31.05.2020 | Original Article
Microsurgical anatomy of the stapedius muscle in adult cadavers
verfasst von:
Orhan Beger, Yusuf Vayisoğlu, Şuranur Akbulut, Pourya Taghipour, Salim Çakır, Derya Ümit Talas
Erschienen in:
Anatomical Science International
Ausgabe 4/2020
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This study aimed to establish an extended morphometric dataset regarding the stapedius muscle for anatomists and otologists. The tympanic cavity of ten cadavers (five females, five males) aged with 75.70 ± 13.75 years was bilaterally dissected. Morphometric properties of the stapedius muscle (i.e., its muscular belly and tendon) and its relationship with the neighborhood structures including the facial nerve was evaluated. The length of the entire stapedius muscle was found as 4.80 ± 1.13 mm. The depth between the entrance of the external auditory canal and stapedius muscle was measured as 18.23 ± 2.30 mm. The incudostapedial joint and stapedial tendon were found to be 1.66 ± 0.25 mm and 1.18 ± 0.19 mm away from the facial nerve, respectively. The stapedial tendon length was standardized as five types: Type 1, extremely short tendon (under 0.5 mm), 5% of cases; Type 2, short tendon (between 0.5 and 1 mm), 30% of cases; Type 3, normal tendon (between 1 and 2 mm), 55% of cases; Type 4, long tendon (between 2 and 2.5 mm), 10% of cases; and Type 5, extremely long tendon (above 2.5 mm), no cases. Our findings showed that the stapedius tendon size in adults was quite similar to fetuses. Therefore, probably entire muscle dimension does not alter after birth. Considering the concordance between direct anatomic (our findings) and radiologic measurements (literature findings) of the stapedius muscle, preoperative radiological evaluation may be important for otologists in terms of the choice of surgical tools such as diamond burr sizes. Due to the lack of standardization regarding the evaluation of the stapedius tendon size (i.e., extremely short or extremely long), we defined the tendons below 0.5 mm as extremely short (Type 1) and above 2.5 mm as extremely long (Type 5).