Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a severe genetic neuromuscular disease characterized by a loss of motor neurons [
1]. Motor neuron degeneration in SMA is caused by insufficient levels of the survival of motor neuron (SMN) protein, due to homozygous deletion of or loss of function mutations within the
SMN1 gene [
2]. Although a paralogous gene,
SMN2, produces low levels of SMN protein [
3], these are insufficient to compensate for the loss of
SMN1, leading to progressive muscle weakness that affects respiratory function, swallowing, and motor function [
1]. Without treatment, children with type 1 SMA fail to achieve major motor milestones, and never achieve the ability to sit independently [
4]. As the disease rapidly progresses, these children require increasing levels of ventilatory and bulbar/feeding support [
9]. Without intervention and lacking ventilatory support, children with type 1 SMA typically succumb to the condition before the age of 2 years [
13]. In recent years, the approval of disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) and advances in supportive care practices have changed the natural course of the disease in untreated children with type 1 SMA [
15]; children with type 1 SMA are surviving longer and achieving motor milestones never before seen in natural history cohorts [
There are currently three DMTs approved for the treatment of type 1 SMA: risdiplam (EVRYSDI®), an oral
SMN2 splicing modifier; nusinersen (SPINRAZA®), an intrathecally administered
SMN2-targeting antisense oligonucleotide; and onasemnogene abeparvovec (ZOLGENSMA®), an intravenously administered gene therapy [
21]. Although efficacy and safety have been demonstrated in type 1 SMA for these DMTs independently [
26], there are currently no head-to-head trials comparing available SMA treatments. Indirect treatment comparisons (ITCs), which compare treatments across individual clinical trials, are therefore needed to provide information on the relative efficacy and safety of SMA treatments for healthcare decision-making [
Many factors can affect clinical trial outcomes, including baseline characteristics such as age, genetic factors, and disease severity [
28], which may differ between trials as a result of variations in recruitment criteria. There may also be differences in the timings of assessments. In ITCs, cross-trial differences may lead to bias if analyses are left unadjusted [
27]. Consequently, ITCs require the use of population-adjustment methodologies that account for cross-trial differences in population baseline characteristics to reduce potential bias in relative effect estimates. One such adjustment methodology is matching-adjusted indirect comparison (MAIC) [
Previous ITCs based on 12- and 24-month clinical trial data indicated more favorable results for efficacy and safety outcomes with risdiplam compared with nusinersen in type 1 SMA [
33]. MAIC was not feasible in a comparison of risdiplam and nusinersen at 12 months in patients with types 2 and 3 SMA as a result of limited overlap between patient populations [
The aim of this study was to conduct an updated ITC comparing treatment outcomes of risdiplam versus nusinersen in type 1 SMA after at least 36 months of follow-up.
Understanding potential differences in the long-term efficacy and safety of DMTs is important for patients, physicians, healthcare, and reimbursement authorities, and is a key requirement to optimize SMA treatment decision-making. In the absence of head-to-head trial comparisons, this study used MAIC methodology to conduct a balanced comparison of risdiplam and nusinersen in terms of survival, motor function, and the time to experiencing a first SAE. This methodology accounted for differences in baseline characteristics between trial populations.
Outcomes in type 1 SMA were included in this ITC, which compares the longest possible follow-up data that have been published (at least 36 months) from three robust clinical trials (FIREFISH, ENDEAR, and SHINE).
