M. R. Khokhla, G. Ya. Kleveta, Ya. P. Chajka, M. I. Skybitska, N. O. Sybirna



The article contains data on the influence of the Galega officinalis L. extract, on hematological indicators of rats’ peripheral blood under the condition of experimental diabetes mellitus (EDM). It has been shown that the development of EDM is accompanied by increasing glucose concentration, glycated and fetal hemoglobin content, platelet count, and a violation of percentage of different forms of leukocytes. Research conducted by us showed distinct hypoglycemic effect of Galega on the model of streptozotocin diabetes type 1. Admission of the extract to control animals glucose concentration and glycosylated hemoglobin did not differ from control values. Study extract affect glucose metabolism only under its higher concentration, which occurs in diabetes. Admission of Galega officinalis leads to the decrease of fetal and glycated hemoglobin content and platelet count also to the normalization of white blood cell differential count, indicating the activation of protective mechanisms of the body.


Galega officinalis, diabetes mellitus, peripheral blood, phytotherapy


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