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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter March 22, 2019

Psychological factors can cause false pain classification on painDETECT

  • Brigitte Tampin EMAIL logo , Jane Royle , Chrianna Bharat , Michelle Trevenen , Lisa Olsen and Roger Goucke


Background and aims

The painDETECT questionnaire (PD-Q) has been widely used as a screening tool for the identification of neuropathic pain (NeP) as well as a tool for the characterization of patients’ pain profile. In contrast to other NeP screening tools, the PD-Q is the only screening tool with weighted sensory descriptors. It is possible that responses to the PD-Q sensory descriptors are influenced by psychological factors, such as catastrophizing or anxiety, which potentially might contribute to an overall higher score of PD-Q and a false positive identification of NeP. This study aimed to explore (i) the relationship between psychological factors (catastrophizing, anxiety, depression and stress) and the total PD-Q score and (ii) if psychological factors are associated with false positive identifications of NeP on the PD-Q compared to clinically diagnosed NeP.


The study was a retrospective review of 1,101 patients attending an outpatient pain centre. Patients were asked to complete the PD-Q, the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS), the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) and the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI). For patients who were identified by PD-Q as having NeP, their medical records were reviewed to establish if they had a clinical diagnosis of NeP.


Accounting for missing data, complete datasets of 652 patients (mean age 51 (SD14) years, range 18–88; 57% females) were available for analysis. Based on PD-Q scoring, NeP was likely present in 285 (44%) patients. Depression, anxiety, stress, catastrophizing, BPI pain and BPI interference were all significantly related to each other (p < 0.0001) and patients displaying these traits were significantly more likely to have a positive PD-Q score (p < 0.0001). For patients classified by PD-Q as having NeP, only 50% of patients had a clinical diagnosis of NeP. Anxiety was significantly associated with a false positive classification of NeP on PD-Q (p = 0.0036).


Our retrospective study showed that psychological factors including catastrophizing, depression, anxiety, and stress were all influential in producing a higher score on the PD-Q. We observed a high rate of false positive NeP classification which was associated with the presence of anxiety.


Clinicians and researchers should be aware that a patient’s psychological state may influence the responses to PD-Q and consequently the final PD-Q score and its NeP classification.

1 Introduction

The detrimental impact of neuropathic pain (NeP), defined as “pain caused by a lesion or disease of the somatosensory nervous system” [1] on patients’ well-being, health, and quality of life, together with the socio-economic burden, have been well documented [2], [3], [4], [5]. Psychological factors such as depression and anxiety are reported to be much higher in patients with NeP compared to patients with nociceptive pain [5], [6], [7] and when compared to the general population [8], [9]. Hence, early identification and targeted pharmacological treatment of NeP, as well as treatment addressing psychological comorbidities, is crucial in the management of patients suffering from this condition.

While clinical examination in combination with diagnostic tests remains the “gold standard” for the diagnosis of NeP [10], [11], several screening tools have been recommended for its identification and to give guidance to further diagnostic assessment. The most commonly used include the Douleur Neuropathique en 4 questions (DN4) [12], the Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs scale (LANSS) [13], the self-completed version of LANSS (S-LANSS) [14] and the painDETECT questionnaire (PD-Q) [5]. The questionnaires differ in their design; the DN4 and LANSS include a physical sensory examination whereby the S-LANSS and the PD-Q are self-report tools.

The PD-Q was originally developed and validated in a German cohort of patients with nociceptive and NeP, demonstrating a sensitivity and specificity of 85% and 80%, respectively in identifying NeP [5]. The PD-Q has been widely used as a NeP screening tool as well as a tool for characterisation of patients’ pain profiles [15]. Based on PD-Q responses, sub-groups of patients have been identified in large cohorts of patients with painful lumbar radiculopathy/radicular pain [16], diabetic neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia [17] and fibromyalgia [18]. The characterisation of pain profiles may assist in the proposed mechanism or symptom-based classification approach of NeP conditions [19], [20], [21].

