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09.01.2019 | Case Report

Learning from the living to diagnose the dead – parallels between CT findings after survived drowning and fatal drowning

verfasst von: Cynthia Hourscht, Andreas Christe, Shane Diers, Michael J. Thali, Thomas D. Ruder

Erschienen in: Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology | Ausgabe 2/2019

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A case of survived drowning is presented where CT findings of the lungs were in keeping with several findings seen on post-mortem CT (PMCT) examination after fatal drowning. These findings include interlobular septal thickening, peribronichal cuffing, mosaic pattern ground glass opacities, and perivascular nodular ground glass opacities. The absence of confounding normal post-mortem changes allows for a discussion on subtle differences between findings related to aspiration and pulmonary edema after drowning. This case represents a learning opportunity for radiologists and pathologists challenged by the complex lung findings after drowning on PMCT.
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Learning from the living to diagnose the dead – parallels between CT findings after survived drowning and fatal drowning
verfasst von
Cynthia Hourscht
Andreas Christe
Shane Diers
Michael J. Thali
Thomas D. Ruder
Springer US
Erschienen in
Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology / Ausgabe 2/2019
Print ISSN: 1547-769X
Elektronische ISSN: 1556-2891

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