Genital Psoriasis Awareness Program: Physical and Psychological Care for Patients with Genital Psoriasis


  • Kim A.P. Meeuwis
  • Joanne A. de Hullu
  • Joanna IntHout
  • Iris M.P. Hendriks
  • Emilie E. Sparreboom
  • Leon F.A.G. Massuger
  • Peter C.M. van de Kerkhof
  • Michelle M. van Rossum



psoriasis, quality of life, sexual dysfunction, genital diseases, awareness, questionnaires.


Genital psoriasis is a neglected manifestation of psoriasis, although it affects numerous patients and has major effects on sexual quality of life (SQoL). We aimed to assess the value of specialised care for patients with genital psoriasis. Patients were treated for at least one year at a specialised research outpatient clinic with extensive attention for genital lesions and SQoL. The genital lesions were treated according to a stepwise algorithm. First follow-up was planned after 6 weeks; subsequent follow-up visits were scheduled every 3 months. At every visit, psoriasis severity and SQoL were measured with validated tools. Differences in scores between visits were analysed by a mixed model for repeated measures. Forty-two patients were included (M:F = 25:17). All objective and subjective genital psoriasis severity and QoL parameters improved significantly within the first follow-up period of approximately 6 weeks. In female patients, SQoL also significantly improved. In conclusion, genital psoriasis can relatively easy be treated within limited time exposure, resulting in significant improvement of QoL. Prompt and simple adjustments in the provided care are enough to accomplish this.


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How to Cite

Meeuwis, K. A., de Hullu, J. A., IntHout, J., Hendriks, I. M., Sparreboom, E. E., Massuger, L. F., van de Kerkhof, P. C., & van Rossum, M. M. (2014). Genital Psoriasis Awareness Program: Physical and Psychological Care for Patients with Genital Psoriasis. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 95(2), 211–216.


