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26.06.2017 | Scientific Article

MRI characteristics of torn and untorn post-operative menisci

verfasst von: Richard Kijowski, Humberto Rosas, Adam Williams, Fang Liu

Erschienen in: Skeletal Radiology | Ausgabe 10/2017

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To compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics of torn and untorn post-operative menisci.


The study group consisted of 140 patients with 148 partially resected menisci who were evaluated with a repeat knee MRI examination and subsequent repeat arthroscopic knee surgery. Two musculoskeletal radiologists retrospectively assessed the following MRI characteristics of the post-operative meniscus: contour (smooth or irregular), T2 line through the meniscus (no line, intermediate signal line, intermediate-to-high signal line, and high fluid-like signal line), displaced meniscus fragment, and change in signal pattern through the meniscus compared with baseline MRI. Positive predictive values (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) were calculated using arthroscopy as the reference standard.


All 36 post-operative menisci with no T2 line were untorn at surgery (100% NPV), whereas 46 of the 79 post-operative menisci with intermediate T2 line, 16 of the 18 post-operative menisci with intermediate-to-high T2 line, and 14 of the 15 post-operative menisci with high T2 line were torn at surgery (58.2%, 88.9%, and 93.3% PPV respectively). Additional MRI characteristics associated with torn post-operative meniscus at surgery were irregular meniscus contour (PPV 85.7%), displaced meniscus fragment (PPV 100%), and change in signal pattern through the meniscus (PPV 99.4%).


Post-operative menisci with no T2 signal line were untorn at surgery. The most useful MRI characteristics for predicting torn post-operative menisci at surgery were change in signal pattern through the meniscus compared with baseline MRI, and displaced meniscus fragment followed by high T2 line through the meniscus, intermediate-to-high T2 line through the meniscus, and irregular meniscus contour.
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MRI characteristics of torn and untorn post-operative menisci
verfasst von
Richard Kijowski
Humberto Rosas
Adam Williams
Fang Liu
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erschienen in
Skeletal Radiology / Ausgabe 10/2017
Print ISSN: 0364-2348
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-2161

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