Changing Epidemic of Lung Cancer & Tobacco and Situation of Tobacco Control 
in China

Xiaonong ZOU, Manman JIA, Xin WANG, Xiuyi ZHI


Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death and morbidity in China. Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoking closely related to lung cancer. Recently, series policies of tobacco control and lung cancer prevention was carried out. However, burden of lung cancer is still serious, and smoking rate in male is still very high, and in never smokers exposure to secondhand smoking is still very extensive. In this paper, epidemic situation of lung cancer, smoking and second hand smoking are described, at the same time, current implementations of tobacco control policies are summarized.

DOI: 10.3779/j.issn.1009-3419.2017.08.01


Lung neoplasms; Smoking; Secondhand smoking; Tobacco control

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