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Maternal and Child Health Journal

Ausgabe 1/2018

Inhalt (16 Artikel)

Lessons Learned: Implementation of Pilot Universal Postpartum Nurse Home Visiting Program, Massachusetts 2013–2016

  • From the Field

Katie Stetler, Christine Silva, Susan E. Manning, Elizabeth M. Harvey, Emma Posner, Becca Walmer, Karin Downs, Milton Kotelchuck

Breastfeeding and Exposure to Past, Current, and Neighborhood Violence

Margaret L. Holland, Kelly Thevenent-Morrison, Mona Mittal, Alice Nelson, Ann M. Dozier

Making Decisions About Medication Use During Pregnancy: Implications for Communication Strategies

Molly M. Lynch, Linda B. Squiers, Katherine M. Kosa, Suzanne Dolina, Jennifer Gard Read, Cheryl S. Broussard, Meghan T. Frey, Kara N. Polen, Jennifer N. Lind, Suzanne M. Gilboa, Janis Biermann

Travel Time to Hospital for Childbirth: Comparing Calculated Versus Reported Travel Times in France

Hugo Pilkington, Caroline Prunet, Béatrice Blondel, Hélène Charreire, Evelyne Combier, Marc Le Vaillant, Jeanne-Marie Amat-Roze, Jennifer Zeitlin

Assessing the Risk of Having Small for Gestational Age Newborns Among Lebanese Underweight and Normal Pre-pregnancy Weight Women

Rym El Rafei, Hussein A. Abbas, Hind Alameddine, Ayah Al Bizri, Imad Melki, Khalid A. Yunis