Contrary to the DN4, LANSS and S-LANSS, in which responses to sensory descriptors are binary (yes, no), sensory descriptors in the PD-Q are weighted from 0 to 5, with “0” indicating the person “never feels the sensation” and “5” indicating the person feels the sensation “very strongly”. It is likely that responses to the PD-Q sensory descriptors are influenced by psychological factors, such as catastrophizing or anxiety [22], [23]. These factors could potentially contribute to an overall higher score of PD-Q and a false positive identification of NeP. Consequently, if psychological factors affect the responses to PD-Q, the findings may challenge the use of PD-Q as a tool for sensory phenotyping.

To further explore the relationship between PD-Q and psychological factors we aimed in this study to investigate, in a cohort of patients with persistent pain (i) the relationship between psychological factors (catastrophizing, anxiety, depression and stress) and the total PD-Q score and (ii) if psychological factors are associated with false positive identifications of NeP on the PD-Q compared to clinically diagnosed NeP.

2 Methods

2.1 Study population

This was a retrospective study of patients attending a pain management centre at a large tertiary hospital. Patients had been referred by their general practitioner or from other specialists both within and outside the hospital. They had been triaged as “non-urgent” patients who should be seen between 90 and 365 days. At this pain management centre “non-urgent” patients are asked to attend a one-day group-based education program except patients with a limited understanding of English, or physical or psychological factors that would prevent them attending a group session. The program provides information from nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and psychology staff. The study was a quality assurance activity registered with the Quality Improvement Unit of the hospital (ID #7507) and endorsed by the Hospital’s Human Research Ethics Committee. The study was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration.

2.2 Study protocol

One thousand one hundred and one patients completed the one-day educational program between Feb 2011 and August 2013. As part of the program patients were asked to complete a suite of questionnaires, including the PD-Q, the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) [24], the Depression Anxiety and Stress Score (DASS) [25] and the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI). The data were collected by one team member (LO) and entered into a database by a blinded research assistant (JR). For patients who were identified by PD-Q as having NeP, their medical records were reviewed (BT, RG) to establish if they had been given a clinical diagnosis of NeP by the treating pain physicians in the tertiary pain centre. The clinical diagnosis had been based on the physicians’ clinical experience and clinical reasoning process incorporating findings from the history, neurological examination including sensory testing, imaging reports, electrophysiological examination etc. Patients with NeP can also have nociceptive pain, meaning they have a “mixed” pain presentation. If the treating physician recorded the presence of a NeP component, then, for the purpose of this study, these patients were recorded as having a clinical diagnosis of NeP.

2.3 Measurement tools

2.3.1 painDETECT

The PD-Q [5] is a self-reported questionnaire containing three 11-point numerical rating scales to measure pain intensity (current, strongest and average pain intensity during the past 4 weeks). The pain intensity items are not included in the calculation of the final score of PD-Q. The PD-Q contains two pain behavioral questions. One item relates to temporal pain characteristics where patients have to indicate the pain course pattern based on four given pictures. The responses are scored from −1 to 1. The other item represents a body chart where patients have to mark their main pain area and indicate if their pain radiates to other regions of their body (yes/no). Radiation of pain is scored with two points. The following seven weighted sensory descriptors (burning sensation, tingling/prickling sensations, light touch sensitivity, sudden pain attacks like electric shock-like sensations, cold/heat sensitivity, numbness, and pressure-evoked pain) relate to the main pain area marked on the body chart. Each descriptor is weighted from 0 to 5, with “0” indicating the person “never feels the sensation” and “5” indicating the person feels the sensation “very strongly”. A PD-Q score of ≤12 indicates that a NeP component is “unlikely”, a score of ≥19 indicates a likely presence of a NeP component. Scores between 13 and 18 reflect an ambiguous result.

