Ausgabe 2/2022
Inhalt (44 Artikel)
Artificial intelligence and machine learning: an introduction for orthopaedic surgeons
R. Kyle Martin, Christophe Ley, Ayoosh Pareek, Andreas Groll, Thomas Tischer, Romain Seil
A safe transition to a more personalized alignment in total knee arthroplasty: the importance of a “safe zone” concept
- Editorial
Rüdiger von Eisenhart-Rothe, Sebastien Lustig, Heiko Graichen, Peter P. Koch, Roland Becker, Arun Mullaji, Michael T. Hirschmann
Machine learning algorithm to predict anterior cruciate ligament revision demonstrates external validity
- Open Access
R. Kyle Martin, Solvejg Wastvedt, Ayoosh Pareek, Andreas Persson, Håvard Visnes, Anne Marie Fenstad, Gilbert Moatshe, Julian Wolfson, Martin Lind, Lars Engebretsen
Machine learning in knee arthroplasty: specific data are key—a systematic review
- Open Access
Florian Hinterwimmer, Igor Lazic, Christian Suren, Michael T. Hirschmann, Florian Pohlig, Daniel Rueckert, Rainer Burgkart, Rüdiger von Eisenhart-Rothe
Tibial joint line orientation has no effect on joint awareness after mechanically aligned total knee arthroplasty
Anna-Katharina Calek, Andreas Ladurner, Lukas Jud, Vilijam Zdravkovic, Henrik Behrend
Increased patellar bone tracer uptake in preoperative SPECT/CT before medial opening high tibial osteotomy correlates with inferior clinical outcome
- Open Access
B. L. Schelker, C. S. Moret, O. Dogan, F. Amsler, H. Rasch, R. W. Hügli, M. T. Hirschmann
Osteoarthritic and non-osteoarthritic patients show comparable coronal knee joint line orientations in a cross-sectional study based on 3D reconstructed CT images
- Open Access
Silvan Hess, Lukas B. Moser, Emma L. Robertson, Henrik Behrend, Felix Amsler, Edna Iordache, Vincent Leclercq, Michael T. Hirschmann
What is the “safe zone” for transition of coronal alignment from systematic to a more personalised one in total knee arthroplasty? A systematic review
- Open Access
Benjamin L. Schelker, Andrej M. Nowakowski, Michael T. Hirschmann
Primary osteoarthritic knees have more varus coronal alignment of the femur compared to young non-arthritic knees in a large cohort study
Elliot Sappey-Marinier, Cécile Batailler, John Swan, Matthieu Malatray, Laurence Cheze, Elvire Servien, Sébastien Lustig
Alignment changes after open-wedge high tibial osteotomy result in offloading in the patellofemoral joint: a SPECT/CT analysis
Jae Ang Sim, Young Gon Na, Beom Koo Lee, Byung Hoon Lee
CT-based patient-specific instrumentation for total knee arthroplasty in over 700 cases: single-use instruments are as accurate as standard instruments
- Open Access
Stefan Gaukel, Raphael N. Vuille-dit-Bille, Michel Schläppi, Peter P. Koch
Distal femoral phenotypes in Asian varus osteoarthritic knees
Young-Wan Moon, Jong-Hyun Park, Sung-Sahn Lee, Ji-Won Kang, Dae-Hee Lee
Custom total knee arthroplasty facilitates restoration of constitutional coronal alignment
- Open Access
Michel P. Bonnin, Lucas Beckers, Augustin Leon, Jules Chauveau, Jacobus H. Müller, Carsten O. Tibesku, Tarik Aït-Si-Selmi
Correction to: Custom total knee arthroplasty facilitates restoration of constitutional coronal alignment
- Open Access
- Correction
Michel P. Bonnin, Lucas Beckers, Augustin Leon, Jules Chauveau, Jacobus H. Müller, Carsten O. Tibesku, Tarik Aït-Si-Selmi
The contralateral limb is no reliable reference to restore coronal alignment in TKA
Lucas Beckers, William Colyn, Johan Bellemans, Jan Victor, Pieter-Jan Vandekerckhove
