Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
Online ISSN : 1347-7439
Print ISSN : 0916-7250
ISSN-L : 0916-7250
Abnormal Spermatogenesis in the Common Liver Fluke (Fasciola sp.) from Japan and Korea
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1998 Volume 60 Issue 12 Pages 1305-1309


Diploid and triploid specimens of Japanese and Korean Fasciola sp. showed abnormality in their spermatogenesis. Live germ cells obtained from the testes were observed under a differential interference contrast microscope. In the stages from spermatogonium to spermatid, the cells combined together at the central cytoplasmic bridge during a series of divisions. One spermatogonium becomes a cell group of 8 primary spermatocytes through 3 mitoses. Until the primary spermatocyte stage, cells are divided in a uniform manner. In most of the diploid specimens, the primary spermatocytes are irregularly divided into non-uniform secondary spermatocytes, however, some specimens perform a regular division. In the majority of triploid flukes, the primary spermatocytes are divided in a regular pattern, but some of the specimens perform an irregular division. The non-uniform spermatids do not perform a spermiogenesis. In the diploid specimens, no spermatozoa were found that were produced by spermiogenesis. Whereas in the triploid specimens, some spermatids distributed uniformly on the surface went through a spermiogenesis. We observed some moving spermatozoa in one triploid specimen. The spermatozoa possibly retain their normal reproductive function.

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© 1998 by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science

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