2.3.2 Pain Catastrophizing Scale

The PCS was developed as a self-report catastrophizing scale in non-clinical and clinical populations [24]. The questionnaire contains 13 questions asking patients to reflect on past painful experiences and indicate the degree to which they experience each of 13 thoughts and feelings when experiencing pain. The degree of their experience can be indicated on a five-point scale from 0 (not at all) to 4 (all the time). The PCS yields a total score and three subscale scores assessing rumination, magnification and helplessness. It is a valid and reliable assessment to measure pain catastrophizing [24]. A total score of 52 is the maximum achieved. A score greater than 30 indicates a clinically relevant level of catastrophizing [24].

2.3.3 Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale

The DASS – 21 Items (DASS) is a set of three seven-item self-reported scales designed to measure the negative emotional states of depression, anxiety and stress [25]. A four-point severity scale measures the extent to which each state has been experienced over the past week. Overall scores are calculated by summing the scores for the relevant items, multiplying the final number by two and then labeled as normal, mild, moderate, severe or extremely severe for each of the three subscales. The classification is: depression (0–9 normal, 10–13 mild, 14–20 moderate, 21–27 severe, 28+ extremely severe); anxiety (0–7 normal, 8–9 mild, 10–14 moderate, 15–19 severe, 20+ extremely severe); and stress (0–14 normal, 15–18 mild, 19–25 moderate, 26–33 severe, 34+ extremely severe).

2.3.4 Brief Pain Inventory

The BPI measures the severity of pain and the degree to which the pain interferes with common activities of daily living [26], [27]. Pain severity questions are rated on a scale of 0–10, where 0=“no pain” and 10=“pain as bad as you can imagine”, with patients asked to rate their average, worst and least pain over the last week, and their pain right now. The pain severity subscale is the average of the four pain questions.

The interference questions measure how much pain has interfered with seven daily activities, including general activity, walking, work, mood, enjoyment of life, relations with others, and sleep. The interference questions are rated on a scale of 0–10, where 0=“does not interfere” and 10=“completely interferes”. The interference subscale is the average of the seven interference questions.

2.4 Statistical analysis

Descriptive statistics were used to summarise continuous variables, whilst frequencies and percentages are provided for all categorical variables. The PD-Q score was transformed into a dichotomous variable: PD-Q sores <19 were defined as no NeP and ≥19 as NeP. Initially, chi-squared (χ2) tests were performed to determine relationships between psychological variables (anxiety, depression and stress as measured by DASS and whether patients were a catastrophizer as measured by PCS) as these frequently tend to be correlated [28], [29], [30], [31]. Linear regression was used to assess the relationship between BPI pain and interference scores, whilst two-sample t-tests and one-way ANOVAs were used to investigate relationships between psychological variables with BPI pain and interference scores. Subsequently, logistic regression was used to determine which psychological and BPI variables were associated with the PD-Q result (no NeP, NeP). Due to correlations between psychological and pain variables, each were considered in separate models, all adjusting for age and sex.

A subgroup analysis was performed on patients identified by the PD-Q as having NeP, and who had also had a clinical evaluation into either NeP positive (a true positive) or NeP negative (a false positive). The purpose was to investigate if psychological factors were associated with a false positive classification of NeP on the PD-Q. Logistic regression was used to consider each psychological or BPI variable in separate models, all adjusting for age and sex, modeling the outcome “no clinical diagnosis of NeP” i.e. a false positive outcome on the PD-Q. Significance was considered at the 5% level and adjusted odds ratios (OR), 95% confidence intervals (CI) and p-values are provided. Data were analyzed using the R environment for statistical computing [32].

3 Results

3.1 Characteristics of study population

Out of 1,101 patients, 449 patients had to be excluded from the analysis due to missing data in any of the questionnaires (missing data for PD-Q n=244; PCS n=138; DASS n=239, BPI Pain n=99; BPI Interference n=114). The remaining 652 patients (mean age 51 [SD14] years, range 18–88; 57% females) were included (Fig. 1A). The demographic and clinical characteristics for the cohort are shown in Table 1. Based on PD-Q scoring, NeP was likely present in 285 (44%) patients.