Higher satisfaction after total knee arthroplasty using restricted inverse kinematic alignment compared to adjusted mechanical alignment
- Open Access
Philip Winnock de Grave, Thomas Luyckx, Kurt Claeys, Thomas Tampere, Jonas Kellens, Jacobus Müller, Paul Gunst
Good clinical results using a modified kinematic alignment technique with a cruciate sacrificing medially stabilised total knee arthroplasty
M. Malavolta, R. Compagnoni, S. Mezzari, F. Calanna, A. Pastrone, P. Randelli
Residual varus alignment can reduce joint awareness, restore joint parallelism, and preserve the soft tissue envelope during total knee arthroplasty for varus osteoarthritis
Kyun-Ho Shin, Ki-Mo Jang, Seung-Beom Han
Variable rotation of the femur does not affect outcome with patient specific alignment navigated balanced TKA
Jérôme Murgier, Mark Clatworthy
Correction of severe valgus osteoarthritis by total knee arthroplasty is associated with increased postoperative ankle symptoms
- Open Access
Frank Graef, Hagen Hommel, Roman Falk, Serafeim Tsitsilonis, Robert Karl Zahn, Carsten Perka
Potential risk of medial cortex perforation due to peg position of morphometric tibial component in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: a computer simulation study
Keiji Tensho, Tomoya Iwaasa, Suguru Koyama, Hiroki Shimodaira, Hiroshi Horiuchi, Naoto Saito, Jun Takahashi
A web-based machine-learning algorithm predicting postoperative acute kidney injury after total knee arthroplasty
Sunho Ko, Changwung Jo, Chong Bum Chang, Yong Seuk Lee, Young-Wan Moon, Jae woo Youm, Hyuk-Soo Han, Myung Chul Lee, Hajeong Lee, Du Hyun Ro
CAS and PSI increase coronal alignment accuracy and reduce outliers when compared to traditional technique of medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy: a meta-analysis
S. Cerciello, M. Ollivier, K. Corona, B. Kaocoglu, R. Seil
Relevant changes of leg alignment after customised individually made bicompartmental knee arthroplasty due to overstuffing
Sonia Shamdasani, Nicole Vogel, Raphael Kaelin, Achim Kaim, Markus P. Arnold
The medial inclination of the proximal tibia is associated with the external knee adduction moment in advanced varus knee osteoarthritis
Tomoharu Mochizuki, Go Omori, Katsutoshi Nishino, Masaei Tanaka, Osamu Tanifuji, Hiroshi Koga, Takahiro Mori, Yoshio Koga, Hiroyuki Kawashima
Component gap measurement reflects the planned gap balance during total knee arthroplasty more accurately and reliably than bone surface gap measurement
Kyun-Ho Shin, Ki-Mo Jang, Seung-Beom Han
Robot-assisted total knee arthroplasty is associated with a learning curve for surgical time but not for component alignment, limb alignment and gap balancing
Hannes Vermue, Thomas Luyckx, Philip Winnock de Grave, Alexander Ryckaert, Anne-Sophie Cools, Nicolas Himpe, Jan Victor
No significant clinical and radiological differences between fixed versus mobile bearing total knee replacement using the same semi-constrained implant type: a randomized controlled trial with mean 10 years follow-up
- kNEE
E. Sappey-Marinier, J. Swan, D. Maucort-Boulch, C. Batailler, M. Malatray, P. Neyret, S. Lustig, E. Servien
Muscle loaded stability reflects ligament-based stability in TKA: a cadaveric study
Nele Arnout, Jan Victor, Amelie Chevalier, Johan Bellemans, Matthias A. Verstraete
Robotic-assisted TKA leads to a better prosthesis alignment and a better joint line restoration as compared to conventional TKA: a prospective randomized controlled trial
