Exploring differences in tobacco health warning credibility and effectiveness

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In this online experimental study, participants viewed 9 cigarette package health warnings with a 2 (smoking status: non-smoker, smoker) x 3 (health outcome: lung cancer, blindness, tooth and gum disease) x 3 (presentation format: text-only, moderately severe, highly severe) mixed-model design. Participants were non-smokers (n = 437) or current smokers (n = 436) who rated the believability and perceived effectiveness of each warning, and their perceived likelihood of contracting each of the three diseases. The study protocol was pre-registered on the Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/pt8sa/).

Creator(s) Marcus Munafo, Olivia Maynard
Contributor(s) Harry Gove, Andy Skinner
Publication date 12 Mar 2018
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.381hbwlv26t9w2ipkng7f941e3
Citation Marcus Munafo, Olivia Maynard (2018): Exploring differences in tobacco health warning credibility and effectiveness. https://doi.org/10.5523/bris.381hbwlv26t9w2ipkng7f941e3
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