Fig. 1: 
            Flow chart of patients with and without neuropathic pain (NeP) based on the painDETECT questionnaire (PD-Q) (A) and clinical diagnosis (B)
Fig. 1:

Flow chart of patients with and without neuropathic pain (NeP) based on the painDETECT questionnaire (PD-Q) (A) and clinical diagnosis (B)

Table 1:

Summary statistics of all variables for all patients (total) and for patients with negative and positive painDETECT results.


PD-Q negative

PD-Q positive

n % Mean (SD) n % Mean (SD) n % Mean (SD)
Age (years) 51.0 (13.6) 52.6 (14.2) 48.8 (12.4)
 Female 369 56.60 196 53.12 173 46.88
 Male 283 43.40 171 60.42 112 39.58
painDETECT 652 100 17.2 (7.5) 367 56.28 11.8 (4.4) 285 43.71 24.3 (4.1)
PCS total 22.6 (13.3) 19.7 (12.2) 26.2 (13.7)
 Not catastrophizing 449 68.87 285 63.47 164 36.53
 Catastrophizing 203 31.13 82 40.39 121 59.61
DASS depression 15.6 (12.4) 13.4 (11.6) 18.5 (13.0)
 Normal 251 38.50 167 66.53 84 33.47
 Mild 82 12.58 48 58.54 34 41.46
 Moderate 126 19.33 67 53.17 59 46.83
 Severe 57 8.74 28 49.12 29 50.88
 Extremely severe 136 20.86 57 41.91 79 58.09
DASS anxiety 10.8 (9.1) 8.7 (8.2) 13.4 (9.5)
 Normal 279 42.79 194 69.53 85 30.47
 Mild 62 9.51 34 54.84 28 45.16
 Moderate 136 20.86 66 48.53 70 51.47
 Severe 58 8.90 26 44.83 32 55.17
 Extremely severe 117 17.94 47 40.17 70 59.83
DASS stress 16.6 (11.0) 14.2 (10.1) 19.7 (11.4)
 Normal 325 49.85 219 67.38 106 32.62
 Mild 81 12.42 41 50.62 40 49.38
 Moderate 90 13.80 48 53.33 42 46.67
 Severe 85 13.04 34 40.00 51 60.00
 Extremely severe 71 10.89 25 35.21 46 64.79
BPI pain 6.0 (1.7) 5.5 (1.6) 6.7 (1.5)
BPI interference 6.8 (2.0) 6.1 (2.0) 7.6 (1.7)
  1. PD-Q=painDETECT; PCS=Pain Catastrophizing Scale; DASS=Depression Anxiety and Stress Score; BPI=Brief Pain Inventory.

3.1.1 Education level

Forty-six percent of patients had either completed or partially completed high school. Thirty-seven percent of patients had undergone additional training after high school (e.g. apprenticeship). Fourteen percent completed either undergraduate or postgraduate university studies.

3.1.2 Employment status

Thirty-three percent of patients were unemployed due to pain. Eighteen percent of the group were retired while 17% worked full time. Some patients were employed part-time (11%) or had home duties (11%) and a smaller proportion (10%) were either students, volunteers, unemployed for other reasons, on paid leave or employment status unknown.

3.1.3 Pain duration and location

Thirty-seven percent of patients reported pain for more than 10 years (Fig. 2). Fifty-five percent of patients reported the lower back/lumbosacral area as their main pain area (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2: 
              Pain duration for the total patient cohort in years (yrs).
Fig. 2:

Pain duration for the total patient cohort in years (yrs).

Fig. 3: 
              Pain location for the total patient cohort.
Fig. 3:

Pain location for the total patient cohort.

3.2 Relationships between psychological variables

Depression, anxiety, stress, catastrophizing, BPI pain and BPI interference were all significantly related (all comparisons p<0.0001). Specifically, patients who scored highly for one DASS subgroup were also likely to score highly for the other DASS subgroups. Patients with more severe depression, anxiety, or stress were all more likely to be catastrophizers compared to patients with less severe depression, anxiety, or stress. Both BPI pain and interference scores were positively related, and were higher in catastrophizers and patients with more severe anxiety, stress or depression.

