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Erschienen in: European Spine Journal 1/2015

01.01.2015 | Original Article

Insufficient restoration of lumbar lordosis and FBI index following pedicle subtraction osteotomy is an indicator of likely mechanical complication

verfasst von: J. C. Le Huec, A. Cogniet, H. Demezon, J. Rigal, R. Saddiki, S. Aunoble

Erschienen in: European Spine Journal | Sonderheft 1/2015

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Pedicle subtraction osteotomies (PSO) enable correction of spinal deformities but remain difficult and are associated with high complication rates. This study aimed to prospectively review different post-operative complications and mechanical problems in patients who underwent PSO as treatment for sagittal imbalance as sequelae of degenerative disc disease or previous spinal fusion.


This was a descriptive prospective single center study of 63 patients who underwent sagittal imbalance correction by PSO. Radiographic analysis of pre- and post-operative pelvic and spinal parameters was completed based on EOS images following 3D modeling. Global and sub-group analyses were completed based on the Roussouly classification. A systematic analysis of post-operative complications was conducted during hospital stay and at follow-up visits.


Complications included 15 cases (20.2 %) of bilateral leg pain, with transient neurological deficit in 6 cases (9.5 %), and 9 cases (12.5 %) of early surgical site infections. Intra-operative complications included five tears of the dura mater and two cases of excessive blood loss (>5,000 mL). Two mortalities occurred from major intracerebral bleeds in the early post-operative period. Mechanical complications were principally non-union (9 cases) and junctional kyphosis (3 cases). All 19 post-operative complications (28.1 %) were revised at an average of 2 years following surgery. All mechanical complications were found in the patients who had insufficient imbalance correction and this was mainly associated with high PI (>60°) or a moderate PI (45–60º) combined with excess FBI pre-operatively that remained >10° post-operatively.


Infection and neurologic complications following PSO are relatively common, and frequently reported in the literature. The principal cause of mechanical complications, such as non-union or junctional kyphosis, was insufficient sagittal correction, characterized by post-operative FBI >10°. The risks of insufficient correction are greater in patients with higher pelvic incidence and those patients who required very high correction.
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Insufficient restoration of lumbar lordosis and FBI index following pedicle subtraction osteotomy is an indicator of likely mechanical complication
verfasst von
J. C. Le Huec
A. Cogniet
H. Demezon
J. Rigal
R. Saddiki
S. Aunoble
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erschienen in
European Spine Journal / Ausgabe Sonderheft 1/2015
Print ISSN: 0940-6719
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-0932

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