Narendra V. Vaidya, Ajinkya N. Deshpande, Taufiq Panjwani, Rakesh Patil, Tanmay Jaysingani, Pratik Patil
Satisfactory mid- to long-term outcomes of TKA aligned using conventional instrumentation for flexion gap balancing with minimal soft tissue release
Michel Bercovy, Luc Kerboull, Jacobus H. Müller, Mo Saffarini, Frederic Sailhan
Medial stabilised total knee arthroplasty achieves comparable clinical outcomes when compared to other TKA designs: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the current literature
- Open Access
Sohail Nisar, Kashif Ahmad, Jeya Palan, Hemant Pandit, Bernard van Duren
Asymmetrical tibial polyethylene geometry-cruciate retaining total knee arthroplasty does not fully restore in-vivo articular contact kinematics during strenuous activities
Christian Klemt, John Drago, Venkatsaiakhil Tirumala, Young-Min Kwon
Over-constrained kinematic of the medial compartment leads to lower clinical outcomes after total knee arthroplasty
- Open Access
Nicola Pizza, Stefano Di Paolo, Raffaele Zinno, Giulio Maria Marcheggiani Muccioli, Piero Agostinone, Domenico Alesi, Marco Bontempi, Stefano Zaffagnini, Laura Bragonzoni
Bone marrow lesion severity was associated with proximal tibial inclination in early knee osteoarthritis
Kyota Ishibashi, Eiji Sasaki, Seiya Ota, Tetsushi Oyama, Daisuke Chiba, Yuji Yamamoto, Eiichi Tsuda, Nozomi Uemura, Kaori Sawada, Yasuyuki Ishibashi
Patients with varus knee osteoarthritis undergoing high tibial osteotomy exhibit more femoral varus but similar tibial morphology compared to non-arthritic varus knees
Hamid Rahmatullah Bin Abd Razak, Grégoire Micicoi, Raghbir S. Khakha, Matthieu Ehlinger, Ahmad Faizan, Sally LiArno, Matthieu Ollivier
Joint line obliquity was maintained after double-level osteotomy, but was increased after open-wedge high tibial osteotomy
Yasushi Akamatsu, Shuntaro Nejima, Masaki Tsuji, Hideo Kobayashi, Shuntaro Muramatsu
Femoral matched tibia component rotation has little effect on the tibial torsion after total knee arthroplasty
Ji Hoon Bae, Ja-Woon Lee, Soo-Hyun Kim, Sang-Gyun Kim, Young-Sik Jeon, Jeong Seok Choi
Restricted kinematic alignment leads to uncompromised osseointegration of cementless total knee arthroplasty
- Open Access
Guillaume Laforest, Lazaros Kostretzis, Marc-Olivier Kiss, Pascal-André Vendittoli
Correction to: Restricted kinematic alignment leads to uncompromised osseointegration of cementless total knee arthroplasty
- Open Access
- Correction
Guillaume Laforest, Lazaros Kostretzis, Marc-Olivier Kiss, Pascal-André Vendittoli
Global varus malalignment increase from double-leg to single-leg stance due to intra-articular changes
Léo-Pôhl Bardot, Grégoire Micicoi, Henri Favreau, Petr Zeman, Raghbir Khakha, Matthieu Ehlinger, Matthieu Ollivier
Navigation and robotics improved alignment compared with PSI and conventional instrument, while clinical outcomes were similar in TKA: a network meta-analysis
Kai Lei, LiMing Liu, Xin Chen, Qing Feng, Liu Yang, Lin Guo
A cemented mobile-bearing total knee prosthesis prevents peri-prosthetic bone mineral density loss around the femoral component: a consecutive follow-up at a mean of 11 years
Yukihide Minoda, Mitsuhiko Ikebuchi, Akio Kobayashi, Hiroyoshi Iwaki, Hiroaki Nakamura
Lateral approach total knee arthroplasty achieves equivalent patellar tracking in severe valgus deformity compared to mild valgus deformity
Julien Erard, Cécile Batailler, John Swan, Elliot Sappey-Marinier, Elvire Servien, Sébastien Lustig