3.2.1 Relationship between catastrophizing and positive painDETECT scores

Thirty-one percent of all patients were catastrophizers (Table 1). After adjusting for age and sex catastrophizers were more likely to have a positive PD-Q compared to non-catastrophizers (OR 2.60, 95% CI 1.83–3.71, p<0.0001) (Table 2).

Table 2:

Relationship between factors and positive painDETECT results (age and sex adjusted odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals and p-values) (n=652).

Variables OR 95% CI p-Value
PCS total
 Catastrophizing vs. Not 2.60 1.83–3.71 <0.0001
DASS depression
 Mild vs. Normal 1.41 0.84–2.38 <0.0001
 Moderate vs. Normal 1.74 1.12–2.71
 Severe vs. Normal 2.07 1.14–3.75
 Extremely severe vs. Normal 2.64 1.70–4.09
DASS anxiety
 Mild vs. Normal 1.86 1.05–3.29 <0.0001
 Moderate vs. Normal 2.45 1.60–3.75
 Severe vs. Normal 2.76 1.54–4.94
 Extremely severe vs. Normal 3.24 2.06–5.09
DASS stress
 Mild vs. Normal 1.96 1.19–3.24 <0.0001
 Moderate vs. Normal 1.81 1.12–2.93
 Severe vs. Normal 2.86 1.74–4.71
 Extremely severe vs. Normal 3.70 2.14–6.38
BPI pain
 For a one point increase 1.66 1.48–1.87 <0.0001
BPI interference
 For a one point increase 1.49 1.36–1.64 <0.0001
  1. OR=odds ratio; CI=confidence interval; PCS=Pain Catastrophizing Scale; DASS=Depression Anxiety and Stress Score; BPI=Brief Pain Inventory.

3.2.2 Relationship between depression/anxiety/stress and positive painDETECT scores

The DASS scores indicated severe or extremely severe depression, anxiety, and stress in 30%, 27% and 24% of all patients, respectively (Table 1). Patients with moderate, severe or extremely severe depression were significantly more likely to have a positive PD-Q result compared to patients with no depression (p<0.0001; Table 2). Patients with any level of anxiety or stress were all significantly more likely to have a positive PD-Q result compared to patients with no anxiety or stress (all p<0.0001; Table 2).

3.2.3 Relationship between Brief Pain Inventory scores and positive painDETECT scores

Patients with higher BPI pain scores were significantly more likely to have a positive PD-Q result compared to patients with lower BPI pain scores (for a one point increase in BPI pain score: OR=1.66, 95% CI=1.48–1.87, p<0.0001; Table 2). Similarly, patients with higher BPI interference scores were significantly more likely to have a positive PD-Q result compared to patients with lower BPI interference scores (for a one point increase in BPI interference score: OR=1.49, 95% CI=1.36–1.64, p<0.0001; Table 2).

3.3 Subgroup analysis

3.3.1 Clinical diagnosis compared to the painDETECT classification

The medical records of 285 patients having been identified by PD-Q as NeP positive were reviewed (Fig. 1B). Seven individuals had to be excluded from all summaries and analyses as they had only attended the group education program, and were not individually assessed by a clinician at the pain centre, so no diagnosis was made. Out of the remaining 278 patients (mean age 49 (SD12) years, range 18–81; 62% females), 138 patients (50%) had not been given a clinical diagnosis of NeP (false positive) and 140 patients (50%) had been given a clinical diagnosis of NeP (true positive) (Fig. 1B; Table 3). The patients’ pain presentations are outlined in Fig. 4.

Table 3:

Summary statistics of all variables for patients scoring positive on painDETECT with and without clinically diagnosed neuropathic pain (n=278).

