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Minerva Chirurgica 2017 December;72(6):464-74

DOI: 10.23736/S0026-4733.17.07445-4


language: English

Malnutrition after bariatric surgery

Nicolas TATON 1, Anne-Laure BOREL 2, Marine CHOBERT BAKOULINE 2, Jérôme FAUCONNIER 3, Catherine ARVIEUX 1, Fabian RECHE 1, 4

1 Department of Digestive Surgery, Grenoble Alps University Hospital, Grenoble, France; 2 Department of Endocrinology, Grenoble Alps University Hospital, Grenoble, France; 3 Department of Medical Information, Grenoble Alps University Hospital, Grenoble, France; 4 CNRS, UMR 5525, TIMC-IMAG Laboratory, Domaine de la Merci University, Grenoble, France


BACKGROUND: Malnutrition is a rare but severe complication following obesity surgery. Our objective was to analyze these cases of malnutrition and their management at the Grenoble University Hospital.
METHODS: Retrospective data between 2006 to 2016 was analyzed from Department of Medical Information, Severe Obesity Outcome Network, and register of the Department of Artificial Nutrition. Data collected concerned age, sex, anthropometric data, surgical procedures and history of obesity surgery, initial surgical follow-up, delay from surgery, nutritional characteristics, nutritional and surgical management, follow-up and outcomes.
RESULTS: Six patients had protein malnutrition after obesity surgery. Five patients (N.=5/6 83%) were initially operated on in other establishments. Only 1 patient in the cohort of 484 patients operated at on our institution was suffering from malnutrition (N.=1/484, 0.2%). All patients showed an excess weight loss of over 100%. Albumin level averaged 24.8 g/L at time of diagnosis. Patients were mainly operated on for an omega bypass (N.=4/6, 66%). Delay of malnutrition was 17.25 months in this category of patients whereas it was 84 months in patients having been operated on by another intervention. 3 patients (i.e. 50%) had chronic kidney disease when their initial surgery was performed. Two patients presented acute idiopathic pancreatitis following obesity surgery.
CONCLUSIONS: Patients are at risk of malnutrition, especially after omega bypass and in patients with chronic kidney disease. Occurrence of acute pancreatitis is an alert to the risk of malnutrition.

KEY WORDS: Bariatric surgery - Malnutrition - Follow-up studies

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