Michael Green, Bruce J. Brew, Roland G. Henry, Caroline Rae
The nature and consequences of cognitive deficits among tobacco smokers with HIV: a comparison to tobacco smokers without HIV
Joseph D. Harrison, Jessica A. Dochney, Sonja Blazekovic, Frank Leone, David Metzger, Ian Frank, Robert Gross, Anita Hole, Karam Mounzer, Steven Siegel, Robert A. Schnoll, Rebecca L. Ashare
Association of long-term patterns of depressive symptoms and attention/executive function among older men with and without human immunodeficiency virus
Nicole M. Armstrong, Pamela J. Surkan, Glenn J. Treisman, Ned C. Sacktor, Michael R. Irwin, Linda A. Teplin, Ron Stall, Eileen M. Martin, James T. Becker, Cynthia Munro, Andrew J. Levine, Lisa P. Jacobson, Alison G. Abraham
An oral form of methylglyoxal-bis-guanylhydrazone reduces monocyte activation and traffic to the dorsal root ganglia in a primate model of HIV-peripheral neuropathy
Jessica R. Lakritz, Samshita Yalamanchili, Michael J. Polydefkis, Andrew D. Miller, Michael S. McGrath, Kenneth C. Williams, Tricia H. Burdo
Modeling brain lentiviral infections during antiretroviral therapy in AIDS
Weston C. Roda, Michael Y. Li, Michael S. Akinwumi, Eugene L. Asahchop, Benjamin B. Gelman, Kenneth W. Witwer, Christopher Power
The EGF epidermal growth factor counteracts Tat modulation of human endogenous retroviruses of the W family in astrocytes
- Short Communication
Elena Uleri, Claudia Piu, Maurizio Caocci, Gabriele Ibba, Caterina Serra, Antonina Dolei
Improvements in brain and behavior following eradication of hepatitis C
Taylor Kuhn, Philip Sayegh, Jacob D. Jones, Jason Smith, Manoj K. Sarma, A. Ragin, Elyse J. Singer, M. Albert Thomas, April D. Thames, Steven A. Castellon, Charles H. Hinkin
Novel nanoformulation to mitigate co-effects of drugs of abuse and HIV-1 infection: towards the treatment of NeuroAIDS
Rahul Dev Jayant, Venkata S. R. Atluri, Sneham Tiwari, Sudheesh Pilakka-Kanthikeel, Ajeet Kaushik, Adriana Yndart, Madhavan Nair
Parsonage-Turner syndrome due to autochthonous acute genotype 3f hepatitis E virus infection in a nonimmunocompromised 55-year-old patient
- Case Report
A. Velay, W. Kack-Kack, F. Abravanel, S. Lhomme, P. Leyendecker, L. Kremer, P. Chamouard, J. Izopet, S. Fafi-Kremer, H. Barth
Diplopia as isolated presentation of varicella zoster central nervous system reactivation
- Case Report
Cosmo Del Borgo, Valeria Belvisi, Maria Beatrice Valli, Antonio Currà, Irene Pozzetto, Massimiliano Sepe, Claudio Maria Mastroianni
Immunoglobulin-responsive chikungunya encephalitis: two case reports
- Case Report
Stephanie Suzanne de O. Scott, Pedro Braga-Neto, Lícia Pacheco Pereira, Paulo Ribeiro Nóbrega, Francisco de Assis Aquino Gondim, Manoel Alves Sobreira-Neto, Claudia Carvalho Mendes Schiavon
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a patient with lymphoma and presumptive hyper IgE syndrome
- Case Report
Rahsan Gocmen, Nazire Pinar Acar, Deniz Cagdas, Asli Kurne
Erratum to: Acyclovir resistance in herpes simplex virus type I encephalitis: a case report
- Erratum
M. Bergmann, R. Beer, M. Kofler, R. Helbok, B. Pfausler, E. Schmutzhard
Acyclovir resistance in herpes simplex virus type I encephalitis: a case report
- Letter to the Editor
Andreas Sauerbrei
Response to the letter to the editor by Andreas Sauerbrei on “Acyclovir resistance in herpes simplex type I encephalitis, a case report”
- Letter to the Editor
Erich Schmutzhard, Melanie Bergmann, Ronny Beer, Mario Kofler, Raimund Helbok, Bettina Pfausler
2017 Colorado alphaherpesvirus latency society symposium
- Meeting Report
Nicholas L. Baird, Randall J. Cohrs