Tumor suppression by miR-26 overrides potential oncogenic activity in intestinal tumorigenesis

  1. Joshua T. Mendell2,6,7
  1. 1Medical Scientist Training Program, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, USA;
  2. 2Department of Molecular Biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 75390, USA;
  3. 3Department of Medicine, The Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA;
  4. 4Department of Surgery,
  5. 5Department of Pathology,
  6. 6Simmons Cancer Center,
  7. 7Center for Regenerative Science and Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 75390, USA
  1. Correspondence: joshua.mendell{at}utsouthwestern.edu


Down-regulation of miR-26 family members has been implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple malignancies. In some settings, including glioma, however, miR-26-mediated repression of PTEN promotes tumorigenesis. To investigate the contexts in which the tumor suppressor versus oncogenic activity of miR-26 predominates in vivo, we generated miR-26a transgenic mice. Despite measureable repression of Pten, elevated miR-26a levels were not associated with malignancy in transgenic animals. We documented reduced miR-26 expression in human colorectal cancer and, accordingly, showed that miR-26a expression potently suppressed intestinal adenoma formation in Apcmin/+ mice, a model known to be sensitive to Pten dosage. These studies reveal a tumor suppressor role for miR-26 in intestinal cancer that overrides putative oncogenic activity, highlighting the therapeutic potential of miR-26 delivery to this tumor type.



  • Received August 13, 2014.
  • Accepted October 27, 2014.

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