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Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy

Ausgabe 2/2023

Inhalt (44 Artikel)

Unsupervised machine learning methods and emerging applications in healthcare


Christina M. Eckhardt, Sophia J. Madjarova, Riley J. Williams, Mattheu Ollivier, Jón Karlsson, Ayoosh Pareek, Benedict U. Nwachukwu

A practical guide to the development and deployment of deep learning models for the Orthopedic surgeon: part I

  • Review

Jacob F. Oeding, Riley J. Williams, Benedict U. Nwachukwu, R. Kyle Martin, Bryan T. Kelly, Jón Karlsson, Christopher L. Camp, Andrew D. Pearle, Anil S. Ranawat, Ayoosh Pareek

Function and strain of the anterolateral ligament part II: reconstruction

  • KNEE

Björn H. Drews, Oliver Kessler, Wolfgang Franz, Maren Freutel, Lutz Dürselen

Medially congruent total knee arthroplasty in valgus knee deformities yields satisfactory outcomes: a multicenter, international study

  • KNEE

Pier Francesco Indelli, Paolo Spinello, Karlos Zepeda, Stefano Campi, Stefano Marco Paolo Rossi, Michael Engl, Rocco Papalia, Francesco Benazzo

Correction to: Medially congruent total knee arthroplasty in valgus knee deformities yields satisfactory outcomes: a multicenter, international study

  • Correction

Pier Francesco Indelli, Paolo Spinello, Karlos Zepeda, Stefano Campi, Stefano Marco Paolo Rossi, Michael Engl, Rocco Papalia, Francesco Benazzo

Intra-articular corticosteroid injections are associated with a dose-dependent risk of total knee arthroplasty at 5 years

  • KNEE

Robert A. Burnett III, Syed Khalid, Anne DeBenedetti, E. Bailey Terhune, Morgan L. Angotti, Craig J. Della Valle

Smaller intercondylar notch size and smaller ACL volume increase posterior cruciate ligament rupture risk

  • Open Access
  • KNEE

K. S. R. van Kuijk, M. Reijman, S. M. A. Bierma-Zeinstra, D. E. Meuffels

Complications and re-operations after extensor mechanism repair surgery in a large cross-sectional cohort: females and tobacco-users at highest risk for adverse outcomes

  • KNEE

Jacob F. Oeding, Rami Alrabaa, Stephanie E. Wong, Alan L. Zhang, Brian Feeley, C. Benjamin Ma, Drew A. Lansdown

Incidence and type of meniscal tears in multilligament injured knees

  • KNEE

Chloé Labarre, Seong Hwan Kim, Nicolas Pujol

General, spinal or regional anaesthesia does not affect strength performance 6 months after ACL reconstruction

  • Open Access
  • KNEE

M. Wenning, M. Mauch, A. H. Heitner, S. Heinrich, G. N. Sofack, M. Behrens, R. Ritzmann

Low reoperation rate following lateral meniscus root repair: clinical outcomes at 2 years follow-up

  • KNEE

Tristan De Leissègues, Thais Dutra Vieira, Jean-Marie Fayard, Mathieu Thaunat

Risk factors for secondary meniscus tears can be accurately predicted through machine learning, creating a resource for patient education and intervention

  • KNEE

Kevin Jurgensmeier, Sara E. Till, Yining Lu, Alexandra M. Arguello, Michael J. Stuart, Daniel B. F. Saris, Christopher L. Camp, Aaron J. Krych

“Cost-effectiveness of ACL treatment is dependent on age and activity level: a systematic review”

  • Open Access
  • KNEE

R. Deviandri, H. C. van der Veen, A. M. T. Lubis, I. van den Akker-Scheek, M. J. Postma

Correction to: “Cost-effectiveness of ACL treatment is dependent on age and activity level: a systematic review”

  • Open Access
  • Correction

R. Deviandri, H. C. van der Veen, A. M. T. Lubis, I. van den Akker-Scheek, M. J. Postma

Arthroscopic centralization reduces extrusion of the medial meniscus with posterior root defect in the ACL reconstructed knee

  • KNEE

Hiroko Ueki, Ryo Kanto, Michael DiNenna, Monica A. Linde, Freddie H. Fu, Patrick Smolinski

Similar rate of return to sports activity between posterior-stabilised and cruciate-retaining primary total knee arthroplasty in young and active patient

  • Open Access
  • KNEE

Riccardo D’Ambrosi, Laura Mangiavini, Rafael Loucas, Marios Loucas, Angela Brivio, Ilaria Mariani, Nicola Ursino, Filippo Migliorini

Multiple revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: not the best but still good

  • Open Access
  • KNEE

Riccardo D’Ambrosi, Amit Meena, Akshya Raj, Nicola Ursino, Matteo Formica, Mirco Herbort, Christian Fink