No clinically diagnosed NeP (false positive)
Clinically diagnosed NeP (true positive)
n=138 (50%)
n=140 (50%)
n % Mean (SD) n % Mean (SD)
Age (years) 48.0 (12.3) 49.4 (12.4)
 Female 86 50.00 86 50.00
 Male 52 49.06 54 50.94
PCS total
 Not catastrophizing 75 47.17 84 52.83
 Catastrophizing 63 52.94 56 47.06
DASS depression
 Normal 34 41.98 47 58.02
 Mild 14 43.75 18 56.25
 Moderate 20 51.28 19 48.72
 Severe 24 50.00 24 50.00
 Extremely severe 46 58.97 32 41.03
DASS anxiety
 Normal 28 34.57 53 65.43
 Mild 15 53.57 13 46.43
 Moderate 22 42.31 30 57.69
 Severe 28 58.33 20 41.67
 Extremely severe 45 65.22 24 34.78
DASS stress
 Normal 36 42.86 48 57.14
 Mild 16 39.02 25 60.98
 Moderate 32 56.14 25 43.86
 Severe 27 52.94 24 47.06
 Extremely severe 27 60.00 18 40.00
BPI pain 6.7 (1.5) 6.7 (1.5)
BPI interference 7.6 (1.6) 7.5 (1.8)
  1. NeP=neuropathic pain; PCS=Pain Catastrophizing Scale; DASS=Depression Anxiety and Stress Score; BPI, Brief Pain Inventory.

Fig. 4: 
              The number of patients with a clinical diagnosis of neuropathic pain (clinical NeP) and no neuropathic pain (no clinical NeP) for the most common pain presentations (LBP=low back pain; CRPS=Complex Regional Pain Syndrome).
Fig. 4:

The number of patients with a clinical diagnosis of neuropathic pain (clinical NeP) and no neuropathic pain (no clinical NeP) for the most common pain presentations (LBP=low back pain; CRPS=Complex Regional Pain Syndrome).

3.3.2 Association of psychological factors with false positive identification of NeP on painDETECT

The percentages of patients catastrophizing and displaying extremely severe depression, anxiety, and stress were higher in the false positive patient group compared to the percentages in the true positive patient group (Table 3). DASS anxiety was found to be significantly associated with a false positive result (p=0.0036) (Table 4). Patients with extremely severe (OR=3.51, 95% CI=1.77–6.96, p=0.0003) or severe (OR=2.62, 95% CI=1.25–5.49, p=0.0109) anxiety were particularly likely to have a false positive PD-Q. Catastrophizing, depression and stress were not found to be significantly associated with a false positive outcome (all p>0.05) (Table 4).

Table 4:

Age and sex adjusted odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals and p-values from analysing neuropathic pain outcome among those with a positive painDETECT result (n=278).

Variables OR 95% CI p-Value
PCS total
 Catastrophizing vs. Not 1.22 0.75–1.99 0.4168
DASS depression
 Mild vs. Normal 1.05 0.45–2.47 0.3439
 Moderate vs. Normal 1.4 0.63–3.09
 Severe vs. Normal 1.36 0.65–2.85
 Extremely severe vs. Normal 1.93 1.00–3.72
Dass anxiety
 Mild vs. Normal 2.19 0.92–5.26 0.0036
 Moderate vs. Normal 1.38 0.68–2.84
 Severe vs. Normal 2.62 1.25–5.49
 Extremely severe vs. Normal 3.51 1.77–6.96
DASS stress
 Mild vs. Normal 0.85 0.4–1.83 0.2134
 Moderate vs. Normal 1.67 0.84–3.33
 Severe vs. Normal 1.46 0.71–2.97
 Extremely severe vs. Normal 1.96 0.93–4.13
BPI pain
 For a one point increase 0.995 0.85–1.17 0.9556
BPI interference
 For a one point increase 1.04 0.90–1.20 0.5699
  1. OR=odds ratio; CI=confidence interval; PCS=Pain Catastrophizing Scale; DASS=Depression Anxiety and Stress Score; BPI=Brief Pain Inventory. Bold numbers represent statistical significance.

Measures of BPI were similar between the two groups (Table 3), and neither pain (p=0.9556) or interference (p=0.5669) were found to be significantly associated with a false-positive PD-Q outcome (Table 4).

