Impact Factor:

eISSN: 2148-9688

ISSN: 2147-3501

Frequency: 2 issues


The Journal of Educational Policies and Current Practices (JEPCP) is a refereed journal aims to shape an interdisciplinary field of inquiry and seek innovative research issues related to language, education, applied linguistics, language teaching, language learning. Particularly, it focuses on enriching language and educational policy knowledge base and practicing them at different levels. Moreover, it centers on their consequences for the theory, policy and practice of a variety of fields such as education, economy, sociology, and all other related fields.


Aim and Scope
Therefore we seek scholars, students, specialists, policy-makers and individuals from each field that use qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method in their articles and book reviews on language and educational policy related to a variety of disciplines and educational settings. The Journal advocates bringing with researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to enhance ideas and practices in learning and teaching.

Individuals are encouraged to submit papers in the following areas but not limited to:

- educational policies and approaches

- literacy policies

- linguistic and cultural socialization and schooling

- educational policies and practices

- educational practices

-  the role of ideologies in educational language policies

- development, implementation and effects of language policies