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31.05.2021 | Original Article

Knowledge of Surgeons About Statistics: an Online Survey

verfasst von: Swarnalatha MC, Ramakrishna HK

Erschienen in: Indian Journal of Surgery | Sonderheft 1/2022

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Medical statistics is generally considered a dry, boring, and complex subject and most doctors think that it is not required for them. There has been reluctance amongst doctors including surgeons to learn it. The knowledge of statistics amongst surgeons is poor. To know the attitude and knowledge of the surgeons, we conducted an online survey with Google form. A Google form was created (https://​forms.​gle/​16Be3CJtnVAqtm5t​9). It was shared with the heads of the department of general surgery of all medical colleges of Karnataka. We avoided asking personal details to avoid bias. Responders included 16 medical college faculty, 19 PG students in general surgery, and 18 consultant surgeons. 50.1% of responders did not read journals regularly. Only 5.9% understood the statistics part well while reading the journals. 43.1% understood statistics partly and some preferred to skip the statistics part. 88.4% of the responders agreed that statistics should be taught in the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum. Only 43.4% felt that the medical college teachers have sufficient knowledge of statistics to guide their students. 60.4% approached a statistician and 45.3% searched Google for a solution when they came across a statistical problem. Some suggestions were given by the responders are (a) statistics should be taught in MBBS and MS/MD curriculum. It should be a compulsory subject for the examination. (b) Associations (like ASI) should conduct hands-on workshops on statistics for the benefit of the members. (c) More information on statistics should be provided in our journals etc.
Zurück zum Zitat Wulff HR, Andersen B, Brandenhoff P, Guttler F (1987) What do doctors know about statistics? Stat Med 6(1):3–10CrossRef Wulff HR, Andersen B, Brandenhoff P, Guttler F (1987) What do doctors know about statistics? Stat Med 6(1):3–10CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Christoffersen MW, Westen M, Rosenberg J, Helgstrand F, Bisgaard T (2020) Closure of the fascial defect during laparoscopic umbilical hernia repair: a randomized clinical trial. Br J Surg 107:200–208CrossRef Christoffersen MW, Westen M, Rosenberg J, Helgstrand F, Bisgaard T (2020) Closure of the fascial defect during laparoscopic umbilical hernia repair: a randomized clinical trial. Br J Surg 107:200–208CrossRef
Knowledge of Surgeons About Statistics: an Online Survey
verfasst von
Swarnalatha MC
Ramakrishna HK
Springer India
Erschienen in
Indian Journal of Surgery / Ausgabe Sonderheft 1/2022
Print ISSN: 0972-2068
Elektronische ISSN: 0973-9793

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