4 Discussion

This study revealed that in a large cohort of patients with persistent pain, psychological factors such as catastrophizing, depression, anxiety, and stress were all associated with a higher score on the PD-Q. For patients classified by PD-Q as having NeP, only 50% of these patients had a clinical diagnosis of NeP. Anxiety measured on the DASS was significantly associated with a false positive classification of NeP.

This retrospective study captured a real life data set of a large patient population with persistent pain. Based on self-reported data the majority of our patients indicated the lower back as their main pain area, followed by the neck/shoulder and widespread body pain. The large proportion of patients with musculoskeletal conditions is reflective of the Australian population, as musculoskeletal conditions and back pain are among the leading causes of total burden of disease in Australia [33]. Considering that 74% of our patients had symptoms for longer than 3 years and pain significantly interfered with their quality of life, it is not surprising that up to one third of patients displayed severe or extremely severe levels of anxiety, depression and stress and behavior of catastrophizing. The PD-Q identified 44% of the total cohort as having likely NeP, which is comparable with results of a previous study in which 37% of 400 chronic pain patients attending a multidisciplinary pain management program were identified by PD-Q as having NeP [31].

There is a large body of literature discussing how persistent pain interferes with psychological and physical function in patients with nociceptive pain and NeP and vice versa [28], [29], [30], [31]. It is difficult to determine the sequence of events, that is, if the psychological traits developed as a consequence to ongoing pain and disability or if they existed prior to development of the pain. Our findings suggest that if someone displays severe anxiety, depression, stress or catastrophizing, they are more likely to score higher on the PD-Q. The strong correlation between the various psychological variables in our study further suggests that any of these traits, be it anxiety, catastrophizing or depression and stress, may drive a higher score on PD-Q.

The impact of psychological factors on PD-Q scoring should be considered when using the PD-Q as a tool for sensory profiling [16], [17], [18], [34]. Patients’ sensory profiles, i.e. symptoms and signs of hyperalgesia, allodynia or numbness may be associated with the specific underlying pain mechanisms [21], [35]. Some evidence is emerging that sub-grouping patients based on their sensory profiles leads to a superior effect of medications in the specific subgroups compared to the entire patient cohort [35], [36] or compared to a control group [37], [38], [39], [40]. In two of these studies pain phenotyping was based on the PD-Q [37], [38]. For the majority of these patients their anxiety and depression score, measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, fell within the normal range, hence psychological factors may not have had an impact on the PD-Q classification. However, this may have been different in previous large epidemiological studies in which a cut-off score of three (moderate) was used to determine a clinically relevant response to PD-Q sensory descriptors [16], [17], [18]. In the patient cohort with fibromyalgia (n=3,035) 15% of patients had severe depression and 18% severe anxiety [18] which may have influenced the patients’ responses to PD-Q descriptors and may have led to a “false patient classification”. In comparison, in patients with painful radiculopathy (n=2,094) [16], diabetic neuropathy or postherpetic neuralgia [17] the percentage of patients with severe depression (4–6%) and severe anxiety (6–9%) was lower. Consequently, one should consider that if patients are wrongly classified, based on PD-Q profiling, they may be at risk of being prescribed an inappropriate medication for their clinical condition.

Out of 278 patients identified by PD-Q as having NeP, 50% did not have a clinical diagnosis of NeP, hence they were false positive. Anxiety was significantly associated with a false positive result. Interestingly, an epidemiological study by Freynhagen et al. in 7,772 patients with low back pain reported that 10.5% of the total population had anxiety, with four times as many patients in the NeP group compared to the nociceptive group (odds ratio 4.5; CI 3.6; 5.6) [5]. This leads to the question of whether these patients, classified as having NeP, did indeed have NeP, or if their anxiety trait influenced their PD-Q scoring. The large proportion of false positive NeP classification in our study suggests that the diagnostic accuracy of PD-Q may be compromised by psychological traits. While several PD-Q validation studies have been conducted [5], [41], [42], [43], most of them did not capture the patients’ psychological profile [5], [42], [43]. The potential concern about the impact of psychological factors on PD-Q plus previous reports of limited diagnostic accuracy of the PD-Q [23], [44], [45], [46], [47], [48] may question the suitability of PD-Q as a screening tool for NeP.