MAIC suggested that children treated with risdiplam had prolonged survival and survival free of permanent ventilation compared with children treated with nusinersen over 36 months, and they had a higher rate of achieving HINE-2 and CHOP-INTEND responses. Children treated with risdiplam had a longer time to experiencing a first SAE when compared with nusinersen. These results were consistent with previous MAICs conducted at 12 and 24 months [
Differences between risdiplam and nusinersen in their mode of administration may have contributed to the superiority of risdiplam for survival, motor function, and SAE outcomes suggested by our results. Risdiplam is an oral treatment, which enables systemic distribution throughout the bloodstream [
43]. This has been proven to increase levels of functional SMN protein in both the central nervous system and peripheral tissues in animals [
44], and it is expected to do the same in humans. In addition, risdiplam crosses the blood–brain barrier [
43], which is expected to lead to wide, homogeneous distribution of the drug along the spinal axis, particularly in areas innervating the upper limbs and respiratory muscles. In contrast, nusinersen is intrathecally administered [
45], which is expected to lead to uneven drug distribution. Indeed, higher concentrations of nusinersen have been reported in the lumbar and thoracic regions of the spinal cord [
47], which may potentially limit the clinical benefits of nusinersen in the upper limbs, and respiratory and bulbar muscles.
In the present study, the FIREFISH and SHINE-ENDEAR populations were effectively matched. MAIC suggested a significant overlap between the two trial populations, with a minor reduction in the FIREFISH ESS.
When selecting adjustment factors, we considered the CHOP-INTEND score to be more relevant than the HINE-2 score to indicate differences in baseline motor function in the very young and severely affected SMA population used in this study. This is because CHOP-INTEND was developed specifically for children with type 1 SMA and is more granular in its scoring than HINE-2 [
49]. When the HINE-2 score was included as an additional adjustment factor, the resulting FIREFISH ESS was consistent with primary analysis results, indicating that the CHOP-INTEND score was sufficient to provide baseline assessment of motor function.
Although use of ventilatory (not “permanent ventilation”) and nutritional support are considered to have prognostic/predictive value for treatment outcomes in SMA [
28], there were differences in how these were determined or reported across the trials. When these factors were included as additional adjustment factors in scenario analyses, results were consistent with the primary analysis results, indicating that imbalances in these factors did not affect MAIC outcomes.
Gender-related effects on SMA severity have recently been reported [
51] but no studies have yet examined the prognostic/predictive value of gender on motor function in type 1 SMA [
28]. Although the primary analysis revealed an imbalance in the percentage of female participants, the inclusion of gender as an adjustment factor yielded a FIREFISH ESS consistent with the primary analysis results, indicating that gender-based differences did not affect MAIC outcomes.
Taken together, results of the scenario analyses demonstrated that the mean age at first dose, disease duration, and CHOP-INTEND score were the main factors contributing to differences between the FIREFISH and SHINE-ENDEAR populations at baseline and that these were sufficient for use as adjustment factors in the population adjustment.
Mean age at symptom onset was excluded as an adjustment factor since it is a function of mean age at first dose and disease duration (already included in the matching algorithm). Furthermore, as both FIREFISH and SHINE-ENDEAR recruited only patients with two SMN2 copies, it was not necessary to include copy number as an adjustment factor.
This study improved upon the methodology used in previous ITCs of risdiplam versus nusinersen [
33] by combining MAIC with ASM. This reduced potential biases from between-trial differences in the timing of scheduled visits for motor function assessments. ASM demonstrated that our MAIC findings on efficacy and safety were consistent regardless of the differing assessment schedules across FIREFISH and SHINE-ENDEAR.
The results from this study are applicable to patients with type 1 SMA and may not be generalizable across the SMA disease spectrum. Long-term data comparisons of risdiplam against nusinersen in other SMA types have not yet been conducted. Similarly, long-term data comparisons of risdiplam with other SMA treatments are not available to date. To our knowledge, only one other ITC has compared risdiplam with onasemnogene abeparvovec [
52]; it reported increased motor function outcomes with onasemnogene abeparvovec relative to risdiplam; however, this was conducted after 8 months of follow-up and without adjustment for known prognostic/predictive factors. In a previous MAIC conducted after 12 months of follow-up [
32], differences in study characteristics could not be sufficiently controlled, making MAIC of risdiplam and onasemnogene abeparvovec unfeasible. No new published data were available, so comparison against onasemnogene abeparvovec was not feasible at 36 months.
