Memory retrieval before or after extinction reduces recovery of fear in adolescent rats

  1. Rick Richardson
  1. School of Psychology, The University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia


    Adolescent rats exhibit impaired extinction retention compared to pre-adolescent and adult rats. A single nonreinforced exposure to the conditioned stimulus (CS; a retrieval trial) given shortly before extinction has been shown in some circumstances to reduce the recovery of fear after extinction in adult animals. This study investigated whether a retrieval–extinction procedure would reduce the recovery of extinguished fear in adolescent rats. Furthermore, the effect of the retrieval–extinction sequence on fear recovery was examined by presenting the retrieval trial following extinction to some animals. In Experiment 1 adolescent rats received one nonreinforced CS presentation (a retrieval trial) or equivalent context exposure (no retrieval) 10 min before fear extinction. A retrieval trial shortly before extinction reduced overall levels of fear in both test contexts (i.e., it improved extinction retention and reduced renewal). In Experiment 2 a weakening of renewal was observed with a retrieval–extinction manipulation, regardless of whether the retrieval trial occurred in the training or extinction context. A key result was that a retrieval trial 10 min, but not 6 h, after extinction led to reduced overall levels of fear similar to that observed if the retrieval trial was given before extinction (Experiments 3 and 4), inconsistent with the current interpretation of the reduction in relapse being due to a disruption of reconsolidation. Together, these findings show that the impaired extinction retention observed in adolescents can be ameliorated by a very simple behavioral manipulation, but also raise some questions about the mechanisms underlying the retrieval–extinction effect.


    • 1 Corresponding author

      E-mail k.baker{at}

    • Received June 3, 2013.
    • Accepted June 20, 2013.

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