Over 50% of patients who were identified by PD-Q as having NeP had the clinical diagnosis of low back pain without radicular leg pain. These were interpreted by the clinicians as having nociceptive pain. We acknowledge the concept that low back pain may have a neuropathic component [49] and that several studies reported the presence of NeP in patients with low back pain [2], [5], [50], [51], [52], [53], however these reports were based on either a retrospective data review [52] or NeP screening tools [2], [5], [50], [51], [53], including the PD-Q [2], [5], [53]. To our knowledge, no study has yet demonstrated the presence of NeP in patients with low back pain, using objective measures to demonstrate the presence of a nerve lesion.

Numerous studies reported that patients with NeP have higher pain intensity and higher anxiety/depression scores compared to patients with nociceptive pain characteristics [5], [6], [7], however this was not the case in our patient cohort. Pain intensity and interference were equal in patients with and without clinical diagnosis of NeP and, in fact, catastrophizing and severe/extremely severe anxiety as well as depression and stress level showed a higher percentage in the group without NeP compared to the group with NeP. This observation raises the question if patients with NeP might have developed better coping strategies for their pain conditions. One reason may be that patients with NeP have a clear reason for their pain while patients with low back pain often don’t know the cause of their pain, as documented by Daniel et al. [28] comparing psychological and physical function in patients with post-herpetic neuralgia and patients with nociceptive low back pain.

5 Strengths and limitations

The strengths of our study lie in the large sample size of our patient cohort and the robust method of blinded data collection, data entry and analysis. The main limitation relates to the retrospective review of medical records. The treating physicians had based their original pain classification on their clinical assessment findings, results of diagnostic tests and their own clinical judgment. Some records contained more comprehensive information than others. While the clinical diagnosis of NeP by one clinician has been used in several studies as reference standard [13], [14], [41], [54], [55], [56], we are aware that using a standardized classification system such as the NeP grading system [11] by all physicians would have strengthened the design of the study. However, these are the limitations of retrospective data analysis. A further limitation in our study relates to the fact that we encountered a large proportion (40%) of missing data in any of the questionnaires. This may impact on the generalisability of our study results and demonstrates well the difficulties of using self-reported patient data. As for the PD-Q, we encountered missing data in 22% of our patient cohort, which is comparable to findings between 13% and 35% of missing data in other studies [41], [44], [57], [58]. While our study design may have lead us to also explore the number of false negative results on PD-Q, this was not an aim of our study. We assumed that psychological trends will drive a higher score on the PD-Q, but would not drive a lower score (false negative). Furthermore, we encountered resource limitations required for such an analysis.

6 Conclusion

Our study showed that psychological factors including catastrophizing, depression, anxiety, and stress were all influential in producing a higher score on the PD-Q. For patients classified by PD-Q as having NeP, only 50% of these patients were true positives, i.e. they had a clinical diagnosis of NeP. Anxiety was significantly associated with a false positive classification of NeP. Clinicians and researchers should consider the psychological state of the patient before interpreting the results of the PD-Q and/or undertaking sensory profiling based on PD-Q results. The suitability of PD-Q as a screening tool for NeP may be in question.


We would like to thank the staff at the Department of Pain Management at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.

  1. Authors’ statements

  2. Research funding: Authors state no funding involved

  3. Conflict of interest: All authors declare no conflict of interest.

  4. Ethical approval: The study was registered with the Quality Improvement Unit of Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (registration number 7507) and endorsed by the Hospital’s Human Research Ethics Committee. The study protocol adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki.


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Received: 2018-12-05
Revised: 2019-02-03
Accepted: 2019-02-15
Published Online: 2019-03-22
Published in Print: 2019-07-26

©2019 Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston. All rights reserved.

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