A recent review by Jiang et al. [
53] sought to provide perspectives on MAICs in SMA; we agree with the MAIC best practices highlighted by the authors, and thus we continue to apply the same practices throughout our works. Specifically, in the previous 12-month MAIC [
32] and in the present study, comparisons were made for the treated populations in SHINE-ENDEAR and FIREFISH upon evaluation of inclusion/exclusion criteria and baseline characteristic data, demonstrating that both trials enrolled patients of comparable disease burden, including pulmonary burden. Post-matching for documented prognostic/predictive factors, these populations were even more similar.
ITCs and external comparisons are considered useful tools for treatment decision-making and are used by regulatory agencies and reimbursement authorities in SMA and other neuromuscular diseases [
61]. We acknowledge that ITCs carry their own strengths and limitations and are not a replacement for high-quality, randomized clinical trials. Although Jiang et al. caution against the use of MAIC for drawing conclusions in health technology assessment (HTA) appraisals [
53], the method has been used to assess the risk–benefit balance of leukemia treatment for marketing authorization [
62], showing that it is accepted among healthcare decision-makers for the evaluation of treatment efficacy and safety.
HTA authorities commented explicitly on the previous 12-month MAIC [
32], which was conducted in the same patient population as this 36-month analysis. While considering the limitations of the 12-month MAIC, HTA authorities stated that the study was justified in the absence of head-to-head trials [
63], the propensity score matching resulted in reasonably balanced baseline characteristics [
64], and the overall MAIC results were acceptable [
55]. In this revised analysis, steps have been taken to address previous criticism. Baseline characteristics of children in FIREFISH (risdiplam) were matched to those of children from the nusinersen arm of SHINE-ENDEAR, excluding the best supportive care population. Furthermore, we conducted a series of sensitivity analyses on alternative adjustment factors to test matching stability and compare with the primary analysis results. ASM was also conducted to minimize potential bias from differences in the timing of scheduled assessments.
Study Limitations
Our comparisons were limited by the scope of the publicly available data. IPD were not available for nusinersen, but access to them would have increased the robustness of our comparisons as would the inclusion of additional treatment outcomes (e.g., swallowing, fatigue, or caregiver-reported outcomes). Safety outcomes other than time to first SAE were not considered in this study because of a lack of comparable data across trials.
Whilst our population adjustment was based on known prognostic/predictive factors [
28], the choice of adjustment factors was limited by the availability of baseline characteristics reported in both studies. In addition, results may be confounded (in any direction) by unadjusted baseline differences derived from unreported prognostic factors or effect modifiers.
ASM accounted for differences in assessment schedules between FIREFISH and SHINE-ENDEAR; however, this involved simplifications and assumptions [
The sample size of the patient populations compared in our study was small. This was especially the case for the FIREFISH sample size, where the pre-matching population of 58 patients was further reduced to an ESS of 40.6 post-matching. Larger sample sizes would have allowed for more robust comparisons; however, it must be noted that these sample sizes are not unusual in clinical trials investigating a rare disease.
There may have been heterogeneity in standard of care (SoC) across clinical sites and over time. However, the two trials had contemporaneous periods: patients treated with nusinersen first enrolled in ENDEAR in August 2014 [
65], and migrated into SHINE-ENDEAR in November 2016 [
36], with FIREFISH starting in December 2016 [
34]. In addition, both trials were conducted globally in many of the same clinical sites [
66], with a protocol that encouraged site investigators to meet local/national healthcare considerations, especially those focused on the respiratory, gastrointestinal/nutritional, and physical therapy management of study participants [
69]; specifically, 7/13 countries (Belgium, France, Italy, Japan, Spain, Turkey, and the USA) participated in both SHINE-ENDEAR and FIREFISH. Therefore, any differences we observed in the present study were not likely attributable to differences in SoC.