Ausgabe 1/2018
Inhalt (16 Artikel)
Lessons Learned: Implementation of Pilot Universal Postpartum Nurse Home Visiting Program, Massachusetts 2013–2016
- From the Field
Katie Stetler, Christine Silva, Susan E. Manning, Elizabeth M. Harvey, Emma Posner, Becca Walmer, Karin Downs, Milton Kotelchuck
Developing Collaborative Maternal and Child Health Leaders: A Descriptive Study of the National Maternal and Child Health Workforce Development Center
- From the Field
Alina Nadira Clarke, Dorothy Cilenti
Adolescent Reproductive and Contraceptive Knowledge and Attitudes and Adult Contraceptive Behavior
Karen Benjamin Guzzo, Sarah R. Hayford
The Association Between Preconception Care Receipt and the Timeliness and Adequacy of Prenatal Care: An Examination of Multistate Data from Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) 2009–2011
Meghan K. Wally, Larissa R. Brunner Huber, L. Michele Issel, Michael E. Thompson
Potential Impacts of Modifiable Behavioral and Environmental Exposures on Reducing Burden of Under-five Mortality Associated with Household Air Pollution in Nepal
Sabrina Naz, Andrew Page, Kingsley Emwinyore Agho
Associations Between Peer Counseling and Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration: An Analysis of Minnesota Participants in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Marcia Burton McCoy, Joni Geppert, Linda Dech, Michaela Richardson
Breastfeeding and Exposure to Past, Current, and Neighborhood Violence
Margaret L. Holland, Kelly Thevenent-Morrison, Mona Mittal, Alice Nelson, Ann M. Dozier
Making Decisions About Medication Use During Pregnancy: Implications for Communication Strategies
Molly M. Lynch, Linda B. Squiers, Katherine M. Kosa, Suzanne Dolina, Jennifer Gard Read, Cheryl S. Broussard, Meghan T. Frey, Kara N. Polen, Jennifer N. Lind, Suzanne M. Gilboa, Janis Biermann
Travel Time to Hospital for Childbirth: Comparing Calculated Versus Reported Travel Times in France
Hugo Pilkington, Caroline Prunet, Béatrice Blondel, Hélène Charreire, Evelyne Combier, Marc Le Vaillant, Jeanne-Marie Amat-Roze, Jennifer Zeitlin
Early Folic Acid Supplement Initiation and Risk of Adverse Early Childhood Respiratory Health: A Population-based Study
Vivian H. Alfonso, Gretchen Bandoli, Ondine von Ehrenstein, Beate Ritz
Facilitators and Barriers to Disclosure of Postpartum Mood Disorder Symptoms to a Healthcare Provider
Betty-Shannon Prevatt, Sarah L. Desmarais
Assessing the Risk of Having Small for Gestational Age Newborns Among Lebanese Underweight and Normal Pre-pregnancy Weight Women
Rym El Rafei, Hussein A. Abbas, Hind Alameddine, Ayah Al Bizri, Imad Melki, Khalid A. Yunis
Illness Representations of Pertussis and Predictors of Child Vaccination Among Mothers in a Strict Vaccination Exemption State
Rahul Garg, Abdulkarim Meraya, Pamela J. Murray, Kimberly Kelly