Less than 1% risk of donor-site quadriceps tendon rupture post-ACL reconstruction with quadriceps tendon autograft: a systematic review

  • KNEE

Harasees Singh, Isaac Glassman, Andrew Sheean, Yuichi Hoshino, Kanto Nagai, Darren de SA

Radiographic findings involved in knee osteoarthritis progression are associated with pain symptom frequency and baseline disease severity: a population-level analysis using deep learning

  • KNEE

Kyle N. Kunze, Seong Jun Jang, Tim Li, David A. Mayman, Jonathan M. Vigdorchik, Seth A. Jerabek, Austin T. Fragomen, Peter K. Sculco

The effect of body mass index on the outcomes of cementless medial mobile-bearing unicompartmental knee replacements

  • Open Access
  • KNEE

Hasan Raza Mohammad, Stephen Mellon, Andrew Judge, Christopher Dodd, David Murray

Failure to disclose industry funding impacts outcomes in randomized controlled trials of platelet-rich plasma


Kaitlyn Chou, Aaron Gazendam, Jaydev Vemulakonda, Mohit Bhandari

Patients older than 55 years regain sporting and recreational activities after arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction


Philips Ogunleye, Hannah Jäger, Felix Zimmermann, Peter Balcarek, Christian Sobau, Andree Ellermann, Alexander Zimmerer

Cell-based therapies have disease-modifying effects on osteoarthritis in animal models. A systematic review by the ESSKA Orthobiologic Initiative. Part 1: adipose tissue-derived cell-based injectable therapies

  • Open Access

Carlotta Perucca Orfei, Angelo Boffa, Yosef Sourugeon, Lior Laver, Jérémy Magalon, Mikel Sánchez, Thomas Tischer, Giuseppe Filardo, Laura de Girolamo

Acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligamentous insertion distances depend on the scapular tilt and decrease with anterior direction of the inferior scapula angle

  • Open Access

Julia Sußiek, Jens Wermers, Michael J. Raschke, Elmar Herbst, Felix Dyrna, Oliver Riesenbeck, J. Christoph Katthagen

No difference in clinical outcome after rotator cuff repair performed within or later than 3 months after trauma: a retrospective cohort study

  • Open Access

Sigbjørn Dimmen, Christian Owesen, Kirsten Lundgreen, Kjersti Kaul Jenssen

Socioeconomic deprivation status predicts both the incidence and nature of Achilles tendon rupture


J. F. Maempel, N. D. Clement, S. P. Mackenzie, C. McCann, T. O. White

Arthroscopic defect size measurement in osteochondral lesions of the talus underestimates the exact defect size and size measurement with arthro-MRI (MR-A) and high-resolution flat-panel CT-arthro imaging (FPCT-A)

  • Ankle

Sarah Ettinger, Lena Sonnow, Christian Plaass, Alexandra Rahn, Christina Stukenborg-Colsman, Christian von Falck, Gesa Poehler, Christoph Becher


Grundlagenwissen der Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie erweitert durch Fallbeispiele, Videos und Abbildungen. Zur Fortbildung und Wissenserweiterung, verfasst und geprüft von Expertinnen und Experten der Gesellschaft für Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie (AGA).

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Freie Fahrt für Lipidsenker? Das nicht, doch mit niedrigerem Schwellenwert fürs Infarktrisiko und neuen Indikationen hat der G-BA die Verordnungs-Handbremse ein gutes Stück weit gelockert.

Aerobes Training hilft bei Fibromyalgie

Sport im aeroben Bereich ist ein veritables Mittel, um die Schmerzen von Menschen mit Fibromyalgie zu reduzieren, wie eine Metaanalyse zeigt. Frequenz, Dauer und Intensität der Übungen geben den Ausschlag.

MedTalk Leitlinie KOMPAKT: S3-Leitline zu peripheren Nervenverletzungen

  • Webinar | 10.02.2025 | 13:00

Über den Weg zur finalen Fassung der S3-Leitlinie "Versorgung peripherer Nervenverletzungen" sprechen Prof. Dr. Leila Harhaus-Wähner und Ressortleiter Dr. Gunter Freese im WebTalk Leitlinie KOMPAKT, einer neuen Webcast-Serie von SpringerMedizin passend zu Ihrem Fachmagazin Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie Mitteilungen und Nachrichten. In dem kurzen Video geht es darum, was sich im Vergleich zur vorigen Fassung der Leitlinie geändert hat, welche Aspekte für die tägliche Praxis besonders wichtig sind und was jeder gemäß Leitlinie nun anders oder besser machen sollte.

Zi veröffentlicht Ranking zur Fehleranfälligkeit gängiger Praxis-EDV

Welches Praxisverwaltungssystem macht am wenigsten Probleme? Das Zi dokumentiert jetzt detaillierte Produktbewertungen zu 17 konkreten Anwendungssituationen.

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